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With the attitude some gun owners have about guns and freedom, I don't think we need the anti's in America at all.


Fanaticism in defense of freedom is no vice.  Giving up a little freedom for some sense of security is the path of the spineless.  Should one follow all laws?  The law in Germany under Hitler said Jews had to be shipped off to concentration camps.  Many people followed the law and turned in the Jews that were hiding.  They did it to save their own skins.  They did it under the false belief it would help their own situation.  They were wrong then, and this type of gun owner is wrong today.

As for the typical gun owner in America today, I do know a lot about them.  They are fools.  Typically trusting, complacent and lazy, with no real understanding their right to own a gun is under attack.  If we were all like that, we would already be disarmed, like gun owners in other lands that had the same foolish attitude.  That's why so many of them don't even belong to an organization like the NRA.  They should thank God not all gun owners in America are stupid.

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More "common sense" gun legislation for the fools with their heads in the sand...


New York:  Micro-Stamping Legislation Passes Assembly Committee 

[/td]  [/tr]  [tr]  [td] [/td]  [/tr]  [tr]  [td]Wednesday, May 04, 2011[/td]  [/tr]  [tr]  [td] [/td]  [/tr]  [tr]  [td]  On May 3, Assembly Bill 1157 passed in the Assembly Codes Committee by a vote of 15 to 7 and will now head to the Assembly floor for consideration.  Introduced by state Assemblyman Michelle Schimel (D-16), A1157 would mandate micro-stamping on all new semi-automatic pistols sold in New York after January 1, 2013. 

A1157 would require all semi-automatic pistols delivered to any licensed firearms dealer in New York  for sale after January 1, 2013, to mechanically stamp an alpha-numeric  or geometric code that would identify the make, model and serial number  onto the cartridge case when the gun is discharged.  This bill would  require models currently available to be redesigned by their  manufacturers to have a micro-stamping component, which would vastly  increase the cost of these firearms.

Micro-stamping is an  unproven technology that is easily defeated with common household tools  and the replacement of a few small parts.  If passed, the availability  of semi-automatic handguns in New York  will be in serious doubt, as manufacturers simply may choose not to  build or sell firearms for purchase in the state.  Of course, that is  the ultimate goal of this legislation.  Make no mistake, this is a gun  ban and it must be stopped.

Please contact your Assemblyman and respectfully ask him or her to OPPOSE A1157.  Contact information can be found here.[/td][/tr][/table]

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It's that time of year again -- the time when the Brady Campaign  releases its annual scores and rankings, lavishing praise on state  governments that infringe upon the rights of their citizens and scorn on  those that respect the Constitution.  This year, the occasion was met with about as much enthusiasm as that other spring ritual, the income tax filing deadline.  If  this is the first you're hearing of the new rankings, let's hope that's  because the mainstream media has finally come to its senses about this  annual publicity stunt.

As it has since 1997, the Brady Campaign's grading system works by  assigning points to a state based on whether it has adopted a specific  type of gun control law.  The Brady Campaign then assigns each state a  grade -- now measured in "stars," undoubtedly because percentage grades  would show that the group has been unable to prevent most states from  failing its test.  Most states receive fewer than 10 points and no  stars.

The group does not try to measure the effectiveness of any of these  laws when assigning points and grades, instead implying that  simply having laws restricting the right to keep and bear arms somehow  makes a state better and safer.  This, of course, is a  false premise. Measuring restrictive laws simply for the sake of having  restrictive laws only assesses a state government's lack of respect for  the rights of its citizenry.

This "more is better" gun law fallacy is evidenced when the Brady  Campaign gives states points for restricting the Right to Carry and  punishes with "demerits" (negative points) those states that don't  require permits.  Today, 37 states have "shall issue" permit systems  and as of July 1, 2011 three of those states will also allow for  permitless carry (as does Vermont, which has no permit system).  This  has resulted in an estimated 6 million Americans exercising this right.  With all of these "guns in public places," in 2009 the country  experienced a 39-year low in its violent rate crime and a 45-year low  in its murder rate, according to the FBI.  These historic  lows also occurred in the absence of a federal "assault weapons" ban, a  law for which the Brady Campaign awards yet more points at the state  level.

When studying individual state rankings, the Brady Campaign's  delusions prove even more foolish. In a press release accompanying the  rankings, California  is praised as a "model of sensible gun laws," receiving 80 points out  of a possible 100 and earning the organization's only four-star ranking.  Conversely, Arizona and Utah are scolded as "Do-Nothing" states, receiving no points or stars for restrictive gun measures.  Someone must have forgotten to alert California's criminals of this prestigious honor, as the 2009 FBI Uniform Crime Report shows that the violent crime rates in Arizona and Utah are 13 and 55 percent lower, respectively, than those in California.

Times must be tough for the Brady Campaign, which acknowledges  cribbing the information used for the state scorecard from its fellow  gun control group, the Legal Community Against Violence.  With  an inability to conduct its own research, it is no wonder the  information Brady supplies to the public and the press often proves  misleading or false.  Or perhaps the Brady Campaign deems such research irrelevant, as its main tactic remains the exploitation of tragedy.

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Are you seriously comparing the law that states you cant bring a handgun into NY without a NY pistol permit with Germany shipping the Jews to concentration camps? You are saying that people should break the law if they dont agree with it, and using BS comparisons to try and justify it. Sorry, but thats the kind of attitude that fuels the anti-gun agenda and makes other law abiding gun owners look bad. While the rest of us speak our opinions to lawmakers using the right channels, guys like you support breaking the law and set the cause to change the laws back.  ::)

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I don't know why you keep repeating the lie that I am in favor of breaking the law, as I have stated many times, that is false.  Perhaps you can not read or comprehend what I post.  I said no one should support it.  I said turning another gun owner in for possession is supporting the law.  A non-resident of NY cannot get a NY pistol permit.  Do you understand that?

Anyone who would turn in another gun owner for violation of this unconstitutional law is a RAT!  Unless the man threatens you personally with it, you are a RAT if you Rat him out for mere possession.

Just like the people in Germany who ratted out the Jews!  If you can't see the comparison, you are in denial to justify being a RAT!

What fuels the anti-gun agenda is gun owners who agree with the anti-gun agenda!

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I don't know why you keep repeating the lie that I am in favor of breaking the law, as I have stated many times, that is false.  Perhaps you can not read or comprehend what I post.  I said no one should support it.  I said turning another gun owner in for possession is supporting the law.  A non-resident of NY cannot get a NY pistol permit.  Do you understand that?

Anyone who would turn in another gun owner for violation of this unconstitutional law is a RAT!  Unless the man threatens you personally with it, you are a RAT if you Rat him out for mere possession.

Just like the people in Germany who ratted out the Jews!  If you can't see the comparison, you are in denial to justify being a RAT!

What fuels the anti-gun agenda is gun owners who agree with the anti-gun agenda!

I have repeated no lie, you have said in more ways than one that you support people breaking the NY handgun laws on the principal that you dont agree with them, and they are "stupid laws" anyway. I know that non-NY residents cant get NY pistol permits, which is why I have written letters to my reps telling them I am in support of pistol permit reciprocacy in NY. I am fully aware of the gun laws in NY, and I abide by them whether I agree with them or not. I am a law abiding gun owner that makes my feelings known to my state and national representatives, you know, the right way of going about things.

If you want to call someone a rat for turning in criminals, then you are no better than Jimmy the crack dealer that trys to intimidate the neighborhood.

Again, comparing someone paying the price for knowingly committing a crime and someone being sent to a concentration camp to become a slave an/or be tortured and killed is just ignorant ranting on your behalf, and is nothing but apples to oranges.

You are 100% wrong on your opinion that following the law is supporting the law. And just an FYI, when I moved back to NY from Ohio, I had to get rid of the handguns that I legally owned there without any type of permit, so dont pull the "until it affects your rights" BS with me.

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I'm now more convinced than before that there is a major deficit in comprehending the English language in it's written form here, and a fantastic ability to read things in posts that are not there, while ignoring things that are there.  The level of assumption, presumption, and misinterpretation contained in rebuttals to my posts, is astounding.  To continue this debate would be totally obtuse, based on that flawed reading skill and miniscule capacity for understanding logical thought.

I'll just ignore any further posts going forward, because to me, they are now insignificant.

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LOL, I love how you make excuses for and say youll stand by someone that intentionally breaks the law by bringing a handgun into NY illegally (the same as supporting the action) in one thread and then act like you didnt in another.  ::D

Again, just because you dont think the law is right doesnt mean you and others shouldnt follow it until it is changed.

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I not sure that not telling on someone is really breaking the law... it's more like not offering up information unless you're asked.. there is no law against that... now if you were under oath and lied that would be different...

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