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Got a new Dog

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We drove out to Cortland Friday and picked our new pup. He is a 16 week old German Wirehaired Pointer named Gus, I can't wait to get him on birds. We already have joined Navdha, and lucky for me the chapter in my area is 5mins from the house. Gus is already responding to training very well and I have high hopes for him. The breeder invited me out to hunt over his dogs with him this fall too, I can't wait.

Here is Gus with the breeder from two weeks ago.


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They are amazing bird dogs.  I have hunted with the german short hair also and they are good too.  My next dog will be a short hair,  I cant get one right now cause I have an old chow that doesnt get along with any big dogs. 

In southern california its all about the bird hunting.  Alot of quail chukar and in some areas good pheasant hunting.

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YEP, that's a brandy new chapter with some real nice folks,

say hi to Evelyn and Jeff for me (Large & Small Munsterlanders), tell em Hoss says hello,

I'm in the Hudson Valley Chapter, helped start the Rock Tavern Chapter a few eons ago, and used to train with the Del Val folks years ago.

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yes it is.. He his a great guy, I liked talking to him and he is the one that invited me down hunting. Originally Gus was going to go to a guy from Jersey but Bruce didn't like what he was seeing and hearing so he backed out late in the process. Thats why we got him at 16 weeks.

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NAVHDA is the Mecca for us journeying dog folk. They'll help you train and get you on the right path. Testing is a disease that gets ya later on after you have been totally absorbed in all the success. I've been a LIFE MEMBER since the 90's and I've run and trained a multitude of dogs through the entire system including the Invitational. It is a great organization and is chock full of great folks.

great start...


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks guys,  Man I can't beleive how fast Gus is growing! I looked at those pics from a month ago and he is alot taller/bigger now. He is doing good with our training too, we have learned sit/stay, fetch, come, heel on the leash and Gus figured out he likes Chukkar and Ducks this last week. He isn't to fond of swimming yet but I'm sure he will get it in due time. I plan on testing him next spring with Navhda so hopefully he will be ready by then.

The next big thing is getting him to figure out he has to point the birds not try to tackle them, I can't wait for that one to happen.

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