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Exodus commercial

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Exodus has a unique model dealing direct to consumer. Not an easy thing to do.

I always go back to the question whether I want to pay that much money for a cam with a 5-year warranty from a company that hasn't been around 5 years. That part just makes me nervous. Too many companies have done that, issued such large proclamations, sold a pile of cams on pre-order, and then issued crummy cams, and folded up shop. I am not saying they are doing this, but I've seen it happen to not want to sink my funds in a company that isn't proven when their differentiator is lifespan. Their cam performance isn't exactly a differentiator from other cam lines.

The other thing is that they've been around for about what, 2 years technically? Maybe 2.5? Have you noticed a huge shift in the market? I haven't. When a product or model forces others to innovate, then you have something important. The "regular" cam companies aren't exactly changing their behavior. Maybe that's a mistake on their part and Exodus will take over the world soon.

I enjoy humor, it's a great way to advertise. But, I would think a company like this wouldn't need humor if their product/model could differentiate on its own. I think they'd need to offer a cam at or slightly above normal prices with the 5 year warranty to change the game. They can't do that due to scale of their production and the fact that they are doing all of the legwork themselves with direct to consumer.

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