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More for you NRA hating gun owners

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I'm not seeing what's nuts about posting that video... I guess it might seem a bit hard to take by an anti-gun or anti-hunting person... since when is a message from the NRA explaining some of the things they have been working on considered "Nuts"?

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Was that clip supposed to be informative?  Are we supposed to be surprised to hear that the NRA is lobbying hard to oppose gun control by declaring gun control efforts to be an assault on the constitution?  Or, was the part about 'protecting the rights of hunters' the part that we were supposed to latch onto?  Personally, I'd prefer to have hunters rights lobbied for by a hunting organization, not the NRA.

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The National Rifle Association is a Big-Money Special Interest Group

The anti-gun movement needs to hang onto this myth because they can't admit being beaten by the average apolitical American. When it's all said and done, however, the NRA is simply a group of over 4 million gun owners that paid its dues, created a group with a common goal, and worked together to make sure gun rights are protected.

Unlike the anti-gun groups that are funded by billionaire liberals, the pro-gun movement is largely self-funded. Even gun manufacturers lack the deep pockets of the liberal groups and biased establishment media conglomerates that are trying to destroy gun rights.

Anti-gun groups and people like leftist propagandist Michael Moore simply can't admit they are being beaten by a group of nobodies, so they conjure an image of an evil, money-laden special interest group.

The fact remains that it is the millions of members, not the money, that makes the NRA powerful - a fact that surely keeps the billionaire anti-gun liberals awake at night.

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