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"Coyote Juice" - Wildlife Research.


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Success, tips or is it worth giving a try?

ł have a call and decoy setup in an online cart, coyote numbers in my hunting area have convinced me to give predator hunting a try.

This popped up as a recommended item and ł am looking for input from anyone that has used it before.


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  On 12/17/2018 at 5:20 PM, XGX7PM said:

Success, tips or is it worth giving a try?

ł have a call and decoy setup in an online cart, coyote numbers in my hunting area have convinced me to give predator hunting a try.

This popped up as a recommended item and ł am looking for input from anyone that has used it before.



I dont know any coyote hunters that use scents. Not saying it does not work, just dont know anyone using them and i belong to a few predator forums. What call and deek u getting?

Edited by Engraver99
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they're really smart. more you can trip their senses coming in to what they're thinking the better. i put it off to each side within bow range. they'll come in however and if they try to cut your wind they'll smell it before you, which makes them close in more distance to maybe offer a shot.

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ł plan on doing a lot of reading to better understand them moving forward.

ł plan on setting up on the edge of a clearing, opposite some hardwoods, my camera has been catching them in this area a bit recently.

My thoughts were to put out some venison scraps about 3'-5' from the edge in the field and use the call to try and get them in the area. ł'm hoping they circle around down wind and come through the hardwoods to check on the sound and begin to eat the scraps on the edge of the woods.

There are a lot of variables but if ł play the wind right and cover my scent does this seem like a good approach?

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  On 12/17/2018 at 6:56 PM, XGX7PM said:

ł plan on doing a lot of reading to better understand them moving forward.

ł plan on setting up on the edge of a clearing, opposite some hardwoods, my camera has been catching them in this area a bit recently.

My thoughts were to put out some venisom scraps about 3'-5' from the edge in the field and use the call to try and get them in the area. ł'm hoping they circle around down wind and come through the hardwoods to check on the sound and begin to eat the scraps on the edge of the woods.

There are a lot of variables but if ł play the wind right and cover my scent does this seem like a good approach?


coyotes will come from cover and something has to pull them out. your scent can't blow to them before they offer a shot. you do get busted make the sound of an injured yipping dog. some times they'll turn broadsided for a second and look back.

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I occasionally use my ghost blind or my ameristep throw down blind, I mostly don't bring a blind (too much to carry). Wear a facemask and cap with a lid and set in front of a bush so you can't be sky-lined or profiled. If the coyotes are a no show for an hour-they most likely are not coming or have found you before you found them.

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  On 12/17/2018 at 7:46 PM, Engraver99 said:

you might want to check out some books written by NY predator hunter

Andrew L. Lewand
he has a bunch of books with some good NY hunting tips for Eastern Coyotes and Fox.


The "Blind" ł'm considering is an old cabin on my property. It' safe just doesn't get much use.

ł am fairly confident the clearing alongside it will be easy to see across with a little moonlight. It's a narrow field 25 to 40 yard in any direction from where ł would set up is woods.

Is that trying to get them too close?

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most of my shots (rifle) are probably 50 yards or a little more. I also use a shotgun with a red dot sight if I am hunting inside the wood line or in the woods and have had them almost run over me. Ya never know where they will appear- they always surprise me and it happens fast, sometimes too fast when successful calling is done. I'd also say, in most cases they win the battle (see me before I see them). Many times I have caught them (in cover) checking me out before I realized they were there. Frustrating...but Fun!

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  On 12/17/2018 at 7:17 PM, XGX7PM said:

Only shiny surfaces will be glasses and scope, nothing ł can do about those.

What if ł set up in a blind with everything shut except one window looking downwind?


no need. your fine. they come in quick even if trotting in. good to have freedom of movement when the time comes to shoot quick.

Edited by dbHunterNY
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