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Tree Stand Question - Where to put it?


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Hey All,

I have an property where on one side is all fields about 100 yards off my property line on neighbors land.  Should I consider putting a stand right on the property line? Or should I go back about 200 yards so I am off the field even further?  I see so many trails going to / from the fields, just not sure where to place the stand.


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Way too many factors involved to give any sound advise,usually takes me alot of thinking and scouting to determine a stand and thats with me physically being there. Without seeing the layout I wont even attempt to give advise, sorry. But you cant go wrong with being a couple hundred yards off on a main trail that leads into a feeding area, even better is if you find where couple trails may converge into one that lead into a field/foodplot.

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funnel areas like valleys or near a swamp have worked for me.  too close to a food source isnt imo good for a morning hunt, cause the deer are coming off the fields too bed before dawn.  If you can keep a 2-3 hundred yards away from the food source you can hunt it in the morning and in the evening.  catch them leaving the food source and going into the food source.  I have also used a topo map to check elevations in the propery,  which will help also with finding natural funnels .

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Very good info. Fairgame. Thats how I hunt my property, couple hundred yards off my plots and always go in from the backdoor. I never approach my plots or go near them in the morning. I can however hunt close to the plots in the afternoons. Thats how I got my 4 pointer with bow last year, I took him about 150 yards from the plot. My dad is the only one that actually hunts the plots all day, but that is during the rifle season.

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I was so excited by all the talk about hunting I actually went out and bought a few mags (bow hunter, white tail, and a few others).  There were a few articles about the natural funnels in there, and how successful you can be by looking @ the terrain.  It's neat stuff.

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