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new barrel at the range


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I ordered a bergara barrel for my encore.  It arrived yesterday.  I put a Nikon 3x9x40 buckmasters on it. I made a range trip last evening.  I was shooting 100 grains of Blackhorn 209 a hornady xtp 240 grain .429 in a harvestor crush rib sabot with cci 209 primers.  I started out at 50 yards after some scope adjustment I shot a nice 4 shot group.  Then I moved to 75 yards and shot a 3 shot group after some scope adjustment again.  The first pic is of the 50 yard group then the second pic is my 75 yard group.  Next trip will be 100 yards as I ran out of light last evening



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Bubba the deep curls are known as the poor man's nosler. I have  not shot a deer with them yet but they group awsome in my X7 and nef. I just got 50 more of the .452 300 gr from powder valleys. I know graff and sons and midsouth shooter supply have them.


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I have ben looking for the .257 120 grainers for my 25-06 as I am tired of buying noslers at twice the price.  I have never had a problem with an xtp putting a deer on the ground quick.  I will look closer at the deep curls. 

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