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3 weeks and nearly 4 acres of plots completed

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So I have been working my ass off the past 3 weeks (about 30 hrs) putting in 11 food plots totaling nearly 4 acres.  3 plots were from last year that I just hit with the discs but the rest of them I had to till, one bottom plow and disc or combination of all.  I get most of my seed from Hancock Seed (daikon radishes, purple top turnips, austrian winter peas, clover and Ultimate Fall Plot Mix) but some from Evolved Harvest (7 Card Stud) and Biologic ( Sugar Beets and Winter Bulbs, Green Patch) locally at Tractor Supply.  All fertilized with 10-20-20.  There are also 2 stands of existing clover.

There is 90 acres on this side of the road and each plot is labeled.

1) Clover & Turnips - already up) - on power line

2) Daikon Radishes - on power line

3) Hancock Ultimate Fall Plot Mix (blue lupine; oats; rye; peas & wheat)

4) 7 Card Stud (a little honey hole spot on the back side of 40 year old dense pine trees) - already up

(oats; triticale; peas; clover; turnips; chicory & radish)

5) Biologic Sugar Beets & Winter Bulbs - already up

6) Turnips & Radishes

7) 50 lbs. Austrian Winter Peas - already up

8) Clover - already up

9) Hancock Ultimate Fall Plot Mix - (blue lupine; oats; rye; peas & wheat)

10) Biologic Green Patch - (grains; clover & brassicas)

Many of the plots also have some daikon radishes spread thin throughout.

I'm hoping all this hard work will pay off! It's raining right now as I type... yahoo!



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Good deal and yep it's alot of work but at least it's fun work. Even if you don't tag out it's still a great benefit. Think about how much that could reduce the browse pressure on your wood lot alone. They might be less interested in browsing the young oak sapling on the way to your plots!

Edited by zag
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