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I Have To Share This....


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My wife and I just took a jaunt to Stewart's. I felt like having a beer.

I'm walking in and one of my neighbors is right ahead of me, we say hi. Being how I was raised I look around to see if anyone else is going in, yep, I still have manners. I hold the door for a blond dressed in a leather skirt and thigh boots, she says |Thank you sir.". As I am walking back to the beer cooler my neighbor does a 'whiplash' look back at the woman. Without thinking I blurt out "You'll get whiplash looking back like that ****.". He looks at me and smiles.


I get back in the car and tell my wife what just happened. She busts out laughing as she saw **** do the look back and then smile as I walked past him. After hearing what I said to him she couldn't help but laugh.


I guess you had to be there for this so make sense and be funny, but It cracked me up.

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