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That is one tiny camera that he is using there. I would think the problem would come when you take your shot. Who knows where the camera will be pointed. Probably would be pointed at the ground ...... lol. But I guess if you are by yourself with no camera-man, it might be better than nothing.

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That's a heck of a mounting system with a lot of moving parts .

My wife bought an EPIC Bow Camera a couple years ago . I need reading glasses to tell if it is On or Off . I thought I was filming a kill shot but apparently I didn't have the camera turned on . When the camera is mounted to the bow , it really amplifies the sound of the shot !

The EPIC system also has a clip so you can mount the camera to a hat but it has to be cocked on the hat to see the shot take place .

The main thing is ......... you have to remember to hold the bow up so you can see the shot and follow the deer as it takes off .

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