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Ohio deer hunting


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Anyone ever go hunt Ohio? I have a place I can stay at anytime and was out there for work this past week. Its in Portage county near Suffield. There are corn fields and soy beans planted everywhere. I talked to alot of the locals and not one hunted or knew anyone who hunted. I found that quite odd, I looked at maps and checked into season dates price of license etc. Ohio has a very nice bow season. Sept 24 till Febuary 4th I think it was. Just looking to see if anyone has hunted that area and what one could expect or any state land that stood out in particular to them. Being 6 hours away from me I would like atleast not go in blind. Im sure first trip back out there would be a scouting adventure.

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I have a daughter in ohio but her husband dont hunt, so I contacteed the division of wildlife and they were great they sent me there hunting reg. and trapping book also a ohio hunting fishing and wildlife viewing areas map and also a list of farmers and orchard owners I could contact who allowed hunting on there property I also signed up for there wild Ohio magazine its like our new york state conservationist You can also go to thee website

www.wildohio.com and get lots of good info if You hunt around you can find where they have taken some good bucks. hope this Helps a little. also fould some people whom would get me on property where they had taken good bucks in the past so next year I will be there...Ron

I think I called 1-330-644-2293 for the information that I got.

Edited by vietvet50
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Thanks Vietvet. Your info is much appreciated. I have made contact with a fellow maple syrup producer that lives 10 minutes from where I will be staying that is also willing to show me around the area. He is a big bowhunter as well and says he has taken some really nice bucks off the state land in that area in Ohio.

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