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National Right To Carry Reciprocity Act - any thoughts?

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I dont get too excited over it, I carry a handgun in almsot every state we hunt in or run our hounds in, almost every state allows Open Carry, and in some states like Utah (which I would hardly call the easiest to get a CCW in, NH wins that vote) you can carry under a jacket or in a truck as long as you are two mechanical actions away from firing, ie, a semi with loaded clip and safety on with chamber empty is fine,

I think the concealed thing is a pain, you can carry a handgun carry it however you want, like we do in VT, make it like UT with the 2 actions to fire a round and then drop the ccw bs all together, you cant get a decent shot hunting unless you ahve time to chamber one msot times anyway.

the self defense angle to me is moot, in those cases the only thing a pistol is for is to fight your way to your rifle, feel threatened? carry a double barrel shotgun I bet you dont get bothered.

I cant believe we are paying politicians to work on whether or not you get to make use of a Constitutional Right....I guess no one cares enough to hang them when they restrict the Rights to begin with.

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Just my two cents. I think the reciprocity is a good idea, I don't think it will ever become law as you all envision it. A little background I am "allowed" to carry in every state via :The Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act" What that means is as a retired police officer I have an "exemption" of Local law ie State municipal etc from obtaining an individual permit. I can tell you many stories of police officers both active and retired being arrested because the State AG told the local police to do it. Here is what happens. I would be arrested fingerprinted and booked as the case drags thru the court I would ascert "HR 218 Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act", Which amounts to an "Affirmitive" defense not an exemption. Would the case be dismissed? that is the question! So if anyone has a doubt as to whether NY Permits will be honored in another state think this way WHAT OTHER STATE DOES NY HONOR NY is one step below NJ when it comes to this topic Even in MASS. you can get a Non resident permit but in NY NJ? again I hope they re-write and re-introduce this law with common language that can be UNDERSTOOD!

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