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Taking pressure off climbing stick


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I plan to switch from a 20 foot stick ladder to (3) individual climbing sticks to get into my hang ons this year. I plan to leave the top stick on the tree and carry in the bottom 2 each time I hunt. Should I take the pressure off or loosen the straps on the top stick after I hunt and pull it down tight next hunt or should keep it tight all season? I plan to hang my stands this week and was thinking it might keep the straps in better shape if I take the pressure off. FYI- I plan on using the regular factory strap in addition to another buckle strap for extra security. Any climbing stick guys have any thoughts? Thanks!

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9 minutes ago, regulat0r said:

That’s what I planned on doing. Just pushing it back up the tree an inch or 2 to take the pressure off. Then pulling it back down into place next hunt. Any reason why this would not be ok?

I know the elements break down ropes or straps overtime but there is no way a couple months will make them unsafe. 

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