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Biden will be a disaster, an expert opinion

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Thomas Sowell is known to be one of the most intelligent economists in the history of the US and is considered to be completely non-partisan in politics.  His opinion has always been respected and unchallenged.  This video explains why he believes Biden will be a disaster for America.  The video has clips of Biden saying in his own words, how he is going to force you to comply with his demands.  From taxes, to gun laws. to education.  It's all about oppression. We are in for unprecedented abuse from the left as long as they have the power to do it.  God help America.


Edited by Grouse
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Analysis by Arnold Ahlert:

"Nothing has been more cynical — or more transparent — than the elevation of a man with increasing mentation problems to the most powerful position on earth. Quite simply, there can be no 9:00 a.m. "lids" for the leader of the free world. When the realization of that becomes undeniable, America will end up with a president so inherently unlikeable, she would have likely lost the Democrat primary vote in her own state. Nonetheless, as columnist Jason Whitlock rightly noted, the media successfully made this election about loving Trump or hating him — and hate carried the day.

When Trump is no longer around to hate? Americans may belatedly discover the ideology they voted for is virtually destined to make them equally miserable. When "save the planet" doubles electricity bills and gas prices, kowtowing to China makes it the most powerful nation on earth, and amnesty, open borders, and an exponential increase in foreign workers devastate American employment opportunities — while the people who champion such policies remain wholly immune from their consequences — things may take a decided turn for the worse for a party that has promised social utopia is just around the corner.

In short, Americans will learn the true measure of putting those who hate the county in charge of it. They will learn that when talent and ambition are yoked to grandiose schemes of wealth "redistribution," more productive Americans will sit on the sidelines. When merit is replaced by quotas and equality of outcome, not opportunity, they will learn that incentive and coercion are not interchangeable in terms of producing prosperity. They will learn the diktats that became routine during the pandemic — wholly absent legislative input — may become a permanent part of American governance, and that "emergencies" will be declared whenever suppressing dissent becomes necessary.

Above all else, they will learn that those who despise not just America but the nation-state itself won't really care if America prospers or not, since it is merely one market among many, and its workers are little more than cogs in a globalist machine that will seek labor where it is cheapest — and most compliant. They will discover what it truly means when a nation that has long revered inalienable rights and individual liberty gives way to one where justice is capricious and where constitutional rights give way to the "greater good" as it is defined by some of the most contemptuous people in the country.

Assuming the courts reject all challenges of vote fraud, Donald Trump remains president until January. As commander-in-chief, it behooves him to make every effort to declassify and expose every aspect of the rampant corruption that has attended his four years in office, even if it means firing one uncooperative bureaucrat after another until he gets to those whose patriotism transcends their partisanship.

A government of, by, and for the people demands nothing less.

Liberal columnist Glenn Greenwald rightly labeled the inability to count votes in a timely manner a national disgrace. For oligarchs who disdain not just America but the very concept of the nation-state itself, that's a feature, not a bug.

For decent Americans, it's a tragedy."


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