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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/23/11 in Posts

  1. Being 69 I sure miss the hunting camp of the past. My hunting buddies have passed away and the camp was sold off by the family to LI city folk for a summer home, I have 26 acreas in back of my house to hunt, so I got for about a total of 6 hours per day. I like the first 2 hours prior to light and then the last 4 hours to sit in several ground blinds I have made up. But sure do miss the getting ready for the season at the hunt club, the pre scouting, getting the camp ready, cutting the woods for the wood stove, the actual hunt were lots of the stumps in the woods had names for past kills or hunters, These were the older guys from WWII that hunted with the red / black wool outfits or solid green wool. Several of them also smoked the old black cigars, that as a kid would make my eye tear. I can think back so many years and still see that first time I was able to get a buck at camp, a 303 cal. that was left off from the war, that I had cut down the stock and redid it, The buck walked out about 60 yards from were I was sitting and it was in the last light of the day in the catskills, I put the gun agains a big maple and squezed off a shot and down he went. My Dad was the first to come over, and then several of the other older guys who then described out to clean the deer. They had a special prayer for the deer that was handed down year after year on someone taking there first deer. That was in 1960, or 51 years ago and if I close my eye it seems like yesterday. I wish all to have a great hunt this year and if you can take a kid hunting and get a new hunter started so our sport does not die out.
    1 point
  2. Agreed Doc, I love this time of year but hate knowing that the drudgery of dealing with snow is right around the corner.
    1 point
  3. If I pay to much attention to the change I start loosing sleep thinking about all the jazz to do comming up!
    1 point
  4. A few years ago my frinds father took a tiny deer in muzzloader it weighed under 25 lbs field dressed... it would of never made it thru the winter. said it was the best 4 sandwiches he ever had!! lol
    1 point
  5. Cold fried (scrambled) egg sandwiches on toast ..... about 3 of them. And a thermos of coffee and sometimes a couple small cans of V-8 (spicey kind). That's my breakfast and lunch. I know.... it sounds kind of gaggy, but I like them.
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. What steve863 said about the one buck one doe tag would be a great thing, and then have extra dmp only where needed to controll population. That actually sounds really good. The lottery DMPs are given out in certain zones
    1 point
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