Fasteddie has a valid point, these are not hunts as many would like to think they are, but population control must be done. i'd rather have someone who has purchased a licence do the shooting than pay to have it done by someone else. Doc, And if a property is surrounded with homes to be in that kind of a danger they could easily be arrested for reckless endangerment. there are laws on the books that already cover this. lowering the distance and having more regs put in to cover safety would be redundant. get rid of the distance that is seldom enforced and put a good reasonable distance in place to help control the population and cost of deer carcass removal.. Yes the bait and shoot programs get charged to donate to a food bank, so your paying someone to remove deer you can yourself, and then paying for processsing to give it to someone else.. guess what that means more tax dollars being spent foolishly. Even in non hunting areas your tax dollars pay to have the road kill haulled away and disposed of. I rather a hunter who wants the game take it at no cost to me