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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/05/12 in Posts

  1. Nice pics paula, thanks for post them. Reminds me of a spot I hunted in 7r, Turkeys would always hit the old cornfeild. Especialy after the farmer spread manuer. I try not to think about it either
    1 point
  2. NFA, doesnt it make sense that the DEC would be trying to introduce multiple pieces to the solution rather than hang their hat on just one? BTW, I wasnt directing my comment at you either lol. I agree with what you said in the other thread about lowering the age restrictions being a better way of doing it than a youth hunt. I just dont think we should throw the youth hunt idea out the window.
    1 point
  3. Paint the picture how ever you want. My main point would be that with all the eco friendly people who hate hunters and promote any anti hunting/fishing stuff. This is a actual real world thing that can be done to entice people into the outdoors and hunting/fishing. Will this transform our younger generation, NO. Yet it will introduce them to the outdoors and what hunting and fishing is really about. Not don't kill a animal because it is wrong which is spread throughout our school systems here on LI... The anti's have a monopoly down here you have no clue if you think otherwise, one of the reasons I doubt this will take effect, just too much resistance from the left wing... PS: I doubt I will ever be affected by a youth hunt or any youth program, I just oppose one's that don't work in my oppinion. If that makes you think i want the woods all to my self fine be that as it may, you are entitiled to think thats my view, called an opinion... This is a real solution not some sugar coated unrealistic hunt, and again I doubt this would ever affect me. A youth hunt would not affect me. I oppose what is not realistic. This is a real viable solution that would work for the entire state, not a few lucky kids that get a early season hunt. Again we need this to introduce people and educate them about the outdoors and in the proccess hopefully gain some recognition and acceptablitly from the border line people. We have enough jerks out thier doing bad things, poaching, spotlighting, jacking, riding with loaded weapons, thrill hunts. This would shed good light on conservation and ethical hunting/fishing. In so far as exposing kids to the orange army, yea, you do not have to take a kid out opening day of rifle for deer as his 1st hunt. Any ethical hunter/mentor would take the kid out many times before he was intoduced to big game hunting opening day IMHO... I am shocked at the resistance here, finally a proposal that would have a positive impact on our young and yet we find and point out the negative. Nothing is perfect yet this is the best proposal to help the young get healthy, be knowlegeable about the outdoors and or possibly become a hunter/fisherman/woman...
    1 point
  4. I think you are failing to recognize that the big problem with youth recruitment today is that the sales team for hunting, fishing and outdoor activities is being replaced by the sales team for anti-hunting in our schools. It's a new approach to promoting hunting that is designed to change attitudes. This is the first time I have seen the government actually do something to reverse that and you find something evil in that? I'm afraid I don't understand. Where is the "down-side"? Yes, I expect some severe opposition from the animal rights crowd, but I never expected it would be coming from the ranks of hunters. And yes they will be exposed and prepped for what hunting really is instead of trying to paint some phony rosey picture of what hunting is not. Chances are pretty good that young hunters introduced in an honest, good faith, fashion will be hunters that are not shocked back out of hunting because of trumped up bogus expectations. To me, that's pretty straight-forward logic.
    1 point
  5. Okay, my bad - just had to look.. Great shots of a magnificient bird.
    1 point
  6. Yeah, it's certainly not a done deal, and even if it does get implemented into law, it is still optional participation by each school. However, where this is adopted, there is no doubt that a whole lot of kids will get an indoctrination that is currently completely unavailable. To have this sort of thing going on in the school environment is exactly what is needed to build aceptance once again of hunting and fishing (they didn't mention anything about trapping) among children. We have been completely missing in the battle to win the hearts and minds of youngsters in schools, while the other side has been very well represented. I see this as not only an opportunity to add significant numbers to the hunting ranks, but also to create a lifetime aire of social acceptance among those that don't actually become hunters and fishermen. These are the kinds of ideas that are needed by pro-hunting legislators and outdoor organizations as well as the DEC. This is the kind of thing that will really make a difference and is something that deserves our support.
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. Thanks guys, I finally found #30 today! YAAAAAY ME!!! He's a pretty good one too... another mulie wannabe! This is one of the bucks I saw earlier in march with 2 of his buddies at the greenfield. I looked long and hard for more but this was it for the day.
    1 point
  9. I have a 30-30 marlin and wont ever use another rifle. Absolutly love it.
    1 point
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