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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/12/12 in Posts

  1. I've suffered with Target panic on and off for over 3 years. Only happens while target shooting! It usually happens when I shoot a lot over a certain amount of time!
    1 point
  2. I remember an interview with Hillary when health care was discussed. The issue of forcing insurance companies to pay for people at Emergency Rooms was mentioned and a sly grin came over her face and she said she was in the Senate for that and was proud of it. The interviewer then mentioned that the insurance companies were allowed to raise their fees by about $1oo a month and the grin just got bigger. This was the start of rediculous costs and it wasn't greedy insurance companies it was big brother. If they are so damned worried about charity why don't they call it that and set up a seperate dept to administer it like a welfare program that it is. No, they piggy back it on medicare or sneak the cost into all the honest people trying to take care of their families insurance premiums. Then they ask why more people don't buy health insurance. Really? Maybe with all the billions about to be wasted on this health care scam why not open more medical schools and require that free clinics be open to train the new doctors and require the patients to prove they are here legally and can't afford to pay for it. The illegals should be treated for serious issues and deported with their families. BTW sending someone home is not punishment it is fair and ethical. I would bet most of you don't know what's in this bill. Sales tax on real estate transactions at a time when we are all going to take a loss on sales. Taking over the student loan business, what the hell does that have to do with health care? I don't know all the details either but it looks a lot more like a totalitarian power grab the anything else.
    1 point
  3. BTW, watched Zombieland again last night. "GOD@#MN BILL F*&$ING MURRAY!!!!!" :lol:
    1 point
  4. I have to ask is there anyone who doesn't know Obama is a liar? It has been documented ad nauseam, transparency, no lobbyists, plus bribes for votes etc. But let's review a few pertaining to his health care law: No you can't keep yor doctor. Yes there will be death panels( you can call them whatever you want ), No you won't be getting his level of health care, Is it a tax or a fine ( the penalty for not having insurance ). BTW does anyone realize how little the law spells out and how much is left to the Sec of Health and appointed panels? I have no love for the medical profession but does anyone believe a president who goes on TV and claims doctors are removing tonsils and amputating feet to make money? This law with Obama's crooked financing counts the same half billion twice but really takes a half billion away from medicare. Sadly, many things look good on paper but don't deliver in reality like socialism. Every time it has been tried it has developed into a dictatorship and the ruling class get good living quarters and health care while the rest of the population suffers disgusting conditions. Even in Canada and England where free health care is used as an example you have to wait so long for surgery that a stage one cancer can develop into stage two or three by the time you're allowed to have it. Many Canadians who can afford it come here and pay cash for their medical needs so they can get them while still being effective. Now ad to this Obama's open mike moment where he was recorded telling the president of Russia he can be more flexible on removing missle defense systems from Europe after his election. OK Russia is our enemy, they have done more to help Iran develop nuclear weapons than anyone else. So why is the leader of the free world making promises he knows we don't want him to keep? BTW why would a missle defense system bother anyone who isn't planning to launch a missle? Can't the smartest man in the world figure that out? It's like walking up to a cop and asking him to take off his bullet proof vest. I don't plan on shooting you but that vest is really pissing me off. Huh?
    1 point
  5. Yes & No! As gross as it may sound I have favorites that I always seem to fall back on during the season. When you've trimmed, bent and fitted one that ends up sounding pretty good- it's a keeper! Kinda like that old favorite hat, coat, slippers, dog.... just feels right when you're there! I usually rinse mine in mouthwash a couple of times during the season and definately before putting them away. Over the years I've purchased many, most are all hype and crappy sounds. Have 4-5 I carry, but only a couple I always seem to use year after year. Like any other hunting tool, you're always searching for the ultimate "sure bet"!
    1 point
  6. Geeze !!! You guys are starting to sound like a bunch of wash women. Relax. You're psyching yourselves out. The turkeys WILL be somewhere. Unless they fly south for the spring......
    1 point
  7. I started bow hunting in 1977 and stopped using my compound bow in 2007 because I needed corrective lenses for close and distance objects. No matter what I tried either the pins were blurry or the target was blurry. I tried everything, even going to an opthomalogist for advice on corrective surgery which he acknowleged wouldn't help my situation. I could still shoot a scoped gun with no issues so I tried a red-dot on my bow and I still couldn't get it down so I gave up archery hunting. In 2008 I bought an excalibur phoenix(175lb) crossbow, put on a red-dot and enjoyed shooting again. I then purchased an excalibur vortex(200lb) crossbow and enjoyed it too. I just enjoy flinging arrows out to a target and the crossbow allows me to do it with accuracy. I anticipate NYS allowing crossbows in regular archery season so hopefully I can go out and enjoy archery hunting again. I realize this was about who is getting a crossbow but I figure I would give you my reason/history for getting one.
    1 point
  8. With the great job the Feds have done with SOcial Security and the Post Office.....why wouldn't I want them to handle my family's medical needs? What coupld possibly go wrong?
    1 point
  9. Yup. I have no problem with TEMPORARY public assistance programs that help those that really need it to get back on their feet. Publicly funded programs that allow people to live off the tax payer teet, however, I am firmly against. virgil, what you may or may not understand is that this healthcare crap is just another step towards the government MAKING you depend on them and their programs, therefore REMOVING you freedoms.
    1 point
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