One could argue that the bowhunters who oppose xbow during archery season have 2 choices. 1) Share the woods while xbow hunters hunt. Or 2) Share the woods while xbow hunters scout.
Hear the one about the old man at the gym? He asked his trainer ''I want to impress the young girls, what machine should I use?"
The trainer replied " The ATM"
Hardy har har!
Because Geno rules and will crush us with his veins and head kicks. It's past my bedtime guys. Ny hillbilly that was the funniest post on this whole thread. I couldn't like it because I reached my quota for the day.
Hell if I really know. Some has to come from the croton resevoir too. Did anyone ever prove that it's the water or is it a myth? I just remember something about the clay from the Catskills.
One day I mentioned how I wish Honda made an AWD civic. My dad replied ''They do, it's called a Subaru.''
The newer ones get 35 mpg. Crosstrek or Impreza all the way.