Big? Well, a horse is a horse, of course of course. ... after 3.5yrs antlers aren't as relevant To me. I've never seen a 3.5 that wasn't a shooter. Hell, I haven't seen too many 3.5yr bucks at all.
Never put batteries in my trailcam. Shot my bow twice as well. It's shooting high. my climber is right where I left it last year. I need new/more arrows. I'm pretty much earning my screename. I'm off for a week. Guess what I'll be doing?
What happened to my post?
What site? Dj chaz at the pavilion? Just look for a guy that looks like he slept in a damp tent, on a rock, a few sticks, and when he woke up, a flat air mattress.
I like my WB. It seems like drop aways are not as temperamental as they used to be. There used to be a lot of complaints. IdK. I'll let the boat float.
I'd say that's because they do right by their own or their own are so oppressed that they do not realize how bad they have it. North Korea for example.