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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by squirrelwhisperer

  1. Just getting caught up. Congrats Grampy! Great buck! Funny how you blew off doc's orders then blew away such a nice deer. But you really shoulda let one of the 85 guys that offered to help do so.
  2. Agreed. I have a pair and they really don't work as advertised. on "high" setting, your feet warm up from frozen solid all the way to very cold and then they turn off and you only realize when your feet are once again frozen solid. Just put toe warmers in your boots. They work better.
  3. So yesterday I spot a doe at 45+ and start glass in it. I make a move to get a better view and see 4 doe bound away (including the one i was watching). Had no idea the others were there. About an hour and a half later, while I’m reading this thread, I hear something and the same four doe are in front of me at 20. The big one was standing broadside and presenting an easy shot. I put my phone in my pocket and pull on the zipper so it don’t fall out. She hears the zipper. Unbelievable, I couldn’t hear them walk up because it was so loud in there but she hears my zipper. She doesn’t run but is on alert now. I had no way to move without getting busted so they walked behind some thick and out of my day. I don’t think they saw me move earlier because they never looked in my direction until I zipped my pocket. That turned out to be all the deer movement I saw until 1230 when I left. Gonna head back in this afternoon and try again. Lesson from yesterday: I leave my phone alone unless I’m checking time. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. So I am lookin at the thread catching up I hear something and look up to see the same 4 doe from earlier in front of me at 20. No way to stand no way to draw. Very cool but uncool at same time. Gotta put phone down for a while and try to harvest something lol Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Saw what I thought was 1 doe at 45ish yards. Moved to glass her and I see 4 bound away. No idea the others were there. They must have caught some movement. Oh well. Still early. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Grouse nugget appetizer before dinner Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. For those that don’t like hunting the Island...I’m always open to an invite lol Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Goin back in tm where my arrow deflected last week. Now my stand is surrounded by trees that look like they belong to Charlie Brown lol Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Wow, where did this thread go? Sorry but gettin off this train. I'm goin in the woods to trim some shooting lanes for tomorrow's hunt. I will post pics to prove it soon lol
  10. You may be in for a good sit. Last time we had winds that fast this forum blew up. Good luck.
  11. I use my GPS to go to the mailbox, uphill both ways, barefoot, thru 4 feet of snow in July, during a hail storm in about 2 hours and still dont come nowhere close to what Buckmaster7600 did. Congrats again Buckmaster7600!!
  12. I'm jealous. No gun season for me Bow only till January shotgun. So many rifles and they can only get used at the range. bummer. Some have never even been fired lol. Out of the box, into the safe and that's it. Maybe someone can show some pity/kindness and suggest somewhere within 2-3 hours of Throgs Neck Bridge? Sullivan or Orange county perhaps??
  13. Not sure what you mean. Are you suggesting something?
  14. Moog, are those legal? Looks like they form a bard when backed out.
  15. I was always worried about the blades failing to open but I haven't heard any complaints yet. I will check them out. Thx.
  16. I am shooting 68lbs at 29" with my Matthews Z7
  17. Agreed, shot placement is critical. I can honestly say I have watched most of my deer fall. No tracking needed. Here on the island, we don't have the predominantly open woods that you find upstate. It is so thick in some places you wonder how a nice buck can actually move through this stuff. There are some places where you can't see beyond 30 yards! Most shots are within 20 yards with many 12-15. Its the longer distances or when they run into the thick that makes it more of a challenge. My concern is the blood trail. I have spent more time than I care to admit, on my hands and knees crawling under briar patches scouring the ground for a tiny drop of blood and not for poor shot placement, but because they ran and I lost sight of them after 2 bounds.
  18. When I opened the package and tried moving the blades I questioned their legality. I wasn't able to find this out anywhere online before I bought them. That was $40 wasted. Thank you for confirming what I thought.
  19. Are these for xbow? No xbow on the Island which sux
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