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Everything posted by squirrelwhisperer

  1. Tools quick walk to where I see them cross from here to there...little recon for tomorrow. Found this guy. He must have broke someone’s heart. I guess this will be a good spot. Any thoughts? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Too bad, time to pull the plug on this one. Gotta take mom to the airport so she can leave this beautiful weather for a miserable 80 degrees. Saw 2 doe at about 60 but they never came in but a weird fog did. Couldn’t see more than 20 for a bit. O well. Back at it tomorrow. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. I’m in now. Bumped one on the walk in. Not sure if a buck or a doe but a nice size. Got me excited! C’mon deer!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Coffee is done. Time to get ready. Hope today is the day. I need some Crappy luck lol. Already saw a doe and a spike. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. I STRONGLY disagree!! If it you decide to hang it...use my garage lol
  6. Wish I could help, but I'm on the Island. Def sounds like something I would like to get involved in, when I'm not fishing, which is almost every free moment in the spring/summer lol. There are a lot of guys on here that are friendly and very knowledgeable. I am sure someone will know something.
  7. Welcome!! Wow from 9000 acres of family farmland to public...Illinois to New York...Can you make a bigger switch? Looking forward to learning a thing or two from ya.
  8. Merry Christmas, Biz. I'm stuck at the office but hunting vicariously through you! Good Luck.
  9. I like semi-sneak but the full sneak looks really cool
  10. Which pose do you think is the coolest? Which pose do you prefer to do?
  11. Dude! Beautiful work. Nice buck, too. Love the hole in the antler.
  12. I saw a youtube video of some guys using the "double rope technique" to get up the tree with the saddle. Didn't take much time at all. Obvsly took more time than a ladder stand or maybe even a hang on, but way faster than a climber. I agree with @NFA-ADK and am concerned with shooting stance and it looks like long hours in a saddle may begin to hurt hips and maybe even knees. @bruno1 have you used one? How is it in crooked trees?
  13. Santa, I want a personal jet pack!!
  14. I was looking for a How To thread for doing a Euro and after reading this, I don't think I mind paying for it lol. Question...How does the pressure washer get the brain out?
  15. This was my tree from the man cave at the old house. I posted in Chuckle thread. From left to right: AR15, M1 Garand, AR10.
  16. Is that really growing form near his eye?!?
  17. I used to be young and dumb...I'm not young anymore lol
  18. I miss my bike but I almost died every time I rode it. I was the idiot that passed you so fast on the highway it scared you. This is a topic for another thread, sorry to derail this one. Was unintentional.
  19. I think I failed to make my point lol. The question was about the diamond. Its a good bow at a low price and can grow with the archer if that is needed. Smith Point Archery is a good shop but maybe pricey for their higher end stuff. NFA-ADK is right on target. Just don't want to see someone make the same mistakes I made.
  20. If we are talking dirtbikes, a 250 is more than enough to kill you. I started on an 80 then moved up gradually from a 125, to a 250 then a 500 and went back to the 250 because the 500 was too much for the woods. When i went to street bikes, I jumped right on the biggest Honda available because I was experienced (900RR at the time). Conversely, when I purchased my first bow, I went straight to the Matthews because of my experience with my shotgun "collection". When i first started hunting, it was duck over the bay. Just a way to extend the fishing season, so to speak. I got a Winchester pump in black synthetic. After being in the blind with several ppl convincing me the birds would flare off when they see the black (although I killed plenty with it) I decided I wanted a camo gun...Got the Benelli Nova pump in camo. I used that until I got tired of occasionally forgetting to cycle the action, consequently missing the follow up shot. Then came the Browning Gold Duck Commander edition semi auto. Problem solved until I took that pheasant hunting. Man did that gun get heavy fast! Next up Browning Synergy Feather o/u. Can carry that thing afield for days without problem, until it is time to shoot slugs at deer...Savage 220. I say all that so you understand I didn't want to end up with 18 bows before I was happy. I walked in and said what is the BEST bow in the shop? Shot it, accessorized it, brought it home. Not everyone will wanna drop that kind of loot on a first bow (and still my only) but I knew this was something I would be doing until I was too old to draw. My son on the other hand...what if he decides after one season of practice he isn't in to it and i dropped over 2k on his bow? Coincidentally, I got rid of the bike when my wife got pregnant with my first. He needed me alive more than I needed to ride. I never went anywhere less than 85 and usually on one tire. Man I do miss it sometimes tho.
  21. Nice!! Now how do I convince my wife we are moving to Livingston County lol.
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