The guy that owns the landlocked pc was left to him about 15 years ago from his grandfather.
He approached the owners on both sides and offered to buy a pc so he can access his ..
Both owners said no !
Now he wants to peruse it ..
he wants to build on it but I don’t see that being possible due to the layout ..
I guess if you have enough money anything is possible
But the question remains ... IF the landlocked owner is willing to go to court would the other property owner HAVE to give access under necessity if need ?
I was told in NY state you can’t landlock land anymore ..
and if you own a pc that was landlocked that the owner of the adjacent property HAS to by law give you a right of way across his land to access your land !
I’ve always used a folding Camillus Heat knife , it’s razor sharp and has serrations on part of the blade.
The only issue is cleaning it ! It gets covered with deer fat and is a PITA to clean...
Thinking of a small fixed blade ....
What do U guys use
So... you didn’t listen to Waters , Booker, Pelosi , Harris ?
Maybe they didn’t come right out and use the words but for sure they agreed with the actions ...
To deny that is to live in a fantasy world !
He built 3 hospitals and sent hundreds of ventilators to Andy , they went unused ..
Cuomo is directly responsible for those deaths and fails to man up and admit !
Both he and his idiot brother are typical liberals !!