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Everything posted by Versatile_Hunter

  1. This may help you: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/people-drawn-to-conspiracy-theories-share-a-cluster-of-psychological-features/
  2. It won’t be up to you. Did you not take a look at Biden’s executive actions list? Action #1756 is called “one stone, two birds.” The plan is to forcefully vaccinate non-compliant folks as they’re going door-to-door to take away your guns. Apparently Fauci and Beto will be spearheading this effort and rumor has it that Beto will be doing the knocking while Fauci will be carrying the door ram.
  3. Jesus, do you want me to review stats with you? Or do you need a refresher on herd immunity? Perhaps we should cover how there are additional undesirable outcomes of a COVID infection outside of death.
  4. I love the hill country north of Pepacton. We’ve stayed in Delhi and Andes a few times. I have a GWP. Good for you for managing for grouse! Do you have a forester or are you doing it solo?
  5. Very cool! I’ve been looking for grouse in DEP and DEC land in the northern Catskills - mostly in Delaware county. I have a dog and we’ve put a few this season but I haven’t been able to bag one. You hunt with a dog?
  6. Nice neighborhood? I’ve driven through many low income suburbs while traversing to different grouse coverts in NY. Your idea of a suburb is mythological.
  7. I don’t view LGBTQ as perverts or as people whose rights must be suppressed. You must be either really old or severely bottling up feelings that scare you to have such disdain for and fear of these folks. I said it earlier (and I didn’t mean it derisively), get some help.
  8. Where do you come up with this nonsense? Is it a copy/paste from a QAnon chat? You preach respect and say you want debate but you dismiss or ignore cogent arguments and insult Democrats as the party of “perverts and drug users.” How does your inconsistency not jar you?
  9. There’s plenty good stuff in his agenda. But honestly, merely having a president who doesn’t embarrass America would suffice.
  10. It’s unnecessarily buggy. I had no problem reporting my 2 deer this fall. But my spring turkey was a pain. Drop down menu on app wouldn’t work. Multiple reporting links on DEC website but only 1 is live. Took a while to find the right one. I emailed the DEC about it and never heard back.
  11. There has been no objection to transparency. To be honest, I’m somewhat surprised by the Democrat’s gallant recognition that Trump can seek closure via the courts. I know this was written by the your foil but the article includes reporting from Dem and Rep officials. It’s thorough. I think you’ll find it reassuring. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/11/10/us/politics/voting-fraud.html?referringSource=articleShare
  12. Yes , you’re allowed to show up and vote in person , of course , but can you vote twice ? Do you trust the system to catch a double vote ? That’s what I’m saying . Don’t know if it would or wouldn’t , just saying I would t be surprised - with all the chaos surrounding the election this year- if it would not . ->You are reliant on electronic systems in many aspects of your life. This is not something new or odd. The voting procedure in NY allows for duplicate votes to give residents the opportunity to vote in person should they have any concerns about their mailed ballots (ie. will it arrive on time?). Not only does the system catch duplicate ballots and, in these cases, accept only the in person vote, but there are other double and triple checking protocols in place to catch errors, should they arise. Concerns about people voting twice and getting to keep both votes are not actually real. They are part of Trump’s messaging campaign to save face and aim to stay relevant past January. Don’t let him fool you. Also , I read that slot of people received ballots not requested and they were blanket mailing them in certain areas . If someone not registered to vote was to get one , could they fill it out , sign it and vote ? Maybe IDK ->Once again, this ain’t a real concern. Duplicate and unregistered ballots are not counted. Think about the numbers required and how complex a strategy would have to be to pull off something like this. Claims of widespread voter fraud have been investigated by Democrat and Republican administrations and all of them have turned up nothing. Don’t let them fool you. And , if this indeed did happen , BOTH sides should be concerned , because if we lose faith and trust in our election process , our Republic goes out the window I’m afraid ->There is no evidence of fraud. Trump lawsuits are being dismissed left and right because they can’t substantiate anything. Don’t let them fool you. As an aside , not really sure why you referred to my Comments as Trumpism and suggested he was preying upon the weak minded ness of his followers . Does voting for a certain candidate make them a Follower ? Are you Biden follower, or , did you just vote for him because you agreed with his policies more ? I have been more than critical of Trump over his Presidency , especially over his handling of the pandemic so I’m no Trumper . -> Look, even Fox News had to cut away from Trump’s press conference yesterday because their allegations were so absurd and entirely unsubstantiated. This is no longer Republican va Democrat. This has become Trumpism vs reason. Also , I clearly posed it as a rhetorical question hoping for feedback and a discussion ; not presenting it as a fact . You guys complain when conservatives are insulting to your side and I agree with that sentiment but then, hypocritically , do it yourselves . No need to insult , keep it respectful !! A series of suggestive question that bring reality into question does more violence than actually stating your opinions directly. Don’t hide behind “soft suggestions” or “rhetorical questions.” This is a common approach by uninformed right wingers who haven’t spent time thinking things through yet still feel their opinions have merit.
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