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About magnumhunt

  • Birthday 03/03/1988

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  • Hunting Location
    Catskill, Deposit
  • Hunting Gun

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  1. I have these (link below) PAC BOOTS. Yes there are times when my feet are too hot but I rather have hot feet than cold. I’m usually size 10.5-11 and got these in 12. No regret at all. One of my best investments in clothing. I usually do all day sit hunts and my feet are perfect. My other hunting buddies do nothing but complain how cold their feet are and they’ve gone thru 4-5 different pairs of boots. https://www.cabelas.com/product/CABELAS-TRANS-ALASKA/2498570.uts?slotId=5
  2. Heres my story. Sat in my tree stand on Sunday, day after opener. (southern) I Usually try to sit from 6-9:30-10. But we were slammed with snow and was windy. I was pretty warm the whole time untill last half hour. At 9:28 I pull the rope up to tie my rifle to bring it down. As the Rifle is hanging 3/4 down. I look to my left and what do I see? A BUCK. I started cursing to myself and I am sure many of you would too! I pull the gun up quick and put him on the scope. It was a 4 point. I was 95% sure and let him go. I kept my eye on him for 10 more seconds to make sure he was a 4 point. I am located close to Roscoe. Bucks have to be 3pt on 1 side. This was the first time i ever laid eyes on a buck! What a tease!
  3. I use the whole bird. Dip in boiling water and clean feathers off, and cook away.
  4. Thanks guys. Ive hunted this state land for 15 years and have NEVER seen a buck , Ive killed a good number of doe. Ive been putting cameras passed few years and know they are there. The last buck that was killed was 7 years ago (6point).
  5. How do I catch one of these guys? Theres 3 deer in this picture. Can you spot them?? And the monster All these pictures are State land bucks.
  6. Haha all hunters are psycho to wives. I also have one, which mount do you have for it? Sportsman mount? I mounted mine when i went for small game and couple of times it was pivoted. The other thing is that its battery life is low. Post a picture of it mounted.
  7. how many have gotten 4o DMP this year
  8. Anyone have gotten 4O-4oh dmp tags this year?
  9. Thanks!!! What does the soil testing prove? What would be considered bad soil??
  10. Thanks for the advice but done that already. Nothing eats there at all.
  11. Thank you guys!!! I should have send I cant spend alot of time on it. Due to work and family. How and where can I do soil test? What will this prove? Also where can i get buckwheat or clover? And what is best to plant this time of year? When should i put lime?
  12. Hey guys maybe someone can help me out here. Ive got an acre that has no trees, is flat and has weeds. I want to plant some sort of plot on it. I am a rookie so i dont know what needs to be done. First thing I know is get rid of the weeds then... Any help is appreciated.
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