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Four Seasons

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Everything posted by Four Seasons

  1. Guess we can give Waterfowler something to look at.
  2. You are Spot On. And all the benefits of farming any other livestock comes along with it. Win Win!
  3. Won’t ever happen to a real sportsman as far as quitting hunting. It no doubt has changed my hunting as far as size of deer I will kill.
  4. There is always a few in every crowd. Some never see the good side of things I guess.
  5. He won’t make it on my list but might make one of the friends day.
  6. Time in Pic’s tell the story.
  7. Can’t blame you there. Not much into that myself but fun idea for sure.
  8. Should be interesting for sure.
  9. Come North. We have them all over. First pic is one I got from Letchworth the other day. Getting more down there also
  10. Always people stopping in. Especially when I put the bucks up front near the road. Shocked there has been no wrecks yet with all the rubbernecking.
  11. They have. That’s just the handling facility so they get ran right back thru. Only happened a couple times in all these years. And that’s only 6ft.
  12. Like most other animals there is a pecking order and they live by it. It’s usually the young yearlings that do all the fighting. Put a 2-3yr old in the pen of yearlings and he keeps them in line. Also anyone that does not leave any givin year get their headgear removed so when they do get after each other during the year there is no death from sticking each other. They just push each other with whatever bases I leave on their heads. But they will battle till one gives the head banging shoving match.
  13. You don’t know how right you really are. To be able to live with these animals is really a blessing. Crazy how every one is always different
  14. Heavy startup but unlimited potential. 6 figures is the norm for most full timers. A guy could never find a better animal to build his life around.
  15. Lol. Ya it’s been a pretty sweet ride the last 20 plus years without a real job. Just selling their “Stuff”
  16. Unless a property has a Real vermin issue and then you will see the vermin 10 times more then you will a fawn or young turkeys or about any kind of small game. Proven! Vermin will ruin a piece of property quick. But also pretty easy to solve the issue.
  17. The small yearlings are much easier for some. They don’t have a Worth card. Any 3inch spike fits their Worth.
  18. The guy Circle’s Back more than that fugly redhead the useless one hired to speak on his behalf. Can’t wait to Circle Back to a real leader.
  19. Those owners have the same choice as others. If they are poked and masked to protect themselves then fine, if not then that’s their choice and fine also. But to demand their customers do as they do and not as the customer decides then they should lose business. Just like the idiots that say the flu went by the wayside because of Covid? The flu and normal sickness is down because there are no kids in schools and daycare’s. Kids are the biggest pushers of those kind of sickness every year.
  20. The smart landowner shoots every vermin on site. Wait until the pups hit the fresh cut hayfields and end the problem.
  21. Lady in line at one of the dollar generals thought I was a tad to close, She whips around and says... Didn’t you see the arrows? My Reply.. He’ll I didn’t even see the Fing Indians! Case was closed instantly!
  22. Sounds like you should tend to your own farm and let others deal with theirs. When 98% of us walked away from the crap after getting it without the poke or mask. And yet now they still get it with the poke and mask. Yeah shits really concerning.
  23. When the fools that own those small businesses get with the program and drop the mask crap they may get more people supporting them. It’s obvious at this point that nobody else is going to get the poke. If it’s 50% in the state then that’s what they will have to live with. Get in with life.
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