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Mr VJP last won the day on January 20 2016

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  • Gender
  • Location
    In The Woods
  • Interests
    Adventure and Women, preferably at the same time.

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  • Hunting Location
    Free America
  • Hunting Gun
    Kimber 84M Montana 7mm-08
  • Bow
    Oneida Phantom

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  1. Of all the Weatherby cartridges, the .257 Weatherby Magnum was Roy Weatherby's favorite. It was the best round he ever devised for deer sized game at very long range. It also produced acceptable recoil for the results. It is one of the flattest shooting rounds you can buy and is a favorite out west. Antelope hunters often say it's the best round to use for them. It certainly has all of the disadvantages already listed in this thread, but for the specific task it was created to do, it had no equal in it's day and few equals exist to this day.
  2. Study funding pulled when research doesn't show dangers of fracking. http://dailysignal.com/2016/04/06/donors-decline-to-back-more-fracking-research-after-study-finds-no-link-to-water-contamination/?utm_source=TDS_Email&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=MorningBell&mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiTW1ZeVlUaGlPV0ZtWXpRNCIsInQiOiJTd1dKUDFZeStLSXNWam5oZm0xWTJtUWV4QjV0K1ozRjZXREZkS2xqeGYrQW9KdVE1bDJOeTNvN1dxXC9pWktOaG1JMjhWYUNxcVB1WEpUY1BoUDcyYmVMWklxYm1jdzNaZHVVbWNmek9OMDQ9In0%3D
  3. HA HA HA HA HA! Just your average everyday General Chit Chat about hunting going on here. What a friggin joke.
  4. There's a huge difference you're ignoring. The people out west have a beef with the government and it's law enforcers regarding what they see as infringements on their liberty. Radical Islam jihadists are attacking innocent men, women and children with the objective of causing terror and destroying our freedom and liberty. You cannot, in any sane way, consider these two groups of people to be of the same mindset. Nor can any analytical thinker classify them as the same level of threat to average, ordinary, everyday American citizens.
  5. This is why anyone who defends their 2nd Amendment rights, even for hunting, cannot avoid being political. People who say they defend their gun rights but won't discuss politics, are ineffective at best.
  6. These are the type of nefarious methods our government uses to eliminate our rights and freedoms when the US Constitution says they can't. If the Supreme Court of the US wasn't so politicized already, it would shut this abuse down the minute it starts. http://dailysignal.com/2016/04/02/in-voicemail-bank-says-it-no-longer-lends-to-firearms-dealers/?utm_source=TDS_Email&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=MorningBell&mkt_tok=3RkMMJWWfF9wsRonu6TJe%2B%2FhmjTEU5z16OovWKS3gJ541El3fuXBP2XqjvpVQcNkMb3HRw8FHZNpywVWM8TIJNIUt9h1PwzhCG8%3D
  7. How do people not see this is happening? Or do they know it's happening and support it? http://www.mikenew.com/082615.html
  8. But it's the EPA and other "Scientific" agencies that are telling us there were no threats from fracking that were claimed and used to ban the practice. Why did we ban something on "Fake Science"?
  9. You choose not to address the topic and claim the thread should be moved so few will see it. So go ahead and whine to a moderator and get it moved, if that's what you need to do. Sorry to invade your "safe space".
  10. And 90% of what is posted in GENERAL CHIT CHAT has nothing to do with hunting.
  11. Expresso, why don't you address the EPA, National Academy of Sciences and Dept of Energy reports they cite in the article? The Heritage Foundation is simply bringing attention to them, unlike the Leftist Progressive Main Stream Media that only reports what they are told to report. It also appears the links you posted were after the reports from the 3 above came out. Perhaps a new attempt to use fear mongering with "potential" harms, since the original ones are being debunked?
  12. You overlook the fact the article is based on "Scientific Evidence" which has been discussed in General Chit Chat in a number of forums including "Lead Free Ammo".
  13. On the surface, that's what you are meant to believe, but it's really about money and how much the average American will pay for energy. When you ask how much, the answer is "More, more, more."
  14. Fracking Bans were not based on any scientific evidence. Now that we have more of it, we begin to see how emotion and deceit were implemented to keep energy costs high, in order to make "green" energy look affordable. http://dailysignal.com/2016/03/21/calls-for-fracking-bans-ignore-sound-science/?utm_source=heritagefoundation&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=morningbell&mkt_tok=3RkMMJWWfF9wsRonu6rBdu%2FhmjTEU5z16OovWKS3gJ541El3fuXBP2XqjvpVQcNkN7DHRw8FHZNpywVWM8TIJNIUt9h1PwzhCG8%3D
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