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Everything posted by Mr VJP

  1. Typical. You guys wouldn't know a gun guy from an anti if he gave you a calling card. I'm not undermining your cause, people. I'm trying to illustrate for you how much of a fight you're in for. If you think one election will make all this crap better, you are way more oblivious than I thought. If you have the strength and the guts to fight this fight until the day you die, I applaud you. Start by becoming a LIFE member of the NRA like I did, if you haven't already done so. At least then you will be constantly informed of what's happening before it's too late. What I am saying is I would rather leave, than fight with NY gun owners, as most have shown me they don't care enough about their gun rights to win this fight. I wouldn't go into battle with guys that haven't got the heart to win either. Nor would I enter a house fire with guys who don't care if it burns to the ground. You guys have your work cut out for you. Good Luck. I hope you do win, but I have serious doubts about it. NY just doesn't have the grassroots gun rights dedication that will be needed to win this fight. If you can get that up and running, maybe you've got a chance. Consider that the most constructive advice I can give about this issue.
  2. UPS will ship ammo for you from one of their HUB locations, (not a UPS store) as long as it's in a box labeled: "ORM-D Small Arms Ammunition" and declared as such when you ship it. The SAFE Act didn't address anything about shipping ammo OUT of NY. I would assume they want ALL ammo shipped OUT of NY.
  3. How about this? Doc, this is for you too. When someone tells you to look out for the freight train coming, check it out prior to telling them to be quiet and stop messin' with your lazy buzz. A few posts back I said what you need to be ready for, and what you're up against. That was constructive. Nobody said thanks, just posted more insults. That's fine. You guys were all very complacent and comfy when the anti's were getting ready to attack years ago and were quick to insult anyone who tried to tell you to start getting ready. You had some good laughs then making fun of people who knew better. Now that the worst has come to pass, you still want to try and make fun of people who were right about the future. And are still right about the fight you will be in from now on. Go ahead and laugh. I'll be laughing all the way out of this state. No great loss. You guys ain't worth fighting for, or with. Have fun with the fight. I hope you can last as long as the anti's will.
  4. I'm not familiar with the analogy, as I don't find fantasy entertaining. Lot's of good happens to me. It's too bad I have to listen to the complaining of folks who've made bad decisions, and then ask me to help them dig themselves out of the hole they dug for themselves. I have no sympathy for anyone who's misery is self inflicted.
  5. Too bad you had nothing to offer when I was telling you years ago the time to fight was upon us. Nobody believed then. Now you say I'm running? No. I'm simply letting you lie in the bed you made.
  6. This is how a tyrannical administration harasses firearm businesses, so they will just give up. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/may/18/targeted-gun-sellers-say-high-risk-label-from-feds/?page=all
  7. Will this year be the last time you vote for anti-gun Democrats too?
  8. Now maybe. But what about the first time he got elected? Democrats are known to be pro-union, or at least they buy their votes by promising them kickbacks at taxpayer expense.
  9. You have to look at this from the liberal perspective. You see, if the Remington folks were good people, they would keep the jobs where they are, even if they were losing money at the plant. By moving those jobs to a friendlier climate, they are just proving that they are evil and don’t belong in a good place like New York. Maybe we need even more restrictions, so that more immoral anti-worker companies like Remington will be forced out. Yeah, that’s it! Fewer jobs = better for people! Can’t feel much sympathy for union workers (UMW at Remington) given the monolithic and massive support given to the Democrat party by all unions. (plus the appearance of corruption when it’s a government union) They told Remington workers to vote for Cuomo and many probably did. They’ve gotten what they are proponents of: Socialism/Big Government/Financial Largesse for some at the expense of the many. Union propagandists have been putting their members out of work for years. (sort of like how Journalists’ lack of objectivity is killing News reporting.)
  10. If you think Remington was looking to relocate prior to the Safe Act, absorbing millions in relocation costs for nothing, you're wrong. Who needs high taxes and over regulation? Nobody. I'm sure they didn't want to do this to their employees. But when stockholders demand it, and many loyal customers tell you boycotts are coming, business demands profitable decisions. The move has everything to do with the Safe Act, because NY offered all sorts of bribes for them to stay to no avail. All of which were at taxpayer expense by the way. Remington employees should be blaming Cuomo. If they are not, they're stupid. The same goes for the folks left to live in the ghost town. None of this would've happened if Cuomo wasn't a fool. For Remington, this was the last straw. I can't believe any gun owner would blame Remington for this decision instead of Cuomo. No company should stay and produce tax revenue for any government that hates them. You guys want to show Leftists there is a cost to anti-gun laws? This is the way it should be done. It's not running away, it's voting for freedom.
  11. Talk about Big Brother. Cuomo probably has a few of these on order. https://youtube.googleapis.com/v/AHrZgS-Gvi4
  12. Even when national elections sent powerful messages to national politicians about gun rights, New York wasn't one of the states that voted against them. This is a blue state where the number of gun haters outnumbers the gun owners by millions. Heck, you can't even get NY gun owners to join the NRA or other gun rights groups. That's pathetic. You want to fight for what's left? What's left?? My point is, you can all work up a huge sweat this year trying to punish the Leftists, but do you have the fortitude to keep this fight going for decades to come? I'm an analytical realist, not a dreamer. BTW, After requesting a little info on relocation, Texas has already sent out an invitation for me to come down there based on my strong pro gun attitude and firearms collection. They want people with my kind of gun sense in their state to always hold a majority over the anti-gun votes even they have. Arizona is less worried about the anti's currently, as very few live there now. (They probably get shot by accident). LOL! Just to set the record straight, I don't see either of those states as being the best place for an outdoorsman to live, even with their great attitude towards gun rights. I commend you all for finally getting around to fighting, but unless you plan to keep fighting, you're gonna lose in the long run. Just my informed, experienced humble opinion. Don't get angry with me just because I show you the facts you will be up against. You should be thanking me for opening your eyes far enough in advance to give you a chance by warning you all......again.
  13. BULL! Don't get that union crap involved here. Unions have no pull in the south because they are not wanted or needed by the workers. All the current employees are being offered transfers. Remington has always offered health insurance and paid time off. So do most large corporations in the area they are moving to. Probably no relocation paid and hourly rates competitive for the area, but a better life and a job where freedom still means something is better than $405 per week in NY unemployment. They're not selling out, they are escaping tyranny and extortion by the state government. They know soon most of their products will be illegal in NY, so why would they be expected to stay here? If the Remington workers want to cry about injustice, they should've all been in Albany the day after the Safe Act was signed. But unions support Cuomo, don't they? You lie down with dogs, you get fleas. True Patriots don't comply with tyranny. The tree of Liberty has to constantly watered, sometimes with the blood of true Patriots. If you can't move to stand up for New Yorker's rights and liberty, you are not a true Patriot.
  14. Cuomo was warned by gun makers and conservatives this would be bad. I think you misunderstood the post Bubba.
  15. And that will only work if gun owners continue to keep Leftist Progressive anti-gun elected officials out of legislative control for the foreseeable future. One election will punish those who supported removing gun rights. But as soon as the anti's can marshal their forces to regain power, they will be picking up their gun rights attack exactly where they left off. Protecting your gun rights isn't done by punishing those who attacked them. It's too late to recoup the loss at that point. You can only protect your gun rights by NEVER allowing the legislature to gain an anti-gun majority in the first place. That takes perseverance, determination and stamina to fight the LONG and UNENDING fight. It's a mindset that can never be forgotten. Texans and Arizonans have it. Does it exist in NY? Personally, though I would love to see it, but because of apathetic casual gun owners and the far left blue state attitude in most of NY, I see little chance of this happening in this state. Especially when we allow an incident like Sandy Hook or Columbine to be blamed on law abiding gun owners, rather than unknown side effects of prescribed pharmaceuticals and legislation that removed confinement of known mental cases. Or when we don't scream about a shooting by Maj. Nidal Hassan at Fort Hood being classified as "workplace violence", rather than terrorism by a Muslim, so it can be considered a criminal offense by one person, rather than a jihadist attack on the military. There is a huge political conspiracy on the part of anti-gun Leftists in government to destroy the 2nd Amendment and control every facet of gun ownership by Americans, to the point of being so onerous, nobody will want to own any gun. And if you think that's the ravings of a nut job, you're a bloody idiot. This is a fight that is NEVER going to end. Do any of you have the fortitude to keep fighting for the rest of your lives? From what I've seen on these forums, the answer is an obvious, no.
  16. He was warned this would be the result of the Safe Act, but he pushed it through anyway. Confiscate firearms at all costs. Gun owners (and gun makers) are enemies of the state!
  17. http://www.forbes.com/sites/frankminiter/2014/05/16/americas-oldest-gun-maker-thumbs-its-nose-at-a-two-faced-senator/
  18. Historically, every state that has pushed any type of semi-auto rifle ban, has eventually gone further with other gun, magazine, or ammo bans. Anyone who thinks NY State is different is ignorant. These types of laws are always "first steps". The final step is usually on the center of your back as they haul you off to jail.
  19. Like I said Doc, Nature's way. Pay no attention to any warnings the next time you cross a busy street.
  20. Colorado?? You better check into the political winds out there first, lest you be moving again soon.
  21. Those that accuse the alarm sounders of paranoia are usually the first ones taken out. Ever see a flock of birds on the ground, where one or two notice a predator coming and take flight. Some stay on the ground trying to see the threat coming for themselves, because they mistrust the ones that took off. They get killed off fast, no longer able to reproduce. That's Nature's way of eliminating stupidity from the gene pool.
  22. What part of "no respect for the Rule of Law" don't you understand?
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