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Everything posted by Mr VJP

  1. Mr. Orwell? Mr. George Orwell? You can't discriminate against a gay person just because you don't like the fact they're gay and in their being gay they make you uncomfortable. You can't discriminate against a black person because you've seen black people on the evening news being arrested for committing some crime and therefore black people make you uncomfortable. You can't discriminate against Jews because you don't like them and they don't share your same belief system. But, if you don't like guns you're in for a treat because Democratic California Assembly Members Nancy Skinner of Berkeley and Das Williams of Santa Barbara have introduced Assembly Bill 1014 giving you the power to do something about your unease with and dislike of firearms. According to CAL-FFL, Assembly Bill 1014 allows you to ask a court for a "Gun Violence Restraining Order" and subsequent "firearms seizure warrant" against California gun owners. And the best part is that you don't have to actually know the person or anything about them other than they own a firearm. So what does that mean? Well, you could find all the people in your local area that own guns - maybe with the aid of one of those helpful CCW maps newspapers are so fond of publishing - and start asking the courts for a "Gun Violence Restraining Order" against each of those individuals simply because you believe they, as CAL-FFL notes, "pose a significant risk of personal injury to himself, herself, or others by owning or possessing" guns. We would never accept this kind of unwarranted harassment of other groups, such as gays, blacks or Jews, because we inherently understand that to be morally wrong. But when it comes to gun owners, that seems to be a whole other issue and people are completely fine and utterly unfazed by applying a standard they would never dream to apply to groups identified by their sexual preference, ethnicity or religious beliefs. As gun owners though, we are simply fair game. We can be as law abiding as we want. We can be upstanding members of our communities. We can be philanthropists and generously volunteer our time for important causes. But, if we own a firearm then we are a separate kind of citizen, a second-class citizen, and all our contributions to society are for naught and we are deemed undeserving of the same constitutional protections others are entitled to and enjoy. All this is because somebody somewhere committed a crime with a gun. In their zeal to pass legislation that reflects their doing "something, anything" to address gun violence, the California legislators reveal their true, horrifying nature. And that is the harboring of a casual indifference to gun owners as a group which perilously borders on dangerous because it serves to fuel the misdeeds of a governmental system that plays to public outcry by taking advantage of isolated tragedies, such as the recent Santa Barbara area shooting. I could suggest parallels like the rounding up of Japanese Americans by the U.S. Government and placing them in internment camps during World War II, but they'd say "that's entirely different." I could point to Russia's reported recent registration of Ukrainian Jews, which was met with global damnation, but that would again be "entirely different." In fact, I was told just that by a friend whose view on guns is that they are inherently dangerous and therefore registration of gun owners is perfectly justified, as opposed to the registration of Jews which is horrifying. I did not ask how they proposed handling registration of a gun owner that was Jewish. I could point to the systemic isolation and subjugation of blacks through past racist laws and societal norms, but that too would be "entirely different." The fact is that we are being further marginalized as a group, but because we are not identifiable by sexual preference, ethnicity or religious beliefs it doesn't rise to the level of discrimination - regardless of how specifically and narrowly targeted their efforts are. We are entering a climate increasingly reminiscent of something out of George Orwell's classic, 1984, where our fellow citizens are encouraged to report us to the authorities. Of course, we have already been through this with the fight against the red menace during the McCarthy era...but "that's entirely different." The turning of citizens against citizens is exactly what Assembly Bill 1014 would implement. And the bill proves that the road to Hell is indeed paved with good intentions but they should at least be honest about their intentions and rename this Assembly Bill 1984. - Paul Erhardt, Editor, the Outdoor Wire Digital Network
  2. That's because you ask for it. Politicians fear the votes the NRA controls. NY doesn't have enough NRA members to make Cuomo nervous. Does that simple explanation answer it for you? Damn you guys are dumb
  3. Higher membership in the NRA in NY probably would have prevented passage of the SAFE Act. But alas, that is not going to change in NY. Gun rights are not important enough to deal with a few phone calls and requests for support when they are needed. Self centered, cheap and lazy would be the way to describe gun owners in this state.
  4. I'll keep it simple. DO IT!!! NY sucks.
  5. Anti-gun folks do not intend to stop their war on guns until we are all disarmed, jailed, or dead. If you doubt that, you need to see this. "And the Second Amendment fight has never cooled in California, but it got a few degrees hotter yesterday when California Democrats proposed a new bill (Assembly Bill 1014) that would allow for anyone to request a court for a "Gun Violence Restraining Order" and "firearms seizure warrant" against California gun owners." According to the bill's text, courts would be required to issue a restraining order if a person-who doesn't even have to know the target of the order-submits a form saying that a gun owner "poses a significant risk of personal injury to himself, herself, or others by owning or possessing" guns. The response from the California Association of Federal Firearms Licensees (CAL-FFL) was quick and direct. "a gun control nightmare," is how Brandon Combs, president of CAL-FFL described AB1014. "California Democrats are taking their radical anti-gun agenda to an entirely new and horrifying level." Combssays that the bill "guts due process" and the presumption of innocence. CAL-FFL warns that the broad language of the seizure warrant could lead to midnight "no-knock" raids against the subject of the restraining order-who may not even know that their gun rights have been stripped away and that they are now a "prohibited person"-but also the homes of their friends and family, and even places of employment. Combs believes that the bill's language is ripe for abuse, especially by anti-gun groups frustrated with their lack of success at pushing through more strict legislation. "Cyber-bullies like Shannon Watts and her 'Moms Demand Action' extremists could simply go on Facebook or Twitter, grab a photo of you and your gun, and slap it on a restraining order request. There's no criminal or civil penalty for filing false or vexatious reports and no provision for the recovery of damages and someone's loss of rights. AB 1014 would make it open season on California gun owners." Combs continued, "On mere hearsay, an anti-gun judge could instigate a life-ending terror campaign against a gun owner and everyone who knows them." The TacticalWire
  6. I've posted a lot of this before, but just to prove how blatantly childish your assumptions are: Hungarian born to revolutionaries 1 year prior to the 1956 Hungarian Revolution against the U.S.S.R. How's that for people who don't bend down to tyranny? Brought to the US at age 2. Became a citizen at 10. Catholic school education. Fluent in Hungarian and English. Eagle Scout in the B.S.A. Also Order of the Arrow. Graduated High School with honors. Pre Law at Univ of Md, College Park. Law School Georgetown University, Wash, D.C. Served 4 years at the Naval Research Labs in Wash, D.C. with high level security clearance. Worked in Telecommunications for 25 years while also achieving the rank of Chief on my volunteer fire dept with Incident Command, Hazmat, Search & Rescue and Fast Team Leader Certification. EMT and Captain of the Town First Aid Squad as well. Currently serving in a NY State Law Enforcement position here in NY. Life Member of NRA & NAHC, NJ Arms Collectors Club, SCOPE, Naval Commanders Club, NSSF and SCI. I'm also a published author in the NAHC. Divorced and raised 2 daughters and a son as a single father. One Teacher, one Registered Nurse and one Small Business owner produced with my guidance. I am also actively involved with various law firms as a firearms specialist with Constitutional expertise,that are fighting to defend 2nd Amendment rights in NY and NJ and have been party to a number of briefs filed on behalf of gun owners in both states. I could go on, but you're not entitled to any more info IMHO. What I'm now wondering is, why am I even bothering here with the likes of you? If you still think I don't know of what I speak, you will never understand the warnings or advice you read. In all my years, I have never encountered gun owners as stubborn, apathetic, cynical and rude, as I have in NY State. And that's why NY gun owners are in the mess they are in now. I see nothing changing in the future, due to the perpetual attitude of denial I'm now done with you all.
  7. And you sir, wouldn't know reality if it bit you in the azz. Enjoy your stupor.
  8. And you ignore reality because you are ignorant. Credibility isn't something determined by the whims of the uninformed.
  9. The replies from bubba, steve863, belo, and the like, are precisely the reason they are not worthy of support in NY from true 2nd Amendment advocates. This thread was posted to show indisputable proof of an assault on gun rights via the back door by the government, and one would think gun owners would be shocked to hear it. So how do they respond. They don't read the info, refuse to investigate the facts, then mock the message and the messengers and continue to keep their heads in their rectums. And yet they think they are fighting for gun rights and expect to win this fight in NY. Sadly, they have no idea how well organized the opposition is, how many fronts they are advancing on, or how much money they have to throw at the cause. Yet those of us who do know are the ones who lack credibility? Because of all this, these guys have no chance, are going to go down, and it's gonna be a blood bath. Remember, all you guys with short or selective memories, I warned you again, and you just laughed. And steve863, if you ever read "One flew over the cuckoo's nest" you should know, that guy was the only sane one and was shocked because he was a threat to the establishment that had all the other sheep under control and quite docile. That would be the group you are a part of.
  10. The NSSF is getting into the reports of the administration using its influence banks in their lending and business banking practices. It's known as "Operation Choke Point" and the lead story in today's news features the NSSF's statement on the whole deal. We have heard -from banking sources- that there have, indeed, been administration attempts to push banks away from gun-related companies. According to our sources, the attempts have ranged from "very subtle" to "strong-arm threats". At this point, none of the banks involved are willing to go public with their comments, but the industry should -once again- be prepared to go to war with an administration that appears to believe that force of law isn't much force at all when it disagrees with their ideological positions. If you're a gun owner, you need to be aware that regardless of your political leanings, a gun makes you a threat- and consequently, an enemy - to this administration. You might not like that flat statement, but you'd have a hard time disproving it. http://www.theoutdoorwire.com/story/1401397186wnxj711pkqr
  11. No gun owners in NY care, or can understand the tyranny here. No surprise to me. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/may/29/operation-choke-point-deliberately-targets-busines/
  12. Moog, I see .22 holes @ 100 yds just fine the way I do it. Get some white 8 1/2 x 11" paper and put an orange dot on it in the center, or use a colored marker. Make the dot about the size of a nickel. Staple 2 or 3 of them to your target board. When you shoot, aim for the dot (which is easy to see) you will easily be able to see all of the black bullet holes in the paper with your rifle scope. No spotting scope is needed. Try it, you'll like it.
  13. Yeah Doc, you're the man. Same old replies every post. You two guys have no idea what your doing, or what it will take to get your gun rights back. Via con Dios, amigos. Everyone else working to turn NY around, I wish you the best of luck. Look into the history of gun control in NJ, Conn, MD and Mass to get some insight into how the anti's fight. Keep in mind they always make things worse and rarely lose ground. Know your enemy.
  14. For those of you too dense to get the point, I'm not giving up the fight, I'm just giving up on fighting with NY gun owners. You guys just started to get involved, and what you think is fighting, is just protesting. You should've been fighting years ago. The folks leaving this God forsaken state, are the ones who are fed up with the rest of you. You should be the ones to try and fix what you allowed to get fugged up anyway. You made your bed folks......
  15. And once again, you have no ability to understand the message. Or perhaps you have no reading comprehension skills. This is the PLAN! You will need to do EVERYTHING!! And you will need to do it FOREVER!! There is no magic bullet to make it easier Doc! You will need to get involved in 2nd Amendment rights totally. It will have to be what drives your every thought, with every person you meet, for everyday of the rest of your life. You will need to vote, after you get totally informed, and get as many other folks to do the same EVERY election from now on. It will need to become your PURPOSE in life from now on. The tide has turned all right, but it's AGAINST gun owners in NY. This will be a LONG war, and by the snide reply's you keep posting, I doubt you have the stamina to fight the long fight, or win it. The sneak attack by the anti's was successful and now they have the high ground. It could've been avoided if NY gun owners had the strength and foresight to fight like hell years ago, but they didn't. And now you think they have a new found strength to overcome this scourge? I'm sorry, but I don't think that's the case. I hate to say it, but I think this anger will devolve into frustration, defeat, acceptance and then apathy, the same as all prior attacks on gun owners in NY has done. My Constitutional rights are the most important thing in my life. I will not stand shoulder to shoulder with men who are not of the same mindset. I tried. Lord knows I tried. But there comes a point when you must accept the reality of the situation and become analytical about the problem, alternatives, and it's solution. Like many Northeast states that have been apathetic about their 2nd Amendment rights, NY has moved past the point of no return, unless a major revolution takes place. If that ever comes to pass, maybe I'll return to help you guys out. But until then, I'm just not wasting my energy on a gun constituency like NY's. Go ahead, prove me wrong, about any of it, and I'll be glad to eat crow and apologize. I'd love to see a major gun rights win in NY, but I'm not liking the odds here.
  16. More info on it..... http://www.nraila.org/legislation/federal-legislation/2014/5/update-on-operation-choke-point-evidence-mounts-of-government-policy.aspx
  17. Once again..... When NY gun owners were warned and told to wake up years ago, they laughed. When Cuomo got elected Gov., they said he wouldn't take any guns and the Constitution would protect gun owners. When the anti's started organizing their forces, NY gun owners said anyone who was worried was paranoid. When the law passed, NY gun owners were shocked. Now when you are being told the cold hard facts about how difficult it will be to put the scrambled egg back in it's shell, you want to say those of us who point that out are the problem. Here's the only constructive advice I can give you. At this point you are in for a VERY difficult and LONG battle. Get your game face on, educate yourself on a Master's degree level about the 2nd Amendment, the Constitution, the Legislature and rallying grassroots support for a cause. Invest every dollar you can spare to support the fight and try not to lose you job or your sanity in the process. People like me, who knew this could've been avoided, and was ridiculed for it all the time, aren't willing to help NY gun owners out at this point. Oh, and the next time someone tries to warn you about an impending disaster on the horizon, pay attention. Its a lot less trouble, and a lot less expensive, to be pro-active where Constitutional rights are concerned. Doc likes to call this arrogance, but it's the truth. He just can't bring himself to admit it. That's the only thing I can tell you guys at this point.
  18. I also posted this on 5/19/14, but nobody replied to it. Guess nobody understood it. This is how a tyrannical administration harasses firearm businesses, so they will just give up. http://www.washingto...-feds/?page=all
  19. We're trying to help YOU, by warning you the fight you are hoping to win will not be as simple as you think. Since I can't even get you guys to understand that, I really have no hope of you winning the fight at all. That's why I can't be a part of it. I hate anti's more than anyone, but I also have a very low tolerance for stupidity.
  20. Oh, make no mistake, it is happening. Between the administration and the FDIC, many gun sellers and manufacturers have already gotten letters from their banks saying they can not do business any longer. I'm not talking about profits here. I'm talking about cash flow, credit and a bank account your buyers can send payments to. Without those, profits are hard to make. Few large companies like Ruger have to worry, as they can afford good legal representation. But your local FFL gun shop or his distributor are not so well heeled. I know 2 this has already happened to. Just google the info. There's lot's of info on it out there already.
  21. This administration is trying every underhanded, unconstitutional way of killing gun ownership they can think of. This stuff is truly right out of Saul Alinsky's book, "Rules for Radicals". http://www.gunnews.com/operation-choke-point/ Cut off all the money to gun makers and sellers and put them out of business. This is happening as I write this.
  22. Here's the part that is worrisome: Fifty-seven percent of those surveyed would vote for Cuomo today over Astorino - including 20 percent of all Republicans. And 3 out of 4 surveyed say Cuomo has strong leadership qualities, according to the poll, while 3 out of 4 voters statewide don't know enough about Astorino to form an opinion of him. But Cuomo's lead would be cut dramatically if a candidate viewed as more liberal entered the race. Twenty-two percent of voters would support a candidate more liberal than Cuomo, cutting his take to just 37 percent, the poll found. This proves NY voters are too far gone.
  23. Right back at ya Bubba. Your a class act for sure. Here's one last quote to give you something to think about. "Offense cannot be given, only taken"
  24. Any gun sale to an out of state resident has always required an FFL transfer and a NICS check on the buyers end. If I were you, I would go to www.gunbroker.com and list them there. I'm sure you will get a better price for each one of them there and will have a lot less hassle and phone time with people who won't buy one of them. Plus, the BUYER pays the shipping, insurance and FFL transfer fees. Gunbroker's fees are a pittance, especially when you will get top dollar for each of them on there. Just start the bidding at the minimum price you will sell it for, and then watch the buyers bid even more. As the seller, you will not need an FFL on your end to ship a gun via UPS to the buyers FFL. The guns are easily shipped out of any UPS hub location to the FFL the buyer is using on his end. List them there and tell everyone here they are on there. Online, you will get thousands of people looking at them, whereas on here, or in person, maybe 100 if you're lucky. BTW, guns are never a bad investment when you buy a quality firearm. They never go down in value, only up. Personally, I'm curious about the Parker and Colt doubles myself.
  25. I see nothing contradictory in my posts Bubba. Maybe this quote will say it better for you. "It is natural to man to indulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth -- and listen to the song of that syren, till she transforms us into beasts. Is this the part of wise men, engaged in a great and arduous struggle for liberty? Are we disposed to be of the number of those, who having eyes, see not, and having ears, hear not, the things which so nearly concern their temporal salvation? For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it might cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst, and to provide for it." --Patrick Henry, speech in the Virginia Convention, 1775
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