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Everything posted by Mr VJP

  1. I'm sure there are still fools on here who think those of us who warned of this happening are still conspiracy theorists and nut jobs. Damn they dumb!
  2. "States rights. Has nothing to do with foreign treaties and the constitution. The safe act will eventually fall, its a matter of time." Not in a state, or a country, that has no respect for the Rule of Law, and has high court justices that don't either.
  3. The party of "tolerance" is the biggest offender of tolerance. "If the ideology of zero tolerance continues to grow, we risk creating a culture of fear and intimidation. That’s, in fact, what supporters of such zero tolerance intend. Theorists who support zero tolerance policies actually believe that the very irrational nature of enforcing ridiculous rules serves as a deterrent." http://blog.heritage.org/2014/05/10/weapon-intolerance/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social
  4. Correction: To be more precise. "Our Governor has made CRIMINALS out of law abiding gun owners." Can't wait till they get around to this stuff:
  5. Realistically, you can work to throw the anti's out of office now, but once the chosen ones get in, like any other elected hack, their main pursuit will be to get re-elected. So they won't pass any further firearm infringements, but due to the nature of the political machine, they will do nothing to repeal the Safe Act. Other states have proven this to be a fact after the anti-gun politicians were turned out in record numbers. The public, with it's ignorance of the law and firearms in general, will vilify anyone who wants to allow "assault weapons" back in the hands of regular people. The anti's and the main stream media will find it all too easy to demonize any elected hack who even suggests repealing the Safe Act. So it will never be repealed. The fact is, things have gone too far already, and because we were too near sighted to see what was happening, we lost the war at the state level already. Call me whatever you like, but this is the reality of the situation we are now in. The only hope now is to protect the 2nd Amendment at the federal level by making sure the Congress and President don't try to do what many states have done. Once a state has turned, it's gone. If the entire country's gun rights are violated by the Federal Government, many citizens are going to see that as the straw that broke the camel's back, and the sheit is gonna hit the fan. That's when gun owners will have to stand up or roll over. The Government is betting we'll all just roll over. I hope, for the sake of future generations of Americans, they're wrong.
  6. I repeat, we have an idiot electorate. You can try to educate an idiot, but you can't make him understand.
  7. That surely answers the questions in my last post. As I expected, the foolish are the first to accuse others of being such.
  8. Bubba, so you make fun of Federal threats on the gun rights front? I have a sense of humor, but I don't find that flippant attitude funny at all. Are you aware how many new federal agents are armed these days? Do you know how much ammo the Fed is buying? Does it even make you wonder what is going on? Did you open and read the posted link? I find it funny most folks don't know, don't care, or both.
  9. Same attitude NY residents had prior to the enactment of the SAFE Act. Ignorance and apathy abound in the idiot electorate.
  10. http://www.wnd.com/2014/04/1997-ron-paul-warned-of-bureaucrats-with-guns/?cat_orig=us Paul said it’s “ironic that the proliferation of guns in the hands of the bureaucrats is pushed by the anti-gun fanatics who hate the Second Amendment and would disarm every law-abiding American citizen.” Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2014/04/1997-ron-paul-warned-of-bureaucrats-with-guns/#1VkuMkCLi9QT74gY.99
  11. Make a call to the DEC guy in your area from a pay phone and refuse to give your name. Ask what the law says. If the guy says it's illegal to have it, in any way shape or form, anywhere in the country, tell the guy, "Thanks, but the law is crazy". Then put it in a black plastic garbage bag, take it to a remote area and drop it off, then call them back from a pay phone to tell them they can be stupid and destroy it if they want to. I'm pretty sure I've seen mounted owls before, so I don't know why your's would be a problem.
  12. Because residents of some states are not as passive and apathetic about their rights and will fight to prevent laws like the Safe Act ever getting passed nationally, or vote to secede from the union afterwards. NY, being a Leftist Progressive majority, will never do that.
  13. No need to sabotage something that's already destroyed. Good Luck with your fight. I've been there before and can see a lost cause from a long way off. As they say, you can't put a broken egg back into it's shell.
  14. Trust me, gun owners in other states know all about the NY Safe Act. Most of them find it comical and feel it shows just how liberal and stupid residents of NY are. Like I posted before, California and NJ, as well as Mass, Conn, MD and other states have already shown how the fight will go. Newly elected legislators won't touch repeal once elected and the laws will stand. Each state must decide for itself how much oppression it will allow, and many will allow a lot. When Federal laws force too much oppression on ALL of the states, that's when you will see an uprising from people who will not allow it. Why do gun owners in other states have to be concerned?? Have you no clue what goes on outside the state of NY? All firearm ownership is under attack in every corner of the country in one form or another. Any gun owner who isn't concerned is a fool!
  15. No. BTW the Brookwood Secure Facility is a SECURE facility. The worst of the worst are there and there have been a lot of assaults on staff. The other facilities are Limited Secure and not as bad.
  16. Only then will gun owners in America realize how serious this issue is, and what the government's agenda is. Maybe we'll get some support from the general public at that point too, as the government will then move on to taking their rights as well, starting with the 1st Amendment. I think it will be quite ironic when folks who hated gun owners, start begging us for our help.
  17. Homeland Security is not designed to protect average Americans. It has been implemented to protect those in power. The government knows it cannot stop another attack on the US, but it can claim it did everything it could to try and prevent it. If it didn't, people would be calling for all of those in power to be removed from office, and that is unacceptable to elected officials. As to the spying on American citizens, after 9/11 the government focused on foreigners, but it did so by violating the rights of average American citizens. When those citizens objected, they became a threat to the powerful as well, so the weapons of mass surveillance were turn on them too. Some elected officials are quick to label any protester a "domestic terrorist" as soon as they defy the government's abusive authority in any small way. (Harry Reid) Thus, opening them up to more invasion of their privacy and rights by the government. Homeland Security is an instrument of government, designed to benefit government, at the cost of it's citizen's tax dollars and Liberty. Desperate times require desperate measures. Our government is well aware of the economic disaster looming on the horizon, as well as the threat of attack from afar. When everything starts getting out of control and a collapse is imminent, it will become very clear to all Americans what Homeland Security was really implemented to accomplish.
  18. Why is it that everyone who supports this corrupt government, thinks those of us who don't are like Timothy McVeigh? Talk about generalized stereotypes. Imagine if we thought all Leftists were like Weather Underground members. Wait a minute, a lot of them were!
  19. I think what he was trying to say is he doesn't recognize our current corrupt government. Personally, I do recognize it. That's why I'm against it.
  20. Nope. I'll be very active in getting the first state to secede from the union. And like the last time that happened, things will move forward from there.
  21. And I will still have Liberty and Firearm rights, while you will have an endless battle that could've been avoided if people in NY were proactive and had foresight. People get the government they deserve, and I'm not going to fight and sacrifice for people who don't deserve, or appreciate it. Sometimes it's better to cut your losses and move on.
  22. And now, for the unedited version..... http://patdollard.com/2014/04/shock-hoax-exposed-full-clip-of-cliven-bundys-non-racist-pro-black-anti-government-remarks-vs-media-matters-deceptively-edited-hoax-version-see-that-cliven-bundy-is-actually-an-advocat/
  23. If you want to watch and informed and intelligent video on the subject, Jon Stewart ain't it. He's a joker and that's all he is. http://allenwestrepublic.com/2014/04/21/allen-west-video-weighs-in-on-the-bundy-ranch-and-harry-reid-cronyism-watch/#vEDpf7AT6u3LP7kh.01
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