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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Mr VJP

  1. I've got a 60's era Marlin 336 in .35 Rem as well. Great gun for short range, high energy on impact hunting. Love it for black bear. I also have this Marlin in .30-30. Old school!
  2. Culvercreek, I forgot to mention eye protection at all times with any shooter. At least with a BB or pellet gun, ear protection isn't needed.
  3. Didn't anyone else learn to shoot with a BB gun? I was taught how to aim and squeeze a trigger with a Red Ryder BB gun, and I loved it! To me, at age 7, it was the greatest thing in the world. I practiced with that BB gun for hours and must have gone through 1000 BB's in a month. I learned gun safety, as well as how to aim and shoot straight, long before I ever fired a single shot .22 LR. I was allowed to fire a single shot shotgun when I was 11, and I was OK with not shooting that monster again for quite some time. For me it was a gradual progression in firearms use and instruction as I grew up. Learning how to hunt and be safe in the field with a gun, was part of that progression. I started all 3 of my children with BB guns and plan to start my grandchild with one as well. I would advise all parents and child mentors to seriously consider doing the same thing. Safety and proficiency can be learned, and taught, with a less than lethal weapon, giving the teacher confidence and a greater margin for error with the student.
  4. JRM is absolutely correct. No gun owner should ever question why anyone needs a certain type of firearm, unless they want to give aid and comfort to the anti's who are already asking why anyone needs any type of gun.
  5. A lot of networks can, and do, refuse to run ads from the NRA. I don't believe that should be legal to do, but apparently it is. If you want the NRA to have a huge impact on this country, JOIN! Too many times I hear the anti's proclaim the NRA doesn't represent the majority of American gun owners who WANT "reasonable" gun control laws, because only about 10% of gun owners belong to the NRA. Anytime I hear a gun owner bad mouth the NRA, I want to slap some sense into that person. If you think they are too radical for "regular" gun owners, you have no idea how radical the government's future plans for eliminating your rights are. Heck, all you need to do is look at what's been done since the government first started attacking gun rights in 1968. Incremental infringements, little by little, and people don't complain. The analogy of a frog in a pot of water on a stove, not worrying about the rising temperature until it passes out and is cooked, is very true with a lot of gun owners. If the NRA had 25 Million members, there would be far fewer gun control measures being passed every year.
  6. The author analyzes the issue quite well. http://www.americanhunter.org/blogs/is-223-rem-a-deer-cartridge
  7. I'll bet if Cuomo were put in jail before the election for his current corruption scandal, the idiots of NY would still elect him to another term.
  8. According to the polls, currently Cuomo is ahead by at least 25 percentage points. I don't think that says anything bad about Astorino. I think it says a lot about the electorate in NY State. Ya can't fix stupid.
  9. I've used them in the past to find my stand in the dark on wooded public land. Makes the trip in the dark woods much faster. If you're unfamiliar with the woods, things can get confusing in the dark, especially if there is no trail to follow.
  10. Agreed. I was simply responding to the OP's advice from his friend claiming the .30-06 isn't as good as the .308.
  11. I assume you'll be looking for a scope for it as well. Lots of experience on these forums that can give you some good advice on scopes and sabot slugs to use.
  12. The difference in accuracy between the .308 and the .30-06 has to do with the .308 rifle's short action being stiffer. It helps accuracy. When tests were done using anchored heavy test barrels without an action attached, that were equal in every respect except the chamber, accuracy was equal. However, the .30-06 had the long range advantage in velocity, drop, drift and energy because it can shoot heavier bullets at greater velocity due to it's ability to take more gunpowder with it's bigger case capacity, and those bullets will not slow down as fast at long distances. That provides greater energy, less drift and flatter shooting at long range. That is why military snipers eventually went to the .300 Win Mag for sniper rifles. It has even more advantages than the .30-06 at long range.
  13. Welcome. Does your Mossberg have a slug barrel that has rifling in it or is the bore smooth?
  14. Because a couple of bank robbers in LA were wearing it when they had a shootout with the cops. Bad guys ruin everyone's liberties. Actually, because of what bad guys do, the government ruins everyone's liberties.
  15. I once did a week in the Adirondacks 14 miles in. We did it on horseback though. We were hunting the deer/bear muzzle loader week in October. Never saw a bear, or a deer good enough to take, but did see lots of big grouse and had a great time. Now I do that trip just to hunt grouse. I heard a good joke about this years ago. How far can a hunter go into the woods? Answer: Half way. Why? Beyond the half way point, he's coming out of the woods again.
  16. I bought lots of .22 LR years ago. I have enough to last the rest of my life, or I can sell it at a good profit. Ammo prices are nuts these days.
  17. The foam hunting pads you see for sale in sporting goods stores are good. They're warm, dry, quiet and soft enough to keep you comfy.
  18. Gang bangers and Thugs have no honor! They Lie! http://www.thefederalistpapers.org/us/officer-wilson-suffered-orbital-blowout-fracture-to-eye-socket-during-mike-brown-attack Officer Wilson Suffered “Orbital Blowout Fracture to Eye Socket During Mike Brown Attack"
  19. Like I stated earlier, the myth about .308 accuracy being better than the .30-06 still lives.
  20. I read today that Remington has announced it is laying off about 150 of it's workers in Ilion. Those jobs are going to the new facility down south. I do not place any blame on Remington for what they are doing. The blame falls squarely on the shoulders of Andrew Cuomo! He was told this would happen long before he signed the Safe Act, and he did it anyway. He decided to sacrifice these jobs for political reasons and the consequences of his actions are his, and only his, to bear. NY state is showing it's citizens it's true colors here. Consequently, pro-gun states are also showing their's and they will end up being the big winners in this anti-gun game being played out in America today.
  21. My Lifetime license comes in the mail and I have to call them up and ask them to send me a couple of copies of the regs. They always do. That's bad enough. Hope they don't stop printing them. Internet speed sucks where I live.
  22. I can't see why. The .308 will not match the velocity of a max loaded .30-06, nor comparable factory rounds of the same bullet weight. It won't handle the heavier 180, 200 and 220 grain bullets as well either. It can be used in a short action though and some believe the myth that it is more accurate, even though the .30-06 was the 1000 yard champ for many years. The .308 is a fine round, but not better than a .3006.
  23. I have to ask.........what is your friend's justification for saying the .30-06 is not a good choice?
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