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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Mr VJP

  1. I have quite a few lever guns, but this is my latest one. Rossi Heritage in .357 Magnum.
  2. Commercial rates are always higher.....for everything.
  3. Born, just be advised, not all of NY State is open to hunt bear in. It goes by zone. Check your zone regs to see if bear an be hunted there.
  4. Shoot the bear, then wait for the deer.
  5. Nothing in the game laws says you can't. But the game laws do say you can't shoot a mountain lion.
  6. Even if the court were to go majority liberal, it would be legally impossible to rule against past precedents about the 2A. The Heller decision was a landmark case regarding the right to bear arms and specifically stated these types of gun bans are not constitutional. If the SCOTUS were to turn into a rogue court, that actually violates the rights of the citizens outlined in the US Constitution, you would then see the beginning of major resistance to tyranny, and the beginning of the 2nd revolution. It would not be peaceful again in this land for some time. I for one, hope the government isn't that foolish.
  7. One got killed by a car in Conn a year or so ago, and it must have come through NY state, because it was determined it traveled from the Dakota's over time. Funny NY state says they are not here, but also say you can't shoot one here if you see one. Why would they need to say that if they are surely not here? Also, the state always tries to nullify any actual evidence of one in the state by claiming it must have been a domestic animal that was released by someone.
  8. Good Luck. Let us know how it goes.
  9. We'll see. After the Heller decision set 2A precedents out the azz, I think you are wrong. No elected hack in NY is gonna risk re-election by "allowing assault weapons back on the streets". The Leftist media in NY would have a field day with that and the idiot electorate in NY would swallow their BS hook, line and sinker. Vote in whoever you like, based upon history in Conn, MD, Mass, NJ, etc., nothing will change. You're in an anti-gun Blue state. The SCOTUS is the only chance you have left. Better wake up.
  10. Not State Parks, just State land. Call the park for info
  11. One of the best replies to the article itself: "Many decry this as a failure but indeed it's PERFECT! Heller was CLEAR that it does not pass muster to claim that banning handguns was permissible because shotguns were "allowed". The court admitted that banning entire classes of arms was and is not within the power of government, even the third branch, to decide. Heller also made clear that arms protected are specifically those useful in military conflict. This judge is off her rocker. So why is this perfect? Simple. Now that the banners are on the official record, it will just take a plain split and SCOTUS will be hoisted on its own due process petard. It will, by constitutional mandate, be forced to settle that plain split. Ironically, the best AR-15 salesman himself, the usurper in chief, has helped dispel this judge's idiocy about in common use! Many more rifles are manufactured and purchased now because of the banners threats and actual bans. Folks, we NEED bogus decisions like this line of bovine excrement! The worse and most far reaching the better. For they are the most blatantly unconstitutional and as such the most target rich environment to take on and defeat. Compromises are not needed here - standing and fighting it out is. Not even a tetter totter SCOTUS has the guts to claim to the American people that semi automatic rifles aren't protected. Heck even semi auto shotguns. Quite frankly, any protection those have must apply to select fire weapons as well- simply because the thing that protects them is exactly the same. The RIGHT to keep and bear them. SCOTUS cannot dispel its own method - useful in the military context - after holding that line specifically all this time AND within Heller itself. Every weapon CAN be dangerous, depending upon its user. Unusual? Why then ANY new technology would qualify. Yet, SCOTUS has specifically held that technological advancements are not a hinge upon which rights rest. It did so in Heller as well, citing that laptops and printers are protected by the first Amendment regardless of the fact the framers had no concept of them. Ink pens and cell phones just the same. There is no way this decision stands. It's literally impossible." The SAFE Act is going all the way to the SCOTUS before it dies. If you think any elected official is going to overturn it, you're dreaming.
  12. I don't exactly know how it works, but when I was a member of a club, they required all members to have a Buckmasters membership. That provided the insurance needed for hunting the property. BTW, each member paid his own Buckmasters membership. Maybe you should give them a call and ask about it.
  13. Leave them there. Coyotes will remove them in short order, along with plenty of other animals and birds. I once shot a deer at dusk and dragged it out after dark. Came back in before morning light and the entire gut pile was GONE! That's less than 8 hours later.
  14. Not if you show up with a .22 LR, or a .22 Hornet, .223, 6mm or.243 for deer in grizzly country or even Alberta Canada, where the bucks go over 200 pounds with regularity. I'll wager they don't feel good about a hunter who uses a .243 because he's recoil shy either. A professional guide can tell a lot about a client by the type of rifle he brings on a hunt. there's an time honored guide saying, "Bring enough gun."
  15. I wonder why most professional Guides recommend a minimum caliber and cartridge for their big game hunts. Maybe they know more than the typical nimrod they work for.
  16. Quote: "heck lets just go with .338 lapua or.465 H & H or maybe a .50 bmg. Outta be able to make good hamburg out of a deer with those. I have a .243 and a .308 .243 kills just as well as .308. If you aim you do not need a big gun to kill a deer. Those are for the ones who do not aim and want to make sure tht no matter where the round hits they will have a dead deer." And the .243 is for boys who can't handle a man's rifle. LOL!
  17. I disagree Bubba. There is no reason a practiced rifleman, with a rifle he has confidence in, can't make that shot. It has happened many times in the field, on deer as well as Elk, with success. Maybe you need more practice with your rifle, or more time in the field shooting at game. As far as the .243 debate goes, it will obviously kill deer. But the fact that this question keeps coming up, just proves there is a lot of doubt about it's effectiveness, and for good reason.
  18. I'd have to say the suspect proved his own guilt by running at high speed, endangering innocents without regard, and then killing himself. Case closed.
  19. Mine was done by a guy who butchers deer in Bloomville, NY. Forget his name. The bear was skinned at the butcher by the guy who did the rug though. He is Mark Fine from Spring Valley Sportsman in Delhi, NY. The shop's # is 607-746-7500. I was very happy with the butcher and the rug.
  20. Better: When you have been hunting hard all week, and the sun is going down on the last day of the season. You finally spot a really nice 10 point buck going well over 200 lbs, but it's heading for the trees, is 250 yards out and only giving you a few seconds to shoot. To make your shot harder, it's going to be a going away shot that will require your bullet to enter the rear ham and travel through the intestines, liver, stomach full of food, diaphragm and lungs to get the bullet to hit the deer's heart. You also estimate the wind is blowing close to 25 MPH. Better be shooting a rifle chambered for something that is up to the task and you have complete confidence in, or hold your fire. Confidence kills.
  21. My deer rifles in 7mm-08. .308. and .30-06 are all hitting 2" high at 100 yards. That puts them on at 200 yards and about 4" low at 300 yards. No hold over or holding low on anything if it's within 300 yards. That keeps things simple.
  22. I hunted with a .243 for 5 years, long enough to find out a 7mm-08 is a much better round. The .243 is a round designed to do double duty on deer or varmints, which it doesn't do best on either. It's a compromise round. At long range it doesn't do as good a job on wind deflection, nor does it penetrate as well if the shot has to pass through ribs, shoulder or a stomach full of food. Sure you can load up a hot .243 cartridge to high velocity with a very expensive premium bullet for $2 a pop and get the same results you can get with a .75 cent per shot Privi-Partisan 7mm-08. But I would only consider doing that to a .243 if I didn't have another rifle chambered in a better round to take deer hunting. I don't care what anyone has ever done with a .243 in the field. Anything it can do, there are many other rounds that can do it better.
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