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Everything posted by ants

  1. Very wet is right. But I have been seeing a lot of birds in the fields…..Would chicks be hatched yet???
  2. Agreed …Besides T.V. Land has cancelled reruns of 'The Dukes Of Hazard' because of its obvious racist scenes involving a racist car. So its settled.
  3. And post a pic of yourself without the face mask please………Damn crickets are deafening!!!!! WTF???
  4. Im so tempted to ebey them…I bet I could make money on them… But then again having the wife gone on an overnight has some serious value too….
  5. God bless him.. but Im so sick of hearing about this kid…..I have four tickets locked up in my gun safe for his concert in September at Darrian Lake. My wife and three of her nut job friends are going.. The wife constantly asks if the tickets are safe... I swear Im going to sell them and tell the wife that we were robbed……..
  6. Ahh ….ok…So do YOU think they are a bunch of racists or not ??? And what does posting pictures of yourself have to do with anything?? Can you tell a person is a racist by just looking at them??? I really don't get it . Explain your point to me...
  7. Whats your point??? Is it that they are racists?
  8. I would be PISSED if I were you!!!!,,,, No non whites responding to race baiting???????…. Wait…….Is that RACIST??????!!!! I bet it is!!!!!!!
  9. The last time we took the kids to the KOA ,right next to Water Safari, we saw a Shn!T load of bears. It was 4 or 5 years ago. We were there 3 days and we must of seen at least a dozen bears, just walking through the campgrounds. Most of them too close for comfort. One night I was sleeping and heard one snorting ( sounded like a pig) around just inches from my head on the outside of the tent. The next morning I saw his tracks less than a foot from the side of the tent.
  10. How pissed are you at "non white members" for not responding??????
  11. Your original post was addressed to "non white members" wasn't it. Are you upset that no "non white members" bit on your stinking pile of race bait?? just wondering…...
  12. LOL!! is that the old KOA campground near the water park????
  13. A guy I know still hunts deer with the same Ithaca 16ga. that his father used and gave to him when we were teenagers. I have shot it a few times. It has a peep sight and is crazy accurate out to 75-80 yards or so. I have been trying to buy to off him, since we are in high school but he will never sell it.
  14. We got over 2 1/2" last night and we have had off and on down pours for the last few hours. Light rain right now. My son left his car window down last night, after I told him to go out and roll it up…….Trout could live on the floor boards.
  15. How did the Confederate flag originate? Did a bunch of Southern, white redneck racists say "We need a symbol of Southern, white, redneck racists" and thats what they came up with?
  16. #1.. They didn't fling enough #2.. Would you be against people burning the U.S. flag in protest?
  17. I have a problem with the constitution being redefined, by unelected, politicly motivated boobs, in order to fit the flavor of the day. If you want to merry your boyfriend, or girlfriend,, who cares? lets let the same self serving boobs redefine the second amendment,,first amendment…what ever amendment..sounds like a good idea to me……...
  18. There is some deep thinking and crazy intelligence on display right there!!! Keep it up!!
  19. Im waiting for a case to come out in favor of a Muslim, who knowingly took a job at a pork meat packing plant but could not work because of religious beliefs, about handling pork, so he/she was allowed to just sit at home and be mailed a weekly paycheck from the plant. Far fetched???
  20. Funny how they get to write the definitions…... And everyone is still ignoring HOW the majority of this small group of unelected people, came to their decision. Pandora's box is officially open…… But hey……homophobes & haters....Right?
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