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Everything posted by Grouse

  1. Yet you have no explanation for anything that is questioned and just spend your time attacking others you don't agree with. Maybe if you had a spine and questioned authority a little more, you might be worthy of living in this country.
  2. Written by BP Oil Executive B. Cromwell. This explains it all: I’ve been in oil and gas for a decade and sometimes forget how the average person may not know what I see everyday. We, the American people, have enough oil and gas under our feet to supply our demand and also export our products for years to come. No matter your political opinion, we can all agree the gas prices we see now are upsetting. What everyone needs to understand is that the high gas prices are not because of some conflict overseas - prices were high well before that. The prices are not high because our American supply simply vanished. The prices are high because the people who run our country have decided to import oil from another country instead of using our very own American made product. Why? Using our own product creates lower prices, puts hard working American people to work with very good paying jobs and makes us as a country energy independent - Not dependent on another country to survive. We all saw that not long ago. Not only have the people in power decided to kill American jobs and create high prices, but they’ve also passed legislation to make it harder for an American oil and gas company to produce & transport our very own product. Why? Forget for one second who was President when our prices at the pump were low and our economy was booming and realize that that person was simply “For the people”. If you take away your dislike for DJT, you’ll admit that you miss those times and enjoyed them. Your 401K was higher, gas prices were lower and we were booming as a country. Now after a year of our current admin, you’ll realize that these people are “not for the people”. They are for themselves and their foreign business deals. The high gas prices should be enough for you to see that. The supply is still here, the hard-working Americans to produce it are still here. Having a booming economy is still possible. So no matter what you’re told by the news, realize that if we had people in power who were for us Americans, it could be as good it was before. Nothing has changed as far as oil and gas from 2016-2020 to the last year. It didn’t just dry up. It’s here, we are here to produce it. We can go back to lower prices at the pump. All we need is the people in power to want that. Lastly, since we all got to witness someone running our country for four years who truly wanted the best “for the people” as we can clearly see the “then & now” comparison as we speak. Remember every media outlet and political person wanted you to hate him, wanted to impeach him and did everything they could do to be against him. They were against the man who wanted things to be good for US, the American people. Those same people are not against the current leadership. Makes you wonder who’s side they’re all on…. BP Oil Executive B. Cromwell
  3. Gas prices dropped 25 cents a gallon on 6/1 due to NY removing the gas tax for a few months, or so they said. On 6/1/22 regular gas was $4.65 a gallon. On 6/3/22 the price of gas is right back up to $4.90 a gallon, exactly where it was prior to 6/1/22. Why is that?
  4. The only thing about oil production that has changed since gas was selling for $2 a gallon is who is sitting in the White House. And if oil production is at an all time high, why was Biden begging OPEC to supply us with more oil after he regulated the hell out of US oil production? That Bloomberg report isn't showing actual current production numbers. It's talking about predictions for the rest of the year and next year, and it's basing those predictions on the high price of oil driving that production.
  5. Finally, a post that actually relates to the original idea of this thread. Thank You.
  6. Your blind animosity is obviously in control of your mind, otherwise you might realize I ask questions and base them on facts. Mike, in your case you are one of the masses, but the m is silent.
  7. How about anything that might indicate the shooting had more to it than the narrative the government wants you to swallow?
  8. https://www.newyorkstatefirearmsassociation.org/latest-news/emergency-gun-control-hearings-happening-tomorrow/
  9. https://thefederalist.com/2020/11/30/how-democrats-plan-to-control-new-york-forever/?fbclid=IwAR0r4276cQx-W7Cf0JeO17V2tVyLKYgk-O9sdDYvAc0YYJienmg4LtFoz3s Democrats’ plan is not yet a fait accompli. It must pass another session of the legislature (in 2021) and then be approved by the voters in a ballot referendum. But make no mistake: should the Democrats’ plan go into effect, eliminating the checks and balances intended to protect the minority would result in the “tyranny of the majority” that James Madison warned against in Federalist 10.
  10. Nobody wonders why any evidence collected at these scenes is not available to the public? Nobody wonders why it was only investigated by the government and no independent agency was allowed to review it? Lots of questions about JFK, Waco, Vegas, Newton CT and others, but no answers. When your government feels it doesn't have to answer any of our questions, it no longer feels it is obligated to represent us. It feels we are subjects and not entitled to the truth. It's not working for us. We are working for them. For those of you who are OK with that, I pity you and loathe you simultaneously.
  11. OK, they want a new school? Fine. But why destroy the old one? Feelings vs crime scene evidence? Why did they bulldoze Waco, TX only a few days after the fire? Nobody there needed closure because every man woman and child there was dead. Don't you think the government would've wanted to find some evidence to back up the illegal guns or child abuse allegations it made in order to attack the place? Do you think Oswald killed JFK? Would the car have shown some evidence that he didn't if they didn't destroy it by cleaning it up? Do you know the government claims it has "lost" JFK's brain? Maybe it was evidence the shot came from the front? Turkey season was a bust. Except for a few hens around, there were few birds and no toms that I saw. I heard very few gobbles at all. Trout fishing was pretty good when I had time to go in April, but haven't had time to go much in May. I have been asking these question for many years, to every elected official I see and they respond to it as if it were a third rail that will kill them. They all know it looks suspicious and they all fear answering the question truthfully. They don't want to be accused of being crazy like I get accused here by people who cannot just objectively look at facts. I just see an ongoing pattern here and am asking if anyone else sees it. People seem to want to ignore it, no matter how many times it happens. If the government has nothing to hide, why won't they address the concern without attacking anyone who questions the pattern? People have a real strong sense of denial that fascinates me.
  12. And as of today, they are looking to give his shooter his life back with complete freedom. See the problem here?
  13. This is California's response to protecting students from mass shootings in school. On 24 May, a sociopath who should have been on the short list for threat vectors of every school guidance counselor and, by extension, local law enforcement walked unimpeded into an Uvalde, Texas, elementary school and murdered 21 people, including 19 children, injuring others. Two days later, California's State Senate voted to end a requirement that schools report students who commit or threaten violence in schools. Read that again. The existing law prior to the change stipulated: "Whenever any employee of a school district or county superintendent of schools is attacked, assaulted, or physically threatened by any pupil, the employee and any person under whose direction or supervision the employee is employed who has knowledge of the incident are required to promptly report the incident to specified law enforcement authorities." The Senate has officially repealed this requirement. According to the sponsor of the bill change, Los Angeles leftist Steven Bradford, reporting such violence harms the student: "Our existing system has led to alarming disparities in the type of students who are most likely to suffer these harms. Black students, Latinx students, students of color, and students with disabilities are disproportionately referred to law enforcement, cited, and arrested."
  14. My Bad, I meant Texas. For all you guys who want to criticize, how about addressing the question about why all of these crime scenes were cleaned up or destroyed? Anyone disagree that this is a fact? Anyone care to offer an explanation as to why this was done? I don't think so. Just attack the idea because you fear the thought. What happened to question authority?
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