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Everything posted by Grouse

  1. Hunting leads to disrespect of HUMAN life? Enlighten me. You know exactly what I'm saying and are just blowing smoke to defend your position against all logic.
  2. It appears to be willful ignorance. Is this logical to you? "Abortion and refusing to take personal responsibility for one’s actions have contributed to a general coarseness and disrespect for life at all stages." How about this? "The strength or weakness of a society depends more on the level of its spiritual life than on its level of industrialization. Neither a market economy nor even general abundance constitutes the crowning achievement of human life. If a nation's spiritual energies have been exhausted, it will not be saved from collapse by the most perfect government structure or by any industrial development. A tree with a rotten core cannot stand." —Alexander Solzhenitsyn (1918-2008) If you can't see the connection, I cannot help you.
  3. The "Patriotic Party" is the one that loves and supports the country. It only supports the government when it deserves it. Hope that clears it up for you.
  4. Abortion and refusing to take personal responsibility for one’s actions have contributed to a general coarseness and disrespect for life at all stages, as witnessed by the shooting sprees regularly occurring in Chicago and other major cities. The question remains: Is abortion the cause of our increasingly decadent culture, or a reflection of it?
  5. I'm sure we will hear a lot of "Some people did some things" this Saturday.
  6. You remember all the congratulatory messages and appreciation being heaped on our healthcare workers during the last year and a half of the pandemic. There was a parade in NYC and constant reminders of how much we owe to these brave practitioners of medicine and their support staff. They showed up every day in very tense circumstances in uncharted territory. Everyone acknowledged their contribution to society and appreciated their sacrifice. Well, not everyone. Certainly not their bosses, the people in charge making the big decisions. These same people that we couldn't show our appreciation to enough, are now being forced to find other work or risk being fired. These are people who've, in many cases, studied medicine in some form, help care for sick and injured people, but don't want to subject themselves to something they're not sure of. Many hospitals and healthcare systems around the country are forcing their "heroes" to do something against their will or risk losing their livelihoods. Vaccinated people are still getting the virus and can still transmit the virus according to the Cleveland Clinic and other reputable sources, if there are any left you can trust these days. So if a "hero" healthcare worker feels it's "their body and their choice" it apparently only applies to a specific medical procedure involving an expectant mother and her baby, but only if she wants to end the life of that unborn child. What's scarier than a new virus in this country is a new wave of forced compliance and Americans willingness to go along with it. If this is how the government, and our health care establishment treat the "heroes" among us, what chance do the rest of us stand against their will?
  7. His old boss was just as bad and is probably still pulling the strings. Hard to believe these two are not friends of terrorists.
  8. "The Left: Men can get pregnant. The Left on Abortion: Men don't have a uterus, so they have no say in what a woman does with her body. See how this works?" —Darrell B. Harrison
  9. If someone attacks a pregnant woman and kills the fetus, that person can be charged with murder. That tells you the law considers the fetus to be a person.
  10. No, I would get to that baby prior to it's indoctrination by evil leftists. The societal problem of leftists, Marxists, Progressives and Communists isn't going to be solved by abortion. Abortion is actually part of that collectivist ideology. BTW, the fact you find my prior post laughable is disturbing. It indicates you don't consider the Rule of Law or sanctity of human life to be of any value. That's scary.
  11. I already answered this question for you. You did not respond to it. How anyone could assume a baby will grow up to be evil is beyond me. A baby is innocence personified. What it becomes will be determined by the people it is exposed to in life. Evil people will have an evil effect on it. Good people will have a productive effect on it. The fact we have become a society where having mothers kill their own babies is acceptable, even defended, proves evil has become quite powerful in America today. Abortion was designed to control population. The founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, wanted to control the population of blacks to keep them under control, preventing them from becoming a threat to the majority. Today, most abortions are done on blacks. Those of you who claim to not be racist and morally superior to conservatives regarding abortion, need to explain how you can support what amounts to black genocide through abortion. It is impossible to avoid questions about the morality of abortion until the issue of when life begins is legally established. Our Constitution guarantees every individual the RIGHT to LIFE, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. If we are going to be a society that determines things based on science, then deciding when life begins is a question for scientists to answer, and that answer has already been provided. When the fetus has a heart beat, it is a LIFE. Therefore, it is an individual, entitled to Constitutional protections, the same protections afforded to everyone else. This is a simple example of being consistent when following the Rule of Law. If you wish to support abortion beyond when a fetus has a heartbeat, you must be able to show later term abortions should be allowed regardless of laws against murder. Is it self defense regarding the LIFE of the mother? (Not the health of the mother. That is legally too vague.) Is it a death sentence for an individual that has committed a capital offense? Is it an enemy combatant? What crime is the fetus guilty of that would allow the state to take it's life at the request of the mother? As a Constitutionalist, these are the issues I see that have not been addressed in Roe v. Wade, and that is why that SCOTUS decision was legally flawed and needs to be revisited. If Roe v. Wade had addressed the question of when life begins, we would not have had this ongoing debate about abortion for decades now. We are either a society that follows the Rule of Law, or one that rules with the political shifting winds, bowing to the demands of personal convenience. History proves societies that have chosen that path have not survived for very long. That is what is at the core of this abortion debate.
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