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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Grouse

  1. It appears the Democrats have decided to throw Cuomo under the bus because they want to put NY's radical leftist AG in as Gov. Latitia James would be far worse than Cuomo and if you criticize her, you're a racist, sexist, privileged white supremacist. There's a method to Marxist madness.
  2. If you understand the motive it does. Keep the virus in crises mode, while importing more illegals to vote after you give them amnesty, and demand all the same crazy voting changes for 2022 that allowed the cheating in 2020.
  3. FBI So Corrupt Even Dems Are Joining GOP Reps to Bring Agency to Heel https://www.westernjournal.com/fbi-corrupt-even-dems-joining-gop-reps-bring-agency-heel-developing/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=westernjournalism&utm_content=2021-08-04&utm_campaign=manualpost&fbclid=IwAR3giu7o5ALMcZ5sMGEX3r77BrErfxlO0EhmXR-2Vcx7J3IS61vQ71HQ-4c
  4. This is exactly what Corzine did. Christie got elected, allowed bear hunting for all and solved the problems bears were creating. Now idiot Murphy will bring all the problems back. People living in the bear areas are pissed again.
  5. Ben Shapiro: Until We Stand Up for Our Freedom, the COVID Panic Will Only Continue. We have hit the goalposts; every adult now has the capacity to protect himself. There are no other realistic goalposts: Zero COVID-19 cases was never a realistic goal. When is the job of government done? https://www.westernjournal.com/ben-shapiro-stand-freedom-covid-panic-will-continue/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=westernjournalism&utm_content=2021-08-04&utm_campaign=manualpost&fbclid=IwAR05GhYVYYF6a5Q7_SMFy0R0liZ1QDk8yDOHl3dMioX5w75KinQqSoBhc5s
  6. We wouldn't need anything fake. There's enough real evidence against Biden to take him out honestly. But when you have a corrupt Atty General and DOJ that refuses to look into any of it, and actually covers it all up, you can't make it happen.
  7. The DEC will cancel the hunting season this year. All deer will be vaccinated, sterilized and forced to wear masks as well. Then they will find it in coyotes, raccoons, possum, porcupine and squirrel and have the state mandate nobody may venture out of their homes anymore.
  8. Imagine if the Democrat Governors in these NE states decide to cancel the hunting seasons this fall.
  9. The only sure fire way to prevent inhalation of the virus is to put a plastic bag over your head and tie it tightly around your neck. This will guarantee you will not die from the virus, but it will still be called a COVID death because the virus made you do it. As far a everything else going on in the world, the virus is being used to distract you from all of it.
  10. That's the leftist progressive Marxist totalitarian Democrat definition of a RINO. The actual definition is a self described Republican who most often sides with leftist progressive Marxist totalitarian Democrats.
  11. Unless Democrats knew they were lying for four years when they labelled Trump a fascist, racist, Nazi, dictator, etc., were they not duty-bound to cheat on Biden’s behalf? So, then, when you have circumstantial evidence (not proof), combined with opportunity, desire, motive and, most important, no moral argument against cheating and a strong moral argument for cheating, it isn’t a “lie,” and it isn’t a crackpot conspiracy theory, to wonder about the integrity of America’s 2020 presidential election. https://patriotpost.us/opinion/77273-the-most-important-question-about-the-2020-election-2021-01-26?mailing_id=6017&utm_medium=email&utm_source=pp.email.6017&utm_campaign=digest&utm_content=body&fbclid=IwAR2jnE-cv1fpQSoJzP2lPzQYQzT_iHetLRUpS8RNygv5d1S967OV0_K5g-8
  12. A Philadelphia made Sterlingworth in 12 gauge and in good condition is worth at least $1500. More details about it's features, bore condition, Bbl length, chokes and any flaws would be needed to appraise it better. If it was already appraised, knowing what that figure was would be very helpful.
  13. It's been five years since the FBI's phony investigation of Donald Trump was opened — and justice has yet to be served. Douglas Andrews These days, we have an anniversary for just about everything: boot camp graduation; baby's first steps; 10 years on the job; 195 days, 2 hours, 28 minutes, and 57 seconds of abject American misery under the Biden administration. You get the idea. But one infamous anniversary passed recently with nary a peep: Saturday, July 31, marked five years since the FBI opened up the Crossfire Hurricane investigation of then-presidential candidate Donald Trump. In doing so, a few partisan players at the J. Edgar Hoover Building violated the civil rights of Trump and his associates, sabotaged his presidency with phony charges of Russian collusion during the 2016 election, and debased a perfectly good Rolling Stones tune. And more important: The actions of then-FBI Director James Comey, Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, Special Agent Peter Strzok, lawyers Lisa Page and Kevin Clinesmith, and a handful of other Trump-hating partisans deeply disgraced a once proud bureau and rendered it untrustworthy to tens of millions of American citizens. The Washington Examiner's Byron York noted this anniversary with a brief but brilliant synopsis of the whole sordid affair. He writes: York also details what he calls "one of the most atrocious scenes in recent political history, or perhaps all political history." He's speaking of the episode in which Comey comes to Trump Tower to "brief" then-President elect Trump on the intelligence community's assessment of Russian interference in the just-concluded 2016 presidential election. It was a setup, we now know — an opportunity for Comey to share the salacious findings of the phony "Steele dossier" with Trump before its rotten and unverified contents were "mysteriously" leaked to the media. As it stands, U.S. Attorney John Durham, who was given "special counsel" status by then-Attorney General William Barr toward the end of Trump's term, is the lone hope for those of us who revere the Constitution and believe that no one, regardless of their political affiliations, is above the law. Durham has been investigating the investigators since the spring of 2019, but to little avail so far. As Yahoo News reports: "Much to the chagrin of Trump and his allies, Durham has so far secured only one guilty plea. FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith, who has since left the bureau, admitted to Durham in the summer of 2020 he falsified a document during efforts to renew its Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act authority to wiretap former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page by editing a CIA email in 2017 to state that Page was 'not a source.'" Think about it: For the crime of having falsified evidence deeply injurious to a sitting U.S. president, Clinesmith, an FBI lawyer, got a mere slap on the wrist. And the scumbags who told him to do it are still free men. July 31 is thus a date well worth remembering. Why? Because the entire investigation was garbage, because justice still hasn't been served, and because, as Donald Trump himself has said numerous times, "We can never let this happen to another president again."
  14. One-third of white-tailed deer in the north-eastern United States have antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 — a sign that they have been infected with the virus. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-02110-8?utm_source=join1440&utm_medium=email Forget about trying to control the virus. It's out of control and no amount of masking or vaccine doses is going to end it. The only hope you have is to get it, live through it and allow your natural immune system to keep you alive.
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