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Everything posted by Grouse

  1. "France gets 70% of its power from one carbon-free source. Sweden 40%. Switzerland 36%. The United States 20%. For those who wish to create a world free of carbon emissions, France is clearly the role model. That source of energy, by the way, is not solar or wind. It’s not coal, oil, or natural gas, either. It’s nuclear. Nuclear energy is not only cleaner than all other forms of energy. It’s also cheaper to create, abundant, and safe. Yes, safe. So, if the world is going to end in a few years because of global warming due to rising CO2 levels, why aren’t we going all out to produce this abundant, clean, and safe form of energy? Why aren’t there dozens of nuclear power plants in development all over the world? Well, we all know the answer, right? Nuclear energy is just too risky… too dangerous. So, even though we’re told we’re facing an “existential crisis”, which means humans may cease to exist—even though we might all wither away in unbearable heat; or starve because of world-wide droughts; or drown in rising seas; or be killed in Mad Max-style riots—nuclear energy is off the table, because… it’s too darn risky. Hmmm. I want to be sure I have this right. The goal is to save humanity. There’s a way to save humanity. And we won’t take it. Because we’re afraid there might be a bad accident… or something. Does that make sense to you? Because it doesn’t to me. But maybe I’m not giving enough weight to the safety argument, so let’s take a closer look at that since no one, not even the most radical environmentalist, disputes that nuclear power produces massive amounts of energy cleanly and efficiently. Safety, like everything else, is a matter of context. So, here’s some context. 1.4 million people die worldwide every year in traffic accidents, 2.3 million in work-related accidents, 4.2 million from air pollution. Deaths directly related to nuclear power? Under 200—not annually but in the entire history of the nuclear power industry. But what about those famous nuclear disasters we’ve all heard so much about? Didn’t they poison untold thousands? Three Mile Island in 1979, Chernobyl in 1986, and Fukushima in 2011. Okay, let’s deal with each one. Three Mile Island: There was an accident at the plant, yes, but the amount of radiation that leaked was no more than one might receive taking a chest x-ray. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission acknowledged as much four weeks after the initial media hysteria died down. “We goofed,” the commission told Congress. “There was no danger of any hydrogen explosion.'' But that didn’t grab the headlines. Chernobyl: The accident developed into a catastrophe only because of pitiful safety procedures unique to the Soviet Union. It would never have occurred in the West. Even so, initial reports of radiation leakage turned out to be grossly exaggerated. According to the World Health Organization, “As of mid-2005”—that’s 19 years after the explosion—“fewer than 50 deaths had been directly attributed to radiation from the disaster.” Fukushima: In 2011, as a result of an earthquake and tsunami, the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant was destroyed, and nuclear radiation was released. Yet, despite the media hysteria, not one person at the nuclear plant died because of radiation leaks. The deaths that occurred in the area were the result of the tsunami. Well, what about nuclear waste? Surely that’s terribly harmful. Actually, no. All the nuclear waste ever generated in the US can fit on a single football field stacked less than seventy feet high. It’s easily and safely buried in steel canisters encased in concrete. All this information is easily available. But the anti-nuclear movement with the help of their media allies have spent a tremendous amount of time and money obscuring the facts. They’re more interested in filing lawsuits against this particular form of clean energy than telling the truth about it. Those endless lawsuits have helped make it prohibitively expensive to build new plants or even to keep older ones running. Ironically, one of the anti-nuclear groups that now litigates against nuclear energy, the Sierra Club, was once a great proponent. The legendary early leader of the club, Will Siri, saw it as the best chance to preserve wildlife. “Cheap [nuclear] power in unlimited quantities is one of the chief factors in allowing a large rapidly growing population to preserve wildlands, open space, and land of high scenic value,” he told the club in 1966. He was right then and he’s right now. It would take dozens of wind and solar farms, covering thousands of acres of land, to match the energy a single nuclear power plant could produce. From both an environmental and clean energy point of view, there’s no contest. If you want to save the planet, then you want to go nuclear. If you want to save the planet and you don’t want to go nuclear, then you’re just full of hot air. I’m Michael Shellenberger, founder and president of Environmental Progress and the author of Apocalypse Never."
  2. Nope, not an executive order. This was a rule change from the BATFE. Lawsuits are already being filed. This is what happens when Congress delegates law making power to federal agencies run by unelected bureaucrats that are not accountable to voters. They can violate civil rights with impunity because they cannot be voted out of office. Al we can do is vote against the POTUS that won't stop them from violating civil rights.
  3. New England hunter Elliott Clemmens and his New Hampshire bull elk... Taken in the 1941 New Hampshire special elk season in which 200 hunters participated.
  4. Not sure who wrote this but it’s about right. The left are nothing but hypocrites—————————————————————- 2011- tens of thousands of Democrats surged on the Wisconsin Capitol building in Madison and physically occupied it for more than two weeks, leaving garbage, filth and vandalism. We were told, "This is what democracy looks like." 2016 - when Obama was still President, hundreds of BLM blocked interstate highways and violently accosted police (even killing several). We were told, "To assign the actions of one person to an entire movement is dangerous and irresponsible." 2018 - during the Kavanaugh hearings, a mob of Democrats stormed the U.S. Supreme Court building in Washington, DC and pounded their fists in rage on the door. We were told, "It is understandable anger." Summer 2020 - riots in major cities across the country, groups of Democrats marched in the streets, set buildings on fire, looted businesses, assaulted and even killed bystanders and police. We were told, "These are mostly peaceful protests" and "riots are the language of the unheard." Remember when Democrats seized several blocks of the Capitol Hill neighborhood in downtown Seattle, declaring it an autonomous zone? Remember the guns, drugs, deaths, and utter destruction? We were told, "It's a block party atmosphere." Remember when a crazed mob gathered after the Republican National Convention and attacked Rand Paul, a sitting U.S. Senator? We were told, "No justice, no peace." Remember how police were told to stand down, governors refused to call in the national guard, and Democrats paid bail for violent protesters who were arrested? We were told, "This is the only way oppressed people can be heard." ***Hundreds of thousands of peaceful protestors are not guilty of the actions of a handful (52 arrested) who chose to be lawless and to defy everything the vast majority of the crowd stood for.*** Conservatives are defenders of the Constitution, the police, and the rule of law. Because a relative few people decided to do something stupid doesn't nullify the concerns of the many. The mainstream media is the real culprit. It has been telling us for years that violence is the only way people who feel oppressed can be heard, it's the only way to get justice, and this is what democracy looks like. Apparently, a few who were in the crowd on Wednesday listened to them. The inflammatory rhetoric of the Left caused this, and it's about time Democrats and the mainstream media took responsibility for dividing Americans and attempting to humiliate those who support the President or any conservative ideals. They have pushed people to the brink, even while claiming, "It's time for unity." It's time for careful reflection and change on all sides.
  5. How Crypto Currency works… an analogy in layman’s terms. Not long ago a merchant found a lot of monkeys that lived near a certain Village. One day he came to the Village saying he wanted to buy these monkeys. He announced that he would buy the monkeys at $100 each.The Villagers thought that this man must be crazy. How can somebody buy stray monkeys at $100 each?Still some People caught some monkeys and gave it to this merchant and he gave $100 for each monkey.This news spread like wildfire and People caught monkeys and sold them to the merchant.After a few days, the merchant announced that he will buy monkeys at $200 each.The lazy villagers also ran around to catch the remaining monkeys. They sold the remaining monkeys at $200 each.The merchant then announced that he will buy monkeys for $500 each.The villagers start to lose sleep. They caught six or seven monkeys which was all that was left and got $500 each.The Villagers were waiting anxiously for the next announcement.Then the merchant announced that he is going on holiday for a week, but when he returns, he will buy monkeys at $1000 each! He also said that his employee will be in charge, and would take care of the monkeys he bought pending his return.The Merchant went on holiday.The Villagers were frantic and very sad as there were no more monkeys left for them to sell at $1000 each as was promised by the Merchant.Then the Merchant’s Employee contacted them and told them that he would secretly sell them some monkeys at $700 each.The news spread like wildfire. As the Merchant promised on his return that he would buy monkeys at $1000 each, they would achieve a $300 profit for each monkey. The next day the Villagers queued up near the Monkey Cage.The Employee sold all the monkeys at $700 each. The rich bought monkeys in large lots. The poor borrowed money from money lenders and bought the rest of the monkeys.The Villagers took care of their monkeys and waited for the Merchant to return. However nobody came! Then they ran to find the Employee. However he was not to be found.The Villagers then realized that they have been duped buying the useless stray monkeys at $700 each, and were now unable to sell them.This Monkey Business is now known as Bitcoin!
  6. Unfortunate letter outage of the week...
  7. No, this thread is discussing the progression of tyranny that we are seeing in America today.
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