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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Grouse

  1. Nope. Just a family photo before a rabbit hunt.
  2. New York Enacts Ridiculous New Gun Laws In Response To Supreme Court Ruling
  3. Twelve Commandments for Seniors #1 - Talk to yourself. There are times you need expert advice. #2 - “In Style” are the clothes that still fit. #3 - You don't need anger management. You need people to stop pissing you off. #4 - Your people skills are just fine. It's your tolerance for idiots that needs work. #5 - The biggest lie you tell yourself is, “I don't need to write that down. I'll remember it.” #6 - “On time” is when you get there. #7 - Even duct tape can't fix stupid, but it sure does muffle the sound. #8 - It would be wonderful if we could put ourselves in the dryer for ten minutes, then come out wrinkle-free and three sizes smaller. #9 - Lately, you've noticed people your age are so much older than you. #10 - Growing old should have taken longer. #11 - Aging has slowed you down, but hasn't shut you up. #12 - You still haven't learned to act your age and hope you never will. . . . And one more: “One for the road” means peeing before you leave the house.
  4. After the 2020 presidential election, President Trump found that all the best lawyers were forced to not take the cases because their firms gave them the ultimatum: withdraw from representing Trump or withdraw from the firm. Apparently, because they represented people’s right to self-defense, Paul Clement and Erin Murphy just faced a similar choice this week. It is very disappointing that Kirkland & Ellis is unwilling to allow conservative causes to be represented.
  5. Please be safe and not stupid.
  6. In Florida and Texas, permit holders are convicted of firearms-related violations at one-twelfth the rate of police officers. The average revocation rate is one-tenth of 1% in the 19 states with comprehensive data. Usually, permit revocations occur because someone moved, died, or forgot to bring a permit while carrying. At Newsweek: Democrats’ Fearmongering About SCOTUS Gun Rights Decision Is Baseless (crimeresearch.org)
  7. The 1791 Society · Join Frank J. Panasuk · 9h · Once again our constitutional rights are being attacked by the far left loons running NY State Government by and for New York City. These idiots, led by the chief idiot, Kathy Hochul, are on rampage, passing one unconstitutional and tyranical law after another. Are you going to sit on your butts and take it? This organization is moving forward with a petition for Federal Injunctions against Hochul and her fellow hysterical anti-gun loons. We are a PAC, a Political Action Committee. We are not allowed to run raffles or any games of chance for fundraisers. We can survive solely on outright donations from supporters. That is the law. Far too many people are sitting back and waiting for others to "do something about it." Here is your chance to get involved in the fight against these people, print this application and join the organization. If you cannot print it, write the information down on a piece of paper and mail it in. We are 100% volunteer, NO ONE is paid. If you do not want your rights totally destroyed by Hochul and her Democrat lefitsts, start getting involved. We have the support of very few firearms dealers, gun clubs, and gun club members. You folks had better start waking up and getting involved before it is too late. We just received a big Supreme Court victory and the leftists are enraged. Don't squander that victory. Support the organization that is supporting you!!!
  8. If you had any cognitive ability at all, you could see I did not say that. And if you had any class whatsoever, it would help you overcome your looks when socializing.
  9. Like deer, hunters have the ability to detect sights and sounds in the woods. If you know a little more about whitetail senses and have a better understanding of how they view the world, you can use that information to be a more effective hunter. https://buckmasters.com/Magazines/Buckmasters/Articles/ID/7877/Uncommon-Sense?fbclid=IwAR3M9yjWIideho_7A21ZI9v0XRmLs98l8-Gz-E9kC6I_40-kUgdX-MKm87c
  10. The stats are readily available and prove CCW holders are the least likely of any people who carry guns, to violate any laws, including law enforcement officers.
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