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Everything posted by Grouse

  1. I think the very fact this woman did exactly what I said during that video proves it's not a "fictitious thing" and leftists are in denial when they claim it is. They don't believe what their eyes see and their ears hear, because they are told not to by their handlers.
  2. The funny part ends when they start to accuse you of being a violent offender if you disagree with this insanity.
  3. Grouse

    Powder Prices

    Fortunately I have plenty of primers in all sizes and levels. I guess I should recalculate what it costs to load rounds again.
  4. I believe leftists are offering a cash prize to the first person that fills that desire.
  5. Grouse

    Powder Prices

    My stock of IMR 4064 is getting low and I haven't bought any powder for at least 5 years. I buy in 5 lb quantities when I do and was looking to buy some today. $60 plus $33 shipping for ONE POUND of IMR 4064?? Insane! I'd say inflation levels are far beyond 8% in this area. Ammo is insanely high in price and so are reloading supplies. Coincidence? I do not think so.
  6. In line, the cashier says to an elderly woman: - Madam, you have to carry your own shopping bags because these plastic bags are not eco-friendly! The old lady apologized and responded: - In my time there was no such "green wave". - This is our problem today, madam. Your generation didn't care enough about the environment. - You're right - the lady replied. Our generation didn't care enough for the environment. Glass bottles of milk, soda and beer used to return to the store. The shop would return them back to the factory, where they were washed and sterilized before using them again and again. We really didn't care about the environment back in the day. We even washed the baby diapers because there were no disposable ones. We dried them ourselves, not in electric dryers. Those diapers were really drying from the wind and sun. We really didn't care about the state of the environment back in our day. Back in our day we only had one TV and one radio in the house, not one TV per room. And the TV had a 14 inch screen, not the size of a stadium, which when it broke, would be thrown out of nowhere. In the kitchen, we had to do everything by hand because there were no electrical appliances to do everything for us. When we mailed something fragile to pack, we used old newspapers, not nylon bubbles and styrofoam balls that take 500 years to decompose. Back in the day we didn’t use petrol lawn mowers to mow the lawn, they were mechanical and we used our muscles to move them. The workouts were amazing and we didn’t have to go to the gym to get fit. You're right, we didn't worry about the environment in our days. We used to drink water straight from the tap, not from the plastic bottles and cups that now fill the oceans. There wasn't really a "green wave" in our days - back then we all got on the tram or bus, boys used bikes or walked to school instead of using their parents as a 24-hour taxi service. So isn't it amazing that the current generation talks so much about "environment", but is unwilling to give anything up and think to live with little like I did back in my day!
  7. The left loves "mob rule". If a woman identifies as a man, wouldn't getting pregnant negate that belief? If you want to be a man and still want to get pregnant, you have to be seriously confused.
  8. Just one of the perks of being an employee so valuable, the only thing the boss doesn't want you to do is retire. Something you will never know.
  9. More proof the left hates the Constitution and the Rule of Law.
  10. And today the Democrats are proposing new tax increases. That should do wonders for the working people in this country. Nothing they like better than higher taxes and higher spending. You have got to be a complete fool to support Democrats, and I say that having met many of them.
  11. Hard to argue with the reality of the situation Biden supporters have put all of the regular folks in , isn't it?
  12. Thanks to information obtained via Freedom of Information Act requests, it has recently been reported that the Biden administration has been working with a leftist group — Democracy Fund — to establish connections across the federal government and state governments to promote the establishment of dubious and unsecure voting practices such as bulk-mail balloting. To put it simply, the Biden administration is engaged in what appears to be a thinly veiled form of electioneering with the obvious goal being to tip the scales in favor of Democrat candidates. The federal government being so engaged in state election protocols is a violation of Article I, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution, which grants control and administration of elections to each state government. Ergo, the Biden administration injecting itself into these processes is yet further evidence that no matter how much Biden claims to be seeking to protect democracy, he's doing the exact opposite. And, evidently, his administration is not above using electioneering to get it done.
  13. And that is exactly the way it has worked in every totalitarian regime the world has ever know, from the Nazi's to the Communists. Only those the government deems worthy are allowed to be free. America is moving in that direction, thanks to leftists in political power.
  14. The choices in the next few elections are simple. Vote for Democrats and get bigger, more totalitarian government and far less freedom, or vote Republican and reverse all of this leftist oppression and destruction. And if you hate Trump, you are not thinking for yourself, because he's the guy who succeeded in reversing that leftist destruction when he was in office. Then the haters, the low info, low IQ voters that are manipulated by the media, saw to it we got it all back. They not only hate Trump, they hate what the country has always been and should always be. A land directed by the US Constitution and the Rule of Law.
  15. If you are defending Biden on this gas issue, you really need to evaluate your analytical thinking process. You hitched your wagon to a total loser. Just admit it to yourself and stop trying to justify your clueless vote.
  16. That would be the Biden supporters. And that would be you.
  17. The whole DC swamp is afraid of him, because he threatens to expose all of the corruption that has become the norm for our government, Dems and GOP both. All the "Never Trump" traitors like the Bush clan, the Cheneys, Romney and the rest, all know he will expose all the corrupt deals they've made and they will use any tactic to prevent it. The entire corrupt government is aligned against the man, because he is for the people and they are not. He's not one of them and never will be, and they cannot let him have the power to prove how corrupt they are. No other GOP nominee is going to do that.
  18. Ammo sales person to person are fine. NY tried to make it through an FFL but the State Police told NY to pound salt.
  19. Many people in this country simply do not understand the ramifications of proving the 2020 election was stolen. The core of this country's principles are founded in a "one man, one vote" credo. Proving Trump won would destroy any semblance of voter integrity left in this land, thereby taking the country down with it. That is why no government agency, no judicial agency and no executive agency is going to seriously investigate anything to do with the 2020 election. I do not think anyone can examine the evidence obtained by True The Vote and say it isn't credible. I don't think it would be possible to refute what they can prove. If you believe the election wasn't stolen, you have come to accept the lies being thrown at us by every faction of our corrupt government to cover up an obvious political coup in order to protect themselves and their best interests. What do you think would happen in this country if it was factually proven Trump really won? When you understand the answer to that question, you will understand why it will never be pursued or admitted. What you also need to understand right now is, our government is completely corrupt and your vote doesn't matter anymore. You are no longer a free citizen in this land. You're being ruled. Everything that is happening since Biden was installed in the White House should be enough proof to make you believe it. If you think that's funny, I encourage you to laugh..... while you still can.
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