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mike rossi

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

Media Demo




Everything posted by mike rossi

  1. http://nydovehunting.weebly.com/dave-the-dove.html
  2. Game commission members are usually appointed by politicians as well. I dont know how many states use this system I know NJ does and that place is FUBR. Some of the Indian reservations use it. PA has some sort of similar system but I dont think it is as nuts as jerseys. According the the jersey dudes, they got the best system and everyone envies it, well not me.... NY does have CFAB and the FWMB, not too different than GC, but with a specific focus, members are also appointed except for a few ex offico members. So, in lack of better words, NY has a partial game commission....
  3. At one airport, they are the leading bird.... With goof balls insisting that there are no doves in NY, we thought this data was useful. We never claimed doves were overpopulated or a nuisance species. If someone takes it that way, then so be it. However, be mindful that the HSUS, in its video cartoon and elsewhere, insists doves have absolutely no conflicts with people - not true....
  4. You were also the guy who criticized my suggestion that moose might be impacted by mute swans overgrazing on SAV..... Did you know that moose will DIVE up to 17 feet to reach this protein source? Granted that is out of the reach of mute swans and most sav grows where more sunlight could reach it, but obviously if a huge animal will dive 17 feet to forage on it, they must need it. I think there is less calories consumed when you dont dive for your food and calorie consumption effects antler growth.... If you mean PM on this forum, consider it done. If you are receiving our newsletter then you need to unsubscribe....I have no idea what your email address is and was unaware you are on it. You are subscribed to my personal you tube channel, I will happily block you from that....
  5. In NY, there were 47 plane collision strikes with mourning doves between 6/29/12 and 1/16/15. #SigntheNYDHpetition #NYDoveHunting #DovesareDelicious An FYF (for your fodder) post. Recycling and re-tweeting appreciated....
  6. In 2009 Jackson Landers developed the curriculum for a class to train adult beginners as deer hunters. Here is his website, http://jacksonlanders.com/teaching/
  7. We are also on google plus, facebook, twitter, and you tube and you can go directly to these sites off of our website. You should be on one or all of these too. If you are you can develop your own online network of hunters and distribute our materiel by using "share buttons". Additionally, every time you "like" one of our posts its distribution is increased among the greater online hunting community. Hunting season starts in eight days, so you will not be hearing from us as frequently for some time. However, we have scheduled a lot of material that will be published nearly every week, so keep checking back and/or sign up on social media for the updates. Here is the link for our Pininterest page: https://www.pinterest.com/NYDoveHunting/
  8. Maybe most of the nuisance problems are in gun free zones?
  9. Everything you say here is largely the point and what needs to be recognized. Also, I am not sure if this is always anti hunters, I am sure half of the time it is hunters.
  10. They are on facebook, it is a closed group so I do not have a link to post. Papa Bear is one of the 160 members. This seems to be a resource that is asked about on this forum every so often so I am passing it along.
  11. The presence of spoofers in online hunting sites is underestimated and ignored. Same will come on here or other sites and waste everyones time and confuse things on purpose..... Its real and its common enough to be an issue.... when they are antis they know how to talk like hunters.... We need to be aware of this.
  12. Our petition is doing well, including down state, but that is where the antis know they get the most bang for their buck , so we too want to amp it up here, see article and share it! http://nydovehunting.weebly.com/do-you-live-here.html
  13. Our petition is doing well, including down state, but that is where the antis know they get the most bang for their buck , so we too want to amp it up here, see article and share it! http://nydovehunting.weebly.com/do-you-live-here.html
  14. Our petition is doing well, including down state, but that is where the antis know they get the most bang for their buck , so we too want to amp it up here, see article and share it! http://nydovehunting.weebly.com/do-you-live-here.html
  15. Keep recruiting others to sign! We want to especially amp up efforts down state, read and share this article: http://nydovehunting.weebly.com/do-you-live-here.html
  16. Here are a few, there are an incredible number on you tube, which they apparently maintain an update on a daily basis.... https://www.facebook.com/pages/Long-Island-Bear-Hunting/558001844286107?fref=ts https://www.facebook.com/pages/STOP-the-Long-Island-Bear-Hunt/324227534372815?fref=ts https://www.facebook.com/Longislandbearandboarhunters?fref=ts
  17. No doubt, but its not just the un-recovered deer, because lead fragments are in gut piles too. Then as already said, people dump the remains after they butcher them. FYI: the smaller fragments actually cause the most harm because more lead is absorbed. I wanted to abstain from this topic, ok, this is my last lead post.....
  18. no, that is right, a dedicated hunting program. could be news paper or other print as well.
  19. That is the one - Lonsberry. I looked him and his show up, not what I thought it was. He is a rush limbough type , and he broadcasts to a wide audience, rather than hunters. That susan albetter on capital pressroom would be good if she didnt work for a station that reaches the general public, rather than projecting her personal opinions, she researches the issues, plans her questions, and asks relevant questions. Hope fully there is someone in the hunter -based media that is as thorough as her. I am open to any other suggestions, either talk radio or magazine or outdoor / hunting columns in newspapers. The DEC had that dude interview them, really? Amazing.....
  20. Larry, I am trying to get interviewed about doves. Will said he will be interviewing me. There was some discussion on here about Hurst on some radio show in the deer thread - I am not wading through 35 pages to find it. Not until after the spring snow goose conservation order season is over anyway.....
  21. What are the NY hunting talk radio stations?
  22. Great pheasant dogs. I have no idea why they do so well on pheasant, but they do.... Speaking of pheasant, did you get your shirt yet?
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