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mike rossi

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by mike rossi

  1. Actually, the past year some of the 11 states have modified Sunday bans. However, we believe in Sunday hunting for all, not just bow hunters and/or private land owners. In addition to our dove effort in NY, we also are engaged in reforming Sunday, public land, firearm hunting bans. We ask persons who buy New Jersey non-resident as well as resident hunting licenses to sign our petition. If you are a non resident, include in the comments that you buy a NJ non-resident hunting licence. And, as always, inform others in your personal network about this petition and the website NJ Sunday Hunting For All. Here is the link to this petition: http://newjerseysundayhuntingforall.weebly.com/sign-the-petition-to-allow-sunday-firearm-hunting.html
  2. Ever hear of the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation? The consensus is Europe should adopt our model, not the vice-versa.
  3. And that my friends, is exactly why the DEC sometimes throttles public comment, as discussed earlier in this thread.....
  4. How old of a man are you? The reason I ask, is I am 50. Fred Neff and Jerry Natale , who have been after this since the eighties, are 71 years old. I dont plan on driving this until I am 70. We need people in their twenties and thirties to get into this. We also need people from your area - NYC to get into the lawmakers offices down there and speak with them. There is only one rod and gun club I am aware of in NYC, and that is in Staten Island. I am not discussing Long Island here, but what is considered NYC. Hunters are not at all organized in NYC. We want persons on our petition from NYC to communicate with each other. And show your numbers, even if it is a small number, to the state lawmakers in NYC. I suspect state lawmakers based in NYC dont think ANY hunters vote in their district. We are going to facilitate the organization of hunters who live in NYC, and we need a few of the locals to step up. (Elmo, who has been one of our contributors and we value him, however he always complains about being busy). We also will need to free up space on our newsletter when we reach the stage it is necessary to do letter writing campaigns. Currently, we are just trying to gain petition signatures. Thus, we continue to send our newsletter to many who are not keen on our initiative, in hopes they will eventually sign on. At the same time, we have a list of thousands of people who are serious about dove hunting who we want to contact when this reaches the letter writing campaign stage. At that point, we have two options - one just purge the list , or two create a separate list. Since many (800 believe it or not) of the people on the purge list are actually officers of NY state hunting organizations or NY gun rights organizations, we, right or wrong, are somewhat hesitant to purge them even at the stage we need to make room. (But we must and we will when the time comes). Creating a second list is not hard, but we do not want to administer two lists. So, without beating around the bush anymore, will you or anyone else anyone commit to administering the deadbeat list?
  5. I understand the spirit in which this is said, but its not the same as the DEC's program. Not by a long shot.
  6. This is not a political endorsement, but here is a good quote from Jeb Bush during the presidential political debate last night: "You won't be able to insult your way to the presidency. Leadership is not about attacking people and disparaging people. It is about creating serious strategies to deal with the threats of our time."
  7. Voting isn't everything. Being an active American in the entire political process is. We've got to reguarly contact our elected officials so they know what we want. Simply voting for someone isn't enough, not by a long shot. The good part is that it is really easy to be involved. It takes a couple minutes, at most, to contact your elected official. But, I think being well versed and educated is an important factor and that you shouldn't even vote if you're unaware of the realities of culture, society, and government.
  8. The steps to be taken are clear, the DEC itself says on their webpage about dove hunting, that "political support" must grow first before a dove season happens. We outlined various strategies to climb each level. These are mostly new strategies, and if you keep in mind the first post in this thread, when new strategies are used, success rates climb drastically. We got a lot of tools we have not yet used, because we need help. There are 62 counties in NY, and we would like 62 county reps. One hundred signatures is a very obtainable goal - if 62 reps got 100 signatures, that ALONE would be 6,200. And there are many ways those reps could achieve that: Visit clubs and ranges. Run a table or booth at National Hunting and Fishing Day. Set up at Gander Mountain, Cabela's, Bass Pro Shops, Dicks, Field and Stream, and Herb Phillipson's.
  9. They are being smart and mindful of public perception by requiring the rabbits to be gutted at weigh in. Off course, the hulk gutting would undermine that. I am not sure if that method is any quicker than a knife, actually, I know it is not faster. I suspect part of the rational is you can remove entrails and put it in your game bag with less mess? Like any other hunter I have my "opinions", and in my opinion, it is not worth it or necessary. Even if gutting rabbits that way had a definite advantage, its not palatable with the public at large and not conducive to recruiting new hunters. Showing that video, is in fact, a good way to convert more people to veganism.
  10. I want to add to my above post, that the live test is "about as effective" as the post mortum test. Neither test is 100% accurate. So, even if an animal tests negative, there is still some level of risk. Maybe the DEC and PGC are thinking along those lines? Might be a question for the NRA or something like that Cletus.
  11. I got into this before, there has been a live test for some time, but it is an invasive procedure. Check it out: https://www.aphis.usda.gov/wps/portal/aphis/ourfocus/wildlifedamage/sa_programs/sa_nwrc/sa_spotlight/ct_cwd_jul08/!ut/p/a0/04_Sj9CPykssy0xPLMnMz0vMAfGjzOK9_D2MDJ0MjDzd3V2dDDz93HwCzL29jAwMTfQLsh0VAXWczqE!/ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22914819
  12. After I replied to you, I realized you might be referring to the way online discussions stray? That sure is a serious hindrance. In order to pull together we need to focus on strategies and solutions, make solid commitments of time and effort, and then divy up the work load.
  13. This just came out: http://www.osc.state.ny.us/reports/economic/sportpersons_11302015.pdf http://www.osc.state.ny.us/press/releases/dec15/120915.htm?utm_source=twitter.com&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=fiscal+oversight
  14. When we did our first petition, regarding mute swans, we allowed comments. We had a surprisingly good amount of very well written and factually correct comments about the matter. We decided not to enable comments on the dove petition however. The reason why, is although we got many good comments on the mute swan petition, we also had to delete many. This became time consuming so we decided against it the next time around. We also finally figured out a way to create electronic form letters, without using a third party and/or paying for the service. This will facilitate response as well, if we find a need for these sort of letters.
  15. We are organizing, and many entities are feeling the pressure. However, not only can we do better, success hinges on it...
  16. You know what you got to do - marking drills. Get him marking before you start training him to cast. (You already are introducing the concept of casting by showing him the birds anyway, so that got a headstart in a way).
  17. During the most radical changes in New York for deer management, which were proposed in 2015... Read the complete article: http://nydovehunting.weebly.com/evaluating-the-new-york-hunting-communitys-response.html
  18. A quick (real quick I was not thorough so dont take this as fact): The employee pays in about 3%, the investment dividends pays about 80%, and the state - read taxpayers pay about 17%. So: Do not complain about non-game programs. If the bureau was only administering hunting programs and concerned only with game species, there would be an argument with merit. Also: the same thing said to non hunters can also be said to hunters: The non game grants, projects and research which are used primarily for non game also benefit game species and hunting. The vice versa is also true.
  19. Just heard that state employees (not specifically dec) pay into a pool which is invested and return on investment covers penisons? I really dont know all the details, if interested I am sure you can find out.
  20. I have wondered how the pension is covered myself, but it is not in our favor from public approval if it is from taxes instead of license revenue..... They are complaining about money because less people are hunting and fishing, so they are facing less revenue. Also, even though 75% (national average and NY does a little better I would think)is paid by hunters - they need to get the other 25% from other sources. Some sources are grants - both game and non game, but sometimes they need to ask the Legislature and governor during the budget hearing each year..... As far as transparency, there is a member on here, who is on the Conservation Fund Advisory Board. That board is mandated by law, and their function (briefly) is to "report periodically on the conservation fund". two or three of the accounts within the conservation fund are sporting license revenue. I will leave it to this member to enter this discussion if he wants. I will say CFAB minutes are online too. So that is a form of transparency I think?
  21. By law, hunting and fishing license revenue can only be used to fund the Bureau of wildlife, fisheries, and marine resources. You are not seriously asking for an itemized breakdown are you? If that is your question, I would say file a FOIL request to the State Comptroller or the DEC....
  22. Bill Sciuti, (papabear). What about your hunt?
  23. Seems to be the principle duck down there , at least so far this season - cant wait until the two fruits meet with the DEC and someone from the summit and they all want to close the season on buffs..... They are too small you know and there is a lack of interest... Warm, dry year - from the internet chatter it seems the coastal gunners would be slinging less steel this year if it wasn't for buffs.....
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