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mike rossi

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by mike rossi

  1. Since I instigated that and may be mistaken, Im compelled to comment ,,,, He denied living in Maine,,, If I understood his reply to me.... He at one time sounded like he lived in Staten Island, then another in one of the Jersey cities across the Raritan Bay from Staten Isl - Woodbridge or Raway or some soup like that... His tag line simply says he escaped from NY, whatever that means... I dont quite follow your comment, but I want to add that the Maine bear ballot initiative was given more than its share of attention by the National hunting organizations and the sporting media. They do the same thing with wolves, importing polar bears and other animals and hunting big game with dogs. Mind control and distraction at its finest....
  2. http://teespring.com/new-ruffed-grouse-hunting http://teespring.com/new-pheasant-hunting
  3. Oh, come on with that.... His fine would be much less if he was caught hunting coyotes out of season than putting out poison.... He was not tharted from poison, but was tharted from shooting? Plus, he could have asked for a depred permit - the DEC prolly would have laughed at him I agrree on that.... However, they still sometimes give permits to those they laugh at.... Ridiculous, to the core...
  4. On the section of this site that solicits suggestions, I have previously suggested a delineation between Gun Laws, Hunting Laws, and "Politics". I still think that is a good idea. Politics is too broad of a term to throw around as much as it is relating to hunting policy. In different contexts, it can refer to party; but it can also refer to political pressure by stakeholders - either through advocacy or lobbying. It can also mean other things. So, by assigning everything a catch-all along with the different contexts which the term politics can be construed, it enables people to connect totally unrelated things. When items are conflated that way, nothing gets done. I am not sure if I posted on here the report we compiled which clearly shows that political party majority in the Legislature and/or assigned to a governor has no bearing on the success of pro-hunting or anti-hunting items. We also published a page titled 'Our Elected Officials in the Field". We found that far more democrats actually hunt, then republicans. Governor Andrew Cuomo, as a matter of fact, is a hunter. Other things are operating as well. Some critics of hunters and some outspoken hunters agree on one thing ; that as a rule, hunters do not like environmental regulation, do not like black people or other groups, and a number of other stereotypes. Although that stereotype is not only true, but fairly common, it does NOT represent millions of hunters. Some hunters who embrace that stereotype are facing cognitive dissonance and to hold on to how they perceive the world or want to influence how they want the world to be. To reconcile their own dissonance or try to exert influence, they piggy-back all sorts of issues with hunting issues. The existing lack of delineation between topics is very facilitating for those who wish to do this, and obviously they do not want any change.
  5. So this is how school teachers facilitate discussions about hunting and other topics for English classes. Kind of irresponsible, in that to teach writing, they expose young minds to propaganda.... Also interesting is this seems like online discussions... http://www.esldiscussions.com/index.html
  6. Yeah, go at it.... Doesn't get lamer than this.... http://wildlife.org/natural-resource-agency-funding-derailed-by-confederate-flag/
  7. Interesting timing, because the AAHA was advocating for hunter ed in urban Portland, and got it. Now they are providing transportation. This is the kind of resolve it takes to get things done.... Just got this now: African American Hunting Association 2 hrs · Good News! The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlfe (ODFW) has scheduled a traditional hunter education class in Portland. It will be held August 5th - 8th at the Portland Gun Club. You must sign up on line. Only 18 of 20 slots are left even though it was just posted. Anyone interested in helping me provide transportation to youth or new hunters from North/Northeast to this location on S.E. 174th, please message me or email me at [email protected]. Here is the link to ODFW https://or.outdoorcentral.us/or/License/Classes
  8. Any way.... I don't know how relevant this is to the OP, but since its out of orbit already, click the buttons for HECHO and the AAHA if your interested in learning more about them.... Fathers in the Field is another button related to this. http://nydovehunting.weebly.com/about.html
  9. Jaeger asked specifically about environmental justice, which as explained is different. However, the USFWS and state wildlife agencies in every state, including the NY DEC, are indeed reaching out to the larger public in regards to outdoor recreation. A couple of non-government organizations have formed as well. The African American Hunting Association and HECHO. Possibly more. And as a few people stated, the obstacle to outdoor opportunity isn't restricted to non-whites. It probably isn't even restricted to urban / suburban people either. Many factors involved.
  10. No. Environmental justice is not a DEC concept either, it is bigger than NY, It refers to low income areas that are polluted, In the past, some low income areas did not receive clean up efforts, law enforcement , and basically industry just dumped on these residents.
  11. Oh, I get it. Ha , Ha.... Pergola is a wood structure, sometimes used to support grape vines, Go make yourself a glass of wine....
  12. I was actually going to ask you if we could use your Dove hunting pictures for this Larry. I will ask you in advance for next time, is it okay? If so it would be easier if you email them to me. I posted an extensive article with several illustrations and a complete, thorough explanation about what is and is not a songbird. Briefly, a crow is a songbird, a dove is not.We put that one in its grave. We also flatly stated the reason we do not hunt doves in NY. And that reason is because anti hunting organizations and individuals contact the en-con chairs and ask them not to move dove bills forward for a vote, There is no other reason. Antis contact politicians about it and hunters do not.
  13. http://thebirdhuntingsociety.weebly.com/ring-necked-pheasant-ndash-invasive-species-or-valuable-gamebird.html
  14. Rob, are you on a phone or something? Any particular reason you and others cant search things? I think your quote of 75,000 is for Jersey or vermont, Ny has about ten times that.... I think maybe you should cite the source of your numbers.... And I like others do not know where the OP got the info, but in post 55 near the top it reads this: in 2013 and gross revenues are less by approximately $7.9 million: You seem to have a strong interest in casting doubt and confusion into what some are speculating, any reason why? And I am being generous with the term speculating so dont abuse it, one dollar times a million isnt going to change, And its on the record, and its on video.... I have had enough red herring for lunch this week, so I am off this thread, have fun....
  15. and i need to emphasis my point to steve about this differing from special interest... This was a cluster of hunters telling the DEC how much money they need, this was way out of line. It was not going after a cross bow season, fighting a crossbow season, for a moose season, for antler restrictions or dove hunting.... Much different,,,, I recommend to undo what they did, is buy the voluntary habitat stamp. I am sure that means I am for the safe act by suggesting that..... The five bucks for the HS will mitigate the hit to the conservation fund if enough people do this....
  16. Rob, the DEC reports there are 750,000 licensed hunters including nonresidents, not including anglers which way out number hunters... I hesitate to say 750K, only because elsewhere the DEC reports 500, 000, but that is still a half a million. Even at 500,000, a one dollar discount hurts the conservation fund and provides no incentive for poor people to buy licenses. If cost was a precluder, a logical solution would be a low income license or free hunting days like we have for fishing. But there was no logic in this it was spite... and the brand of spite akin to cutting off your nose to spite your face.....
  17. That is a summary painted with too broad of a brush. Certain items are closer to special interests and other items are of the nature that a group is speaking for or representing a larger group. There is a difference....
  18. Look into what? Why the lose was greater than expected per the OP? If there is any truth to this post, I would guess the answer to your question is because they are more concerned with restoring funding than ruminating.... The DEC Commissioner stated point blank during the budget testimony he did not want changes to the license fees. A bunch of hunters testified they did want it. The Governor went with the hunters. And this testimony is on video, which I already posted, not once, but twice.... I think we need to see a link. Maybe three is a charm: Nevertheless you all just will not acknowledge the fact that this was a stupid move by the most politically connected hunters in the state.... Nevertheless you all just will not acknowledge the fact that this was a stupid move by the most politically connected hunters in the state.... Nevertheless you all just will not acknowledge the fact that this was a stupid move by the most politically connected hunters in the state....
  19. I have not seen the link either, and I am put off by the fact the OP isnt responding to you about that. However ---- Lets say there were only one million hunters and anglers in NY. If you reduced the license one dollar that is a lose of one million dollars a year in revenue. In two years it is a loss of two million dollars.... Seven million isn't a stretch, unless you cant do arithmetic. So, Steve, what should we do about it besides vent on this forum? That is about the only thing about this that should be discussed, and about the only thing that never is.
  20. When you lower the price, you can sell just as many or more and net less revenue.... And it takes a special kind of stupid to think that not buying a hunting license is a way to protest the safe act.... And, it was the organizations representing NY sportsmen who were behind this restructuring, not the dec or the Governor.
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