mike rossi
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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums
Media Demo
Everything posted by mike rossi
That is a good point. They probably realize that, but the news media doesn't report that part. Why? Because it isn't interesting to readers; and, because it points out this an effort that needs to be done over and over and thus paid for over and over. And, it only might slow population growth, the deer are not going to go away as advertised. You know wish them luck and say whatever. I personally would have ignored this, except I had happened to hear some of the state legislators from the region speak about the nuisance deer, geese, and turkeys. It was their believes that stuck out to me. Indecently, they believe the geese should live, but if killed done so with a chemical euthanasia, which renders them unfit for food pantries. They argue that slaughtered geese or less sanitary than meat obtained from a supermarket. They obviously never worked in a slaughterhouse nor cleaned fish or game. I am being hyper critical here, and I shouldn't be - these lawmakers need to to be befriended by the hunting community. They do not only act on local issues within their districts, they are state lawmakers that vote on statewide hunting issues. We need to educate these folks and get them on our side. Obviously, a large part of that is getting hunters who live right there involved.
This is the residents of Staten Islands money and what they want. But it is ill conceived. They were told that sterilizing does increased buck movement. So they thinking they are smart ( kind of like hunters who also think they are biologists) surmised well we will neuter the bucks then. However, as you know deer have a polygamous breeding strategy. If they sterilize 349 bucks, number 350 can still breed some number of the 350 doe, maybe all of them. Do the math what is the net reduction in population? Then they say it is cheaper. Maybe it is. But darting only bucks takes longer than if its brown its darted. If they are paying the USDA wildlife services by the deer that is one thing, but if they are paying them by the hour, it might cost more. A more important issue with Staten Island, which impacts the rest of the state, is proposed legislation by local assembly and senate reps to force the DEC to deal with the nuisance turkey population. The DEC refuses to trap and transfer Staten Island's turkeys because they are not 100% wild stock.Some feral domestic turkeys have bred with wild turkeys. Local residents have lobbied their senate and assembly reps (one is humane society of the US endorsed to begin with), and these legislators say that the science is ridiculous (almost a verbatim quote). They want the turkeys released upstate. Of course that differs than the deer matter, because it does impact the wild turkey population that belongs to everyone. The impact of mute swans is far more serious than the impact of genetic pollution from domestic or domestic x wild turkeys, yet the Legislature stuck together to accommodate a few of their NYC and LI colleges and twice passed legislation ( by a huge majority ) upsurping the DEC's mute swan plan. So don't think it cant happen with turkeys. Here is more food for thought. Surely some blowhard is going to sound off how i redirected this to mourning doves, I suggest you do what I do and block them, it works great, one of the best features of this site. But its not about doves, it is about information we have from our petition. We have had an excellent response from Long Island and NYC, especially Brooklyn. The exception is Staten Island. We only have one signature from Staten Island. The moral of the story is get with the program if you live on Staten Island. The antis got your voice and are eating your lunch.
Giving NYC hunters a voice; the effect of legislative districting on hunting policy; and the need for more NYC signatures on the dove hunting petition: http://nydovehunting.weebly.com/giving-nyc-hunters-a-voice-the-effect-of-legislative-districting-on-hunting-policy-and-the-need-for-more-nyc-signatures-on-the-dove-hunting-petition.html Giving NYC hunters a voice.pdf
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- dove hunting
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Oh, wait, your right Doc, I am an idiot, I also forgot that you oppose lowering the age for youth hunters as well.....
There is nothing to continue about Doc. The only thing I left out that you oppose which (might) help recruit hunters is youth seasons.
If you are asking me if I condone the safe act, the answer is no. However, I knew from the beginning it was not going to be repealed nor was the Governor going to be voted out. All the wind was bravado. People who (actually) hunt have no time for "blow harden". Andrew Cuomo is pro hunting. He was more than willing to work with the hunting community for several years. The safe act was and is a done deal. It should have been considered a disagreement and the hunting community should have continued to work with AC. Numerous opportunities were blown and it is unlikely we will see another governor as in tune with hunting as him. The safe act and posturing about AC was a red herring and grandstanding to dumb down the hunting community. Doc and others had no shortage of time to fish for red herring when there were other fish to fry.
Doc can be very intellectually nimble to one issue while simultaneously being obtuse with regard to another. That is how I am positive he is a fraud....
Here are some of the things Doc has condoned over the years: Predator extirpation Lead ammo Closing the state pheasant program Removing the Governor Repealing the safe act Here are some of the things he expressed opposition about: Conserving wild pheasant Crossbows Dove hunting Non-game and endangered species projects and their funding Here are some of his absurd opinions: Grouse are rare in NY state or in his region I also believe he claimed there are few rabbits as well Nobody hunts turkey in the fall Nobody hunts pheasants Take Home Message: Doc divides the hunting community Doc turns off non-hunters Doc reinforces the propaganda of anti hunting organizations Doc discourages people from pursuing grouse, woodcock, rabbits etc, claiming they cannot be found Doc opposes opportunities which will offset declining hunting participation Doc is probably an anti hunter pretending to be a hunter. Doc is not the only one on here. Everything you all think helps hunting, hurts it
There has not been any posts about our petition on this site for NINE MONTHS. Since that time this site probably has acquired some new members who would benefit from a dove hunting season. This post is directed at those new people and others unfamiliar with this matter. In the early 1900’s most states banned wild turkey hunting and around 25 banned mourning dove hunting. Most of these bans were reversed between 1970 and 1995. Today, wild turkey hunting is allowed in 49 states and mourning dove hunting is allowed in 41 states. NY’s first modern wild turkey hunting season was in the fall of 1959; one year after the Legislature granted the Conservation Department the authority to regulate turkey hunting. The Legislature has not however, authorized the DEC to set a mourning dove hunting season. Never the less, there is an interest in dove hunting among some NY hunters and mourning dove populations can indeed sustain hunting in NY. NY Dove Hunting was created because it was apparent an organized entity with a long-term strategical approach was needed. One element of our strategy is our online petition. I am asking persons who are interested in a dove season to sign the online petition at this link: http://nydovehunting.weebly.com/petition.html After you sign the petition we need your help in getting other hunters to sign it as well. Many hunters have already signed our petition. The maps below show a steady upward trajectory of support for dove hunting across the state.
- dove season
- dove hunting
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Doc as usual, your post is highly nuanced and misleading. My suspicion of you continues to grow. You are the only person I have ever heard imply an activist needs the same level of knowledge as a subject matter expert. That statement not only is misleading, but it fuels a defeatist attitude and serves to discourage people from engaging. You also imply that every activist needs to engage in every level of outreach. While that is ideal, you have pointed out the obvious - that not everyone can be a super-activist. Gee, Doc, thanks, again, for pointing out the obvious. Why do you think readers who have jobs, drive automobiles, and play with guns need to be shown the obvious? Wouldn't productive and constructive dialogue discuss the importance of engaging at a level compatible within a person's limitations? Why, despite never being short of words and time, do you over and over omit anything positive or which would facilitate a favorable outcome for hunters?
If you want her ready for fall you need to get her up to me asap. Or I will do lessons with you, Got a few group classes. You need to use my website to contact me. No exceptions, You can see a sampling here: http://nydovehunting.weebly.com/gun-dog-training.html
NY Dove Hunting Ad in DEC Booklet
mike rossi replied to mike rossi's topic in Small Game and Predator Hunting
I think I got everyone, but thanks to everyone who chipped in on this year's ad! Thanks to Culver Creek HC and Greater Rochester So. Tier QDMA and Raymerlo and Putnam Co. Federation of Sportsmen!- 48 replies
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- dove season
- dove hunting
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Ever hear of Mike Rossi?
Before the debate the poll showed that most favored hunting. However, after the debate most did not. That means in a sense that the antis "won" the debate, that they influenced people to side with their point of view.... We might cover this on our NYC website, not sure.
Tickets were sold to this making it a spectator event right in NYC. Thanks Field and Stream..... Score: http://intelligencesquaredus.org/debates/past-debates/item/1496-hunters-conserve-wildlife Video of debate: http://intelligencesquaredus.org/debates/past-debates/item/1496-hunters-conserve-wildlife
New York Sportsmen's Day in Albany May 25th
mike rossi replied to tughillmcd's topic in General Hunting
Bait a large number of people in to look like a groundswell of support for the planned agenda , when in reality they are there for different matters that go unheard. .. -
Several lctns A-X the state. If you want to be a host facility let us know too. Info, Lctns, etc. through cnt. pg. http://nydovehunting.weebly.com/gun-dog-training.html
If you go to the following link and scroll down to the 5th row you can get info on a group in NYC which sets up hunts were guns can be rented from guides or shooting preserves or borrowed from other members. They travel together and all that too. You would still need a hunting license though - a hunting license only applies to hunting not buying or transporting guns. http://nydovehunting.weebly.com/about.html
New York Sportsmen's Day in Albany May 25th
mike rossi replied to tughillmcd's topic in General Hunting
You all even know who this is? We reported on this a year ago, lol.... http://nydovehunting.weebly.com/the-ny-state-legislative-sportsmenrsquos-caucus.html -
New York Sportsmen's Day in Albany May 25th
mike rossi replied to tughillmcd's topic in General Hunting
Average age 75..... -
New York Sportsmen's Day in Albany May 25th
mike rossi replied to tughillmcd's topic in General Hunting
Have no fear that will be about all they talk about..... -
When are you going to unsubscribe from my you tube channel? I stopped emailing you about a year ago. And, only Phade has complained to me. Nobody else. They should tell me not you or someone else if there is a problem. Nobody had told me Phade was their messenger... And, I think I only emailed Phade one time as a matter of fact, There is a block function on this site that works - I got you blocked as a matter of fact. Maybe you should use the block feature...
This subject does not belong in this category. I think this site should be renamed Wing Nuts who occasionally dapple in hunting or did 30 years ago... This is fodder for our advocates - those who cannot understand things should not block others from learning or getting info.
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- dove season
- dove hunting
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