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mike rossi

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by mike rossi

  1. Do you think the nation's 12 million deer hunters are buying duck stamps as implied by the NRA, sportsmens alliance and all that crapoloa? Are you aware there are only about 1 million waterfowl hunters in the USA and there are more bird watchers than hunters? And some refuges which are heavily utilized by bird watchers require bird watchers to possess a stamp or pay an entrance fee. Some of the national bird organizations actually are vendors for the stamp - this is done intentionally so they have a record of how many bird watchers buy the stamp.... This has not been in place very long, so expect to hear more about it in the future. There certainly are enough bird watchers using NWRs to egual the number of waterfowl hunters, keep that in mind. Another related matter is the movement lobbying Congress to create a Federal Wildlife Conservation Stamp - nicknamed the Non-Hunting Stamp. Persons who oppose hunting ( or are tired of hearing how hunters pay for it all and they pay nothing) want to boycott the duck stamp and this is what this is about. It is about time hunters temper their swagger and learn the facts. Bird watchers negatively impact us bird hunters, while they actually want the deer killed, so they are a headache for us, not for you deer hunters. However unless the hunting community starts to align their narratives with reality, the image, public support, and participation in hunting is going to continue to decline.
  2. I can clearly see, with or without enlarging the pics, a missing toe....
  3. Several types of game meats have a slight, barely noticeable, liver taste. Woodcock are great table birds. The important thing to do today is to express your interest in hunting doves, woodcock, snipe, and rails to the DEC and to your state senate and assembly reps. You should also mention the importance of preserving the state pheasant stocking program. But do it today - Humane Lobby Day is only 6 days away, and the DEC is canvassing input about webless migratory game birds for only 9 more days.
  4. The only woodcock shown is the larger bird on the orange cloth. All of the other long-billed birds are snipe. The purpose of the photo of the snipe and woodcock on the orange cloth was to show the difference between a snipe and a woodcock.
  5. Those big bird watching cameras not only show the soft eyes of bambi real good, but if you look at your first photo and your last photo you see the dove lost part of its toe to frostbite. Missing toes due to frostbite is extremely common in doves because they have fleshy feet and legs compared to other birds. Modern weather swings and the increase in people who feed birds which encourage them to stay rather than migrate are to blame for the high rate of frostbite in doves.
  6. April 12 and April 15, 2016 April 12, 2016 is Humane Lobby Day in Albany. Over 150 activists will meet with legislators or their staff to advocate for policy which reduces your opportunity to hunt doves and other webless migratory game birds and train your bird dog or retriever gun dog. Action to Take Today: Go to this link find your senate and assembly representatives and copy a form letter to send them: http://nydovehunting.weebly.com/humane-lobby-day.html April 15, 2016 is the last day the DEC will accept responses to its Webless Migratory Game Bird Survey. This survey asks questions which apparently are intended to assess the change in interest level of respondents toward hunting webless migratory game birds over the last 5 years. Action to Take Today: First be aware that there is a national movement to eliminate hunting for webless migratory game birds, including woodcock. One of the justifications given by those seeking this policy change is that there is a “lack of interest” in hunting mourning doves, woodcock, snipe, and rails. Thus, think – out your responses so that you do not relay an unintended message. This survey was sent by either postal mail or email. If you were not selected as a respondent, then by all means write to the DEC prior to April 15 in support of hunting webless migratory game birds. Be sure to include in your correspondence that it is important that mourning dove hunting is reinstated in NY.
  7. And every single one of them does absolutely nothing except escalate the conflict.....
  8. Never the less, this requires a team effort. Some just wont join the team and others wont make the cut anyway.... When someone is interested in being productive or working toward meaningful results, they get with the program. Others, however, just get sarcastic. You hear about issues from groups such as the NRA-ILA and others after the legislation has passed committee. Few realize prior to reaching that point, and hearing about it through those sources, that the bill has been lobbied for several years.
  9. So gloss over what I say..... What are you personally doing about the HLD happening in Albany in 8 days?
  10. If anyone wants to print out free turkey head / neck patterning decoys, here is a link. http://nydovehunting.weebly.com/free-targets.html
  11. If anyone wants to print out free turkey head / neck patterning decoys, here is a link. http://nydovehunting.weebly.com/free-targets.html
  12. At this time we are selling two hunting/conservation t shirts, one theme is turkey hunting the other is woodcock hunting. Proceeds will help us pay for advertising and the shirts are cool. https://teespring.com/the-timerberdoodle-hunt https://teespring.com/spring-gobbler-hunt
  13. If you are registered in HIP you may have recently received this survey from the DEC about mourning doves and other webless migratory game birds. It is important that you complete this survey which was mailed to some, and emailed to others. Please look for the survey. Even if you have not received the survey, you might consider writing to the DEC today in support of webless migratory game bird hunting!
  14. How about what they are doing next week in Albany? Did you ever hear of this one? Another thing, those who advocate for lead ammo are doing the antis job for them, not the vice versa... Write in, we made it easy.... http://nydovehunting.weebly.com/humane-lobby-day.html
  15. Right it covers those Webless Migratory Game Birds, and also mourning doves, which are also webless migratory game birds.....
  16. Action Needed on April Fools Day - How Fitting! On April 12 spokespersons from several anti-hunting organizations and about 150 of their supporters will be in Albany to meet with 212 state legislators and/or their staff. This is the Humane Lobby Day which is held every spring at the state house. We need to make three impressions: 1) Awareness about Humane Lobby Day among the NY Bird Hunting Community, and foster a culture which responds to HLD this year and every year. Remember: If everyone in your bird hunting network does not know what HLD is one year from now, you did not work hard enough! 2) Show the Legislature that we are organizing, and bird hunting is no longer going to be the "Sacrifice Issue" to appease anti-hunters in NY. Specifically, regarding the discussions on HLD about dove hunting and the state pheasant stocking program. 3) Tell legislators that we are seeking a dove hunting season and want the state pheasant stocking program protected, if not expanded! Action to Take: Read the accompanying report and write your state senate and assembly representative today. Foster awareness about HLD and persuade other bird hunters to take the same action. There is share buttons embedded in the article which will make this easier for some of you, especially if you use social media. http://nydovehunting.weebly.com/humane-lobby-day.html
  17. That liberal might tell you that although there were no fatalities there were something like 27 non fatal shootings, including someone shot while pushing a deer cart......
  18. Correction: As of 2015 PGC owns 1.5 million acres in state game lands.....
  19. I thought based on the title I was going to get MR VJP's assessment on how activists succeeded. For or against it, a good take home message is that it shows how a focused effort by activists can influence politicians and even defeat big (really big) money. Hunting activism can do the same, you just need focus..... As a side note: Pennsylvania Game Commission owns millions of acres of land. They allow fracking, and other extraction industries to operate on their vast lands under a lease. They also allow timber harvest. After years of these practices on all that land, the PGC has indicated it is suffering financially and needs to increase its sporting license fees for the first time in 15 years. Yet, the buzz for so long was that the landowner in NY with 1,000 or 100 acres - or less was going to hit it rich. Here is some more context on the subject: NY raises 25,000 pheasant at a cost of $1.30 per hunter, per year. Since the Life Time License Revenue is invested in the STIP; the pheasant stocking program is paid in advance, indefinitely. PA raises 200,000 pheasant at a cost of $6.70 per hunter, per year. The last few years, PA advertised that it was able to boost its pheasant production some bit over 200,000 birds, because of the Fracking leases on state game lands. As stated above, Pa is proposing a license fee hike for 2017 which they say is needed because they need money. So, the science is all wrong you say. So, then, how do you reconcile the economics in Pa? And, why would the small landowner get rich if the PGC, which had not had financial woes for many decades, now does? The peak of fracking was within the last 3 years, was it not? That is with timber harvest, and other forms of extraction, not just natural gas fracking.
  20. So the webless migratory game birds you hunt are woodcock and crow. To hunt woodcock you are required by law to be HIP registered. If you are HIP registered you might get this survey. Some were mailed through the post office and others were sent by email.
  21. Its a webless migratory game bird survey, are you sure you are talking about the same thing? If it is the same thing every year, last year, how did you answer the mourning dove questions?
  22. I am not sure, but think with THIS particular survey, everyone who is HIP registered AND has indicated they hunt webless migratory game birds, will receive a survey. After all, we are such a small and insignificant group you know.... So, gis4, I stalked your profile for content and all I see is deer and trapping. Just what kind of webless migratory bird hunting do you do anyway?
  23. Thanks to Derrick, Elmo, and Culver Creek Hunt Club / QDMA! We got enough for the minimum ad, and that is great, however if anyone wants to contribute so that we can get a larger ad, please do so.
  24. Some hunters will get this survey this week , if you have not already received it. I am posting this in the waterfowl section, because I believe those who will receive this survey are those who are currently registered in HIP, particularly those who have previously indicated they hunt webless migratory game birds in there hip report. If you are currently registered in HIP you may receive the DEC's Webless Migratory Game Bird Survey this week. There are several questions asking about your interest in mourning dove hunting. If any of your hunting partners receive this survey educate them about dove hunting and urge them to complete the survey in strong support of dove hunting. The survey is posted on our website at the following link, however the DEC will only except responses from those who were randomly selected. HOWEVER, as we have been telling everyone all along, you can and should write the DEC and the Legislature often in support of dove hunting. During an active survey, it probably is an especially good time to do so now. http://nydovehunting.weebly.com/2016-dec-webless-migratory-game-bird-survey.html
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