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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by burmjohn

  1. burmjohn

    gettn ready

    Good luck with that scary thing!
  2. I saw the great post on custom stands. Just curious if anyone uses a metal ladder stand. I picked one up off ebay today, just as an extra because I have limited time to get enough stands up this season on the new property for me and any friends that might come along. Even if I do have the time, its nice to have to many and give me options. Anyways, I picked up a 2 man ladder stand from http://bigdogtreestands.com/ladderstands.html - the Red Tick III - it looks really solid with the double ladder, solid then others I have seen. And it was on ebay for 169 with free shipping, can't beat that! It weighs about 100 lbs too. How sturdy are these things? I'm not planning on having 2 guys in there, I just wanted wiggle room..
  3. There is a lot of other things growing other then buckwheat.
  4. Just an FYI - There is no lifetime super sportsman, bow and ML have to be purchased separately.
  5. I love to stand, I'm just not a sitter I guess. I send to stand in my "stand" about 75% of the time, I love being able to look around while standing. But I am always mindful of not moving to much. This year, because I know I prefer to stand a lot I'll make sure to use burlap / camo to cover the leg movement.
  6. I'll stay out as long as I'm comfortable...
  7. Check this one out (not NY) but happened Sunday night. http://www.boston.com/news/local/new_hampshire/articles/2010/08/25/bear_hidden_in_dumpster_slashes_nh_man/?camp=misc:on:share:article
  8. Thats for sure. I personally prefer the shows that just show hunting, encounters, etc. There is no need for "kill". I wish there were more shows that focused on prep work, like building and picking stand locations, food plots, scouting, etc.
  9. I think its a combination of a bunch of things. Bears are clearly spreading there territory, so that's one situation. There is less and less land and more development, so there is another. And then there is the internet
  10. No... They said it was someones "pets" http://www.wbng.com/news/local/Gator-Lurking-in-the-Susquehanna-100656764.html
  11. I think these types of "encounters" happen all the time, where no one was injured. They are just not reported. I did not realize bears were in that area though.
  12. For the lazy This is what was said for 3H WMU 3H is located in the southwestern corner of the region, primarily in Sullivan County. The majority of this unit is forested. Soils in this area are shallow, rocky, and mineral deficient. Some agricultural activity still occurs on a relatively small scale, as well as logging on private properties. Large land-holdings owned by hunting clubs have done much to improve deer habitats in local settings, but forest cuttings are the best way to improve deer habitat in this unit. The 2009 buck take in this unit was the highest seen since the inception of the antler point restriction in 2006, most likely due to low DMP availability in 2006. However, higher doe harvests in 2007 and 2008 may lead to further declines in the deer population in the near future, including the 2010 season. Because of this the buck harvest is expected to drop slightly this year. In response to this expected decline, only resident hunters with preference points will be able to obtain DMPs this year.
  13. Jeremy got back to me, check out this link: http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/37304.html There are a bunch of PDFs at the end that give unit by unit analysis.
  14. If you guys notice any others let me know please. It may have been a database issue, since both of those posts missing are in succession. I found the google cache of it thought if you want to re-post. http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:64sFHcyPWbQJ:huntingny.com/forums/index.php%3Ftopic%3D983.0+Crossbow+user+stats+huntingny&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us&client=firefox-a
  15. Whats odd is in the raw database the topic number jumps from 981 to 984, so that means topic 982 and 983 are MIA.
  16. Who was the topic starter? Maybe I can search by that. I tried to search the DB by crossbow stats, etc.
  17. I was told this as well Via PM. I'm checking into it. I wasn't me, I was upstate with no PC or Net access. Anyone have the title of the thread? I want to make sure it wasnt a database issue.
  18. I wish this one was more affordable http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templates/product/standard-item.jsp?_DARGS=/cabelas/en/common/catalog/item-link.jsp_A&_DAV=netcon&id=0056063523282a&navCount=2&podId=0056063&parentId=&masterpathid=&navAction=jump&catalogCode=IA&rid=&parentType=&indexId=cat603039&hasJS=true
  19. I was thinking of making a ATV Dolly / Trailer. So I can tow crap in, wood, ladders, etc. I was thinking of getting to tires like this: http://www.northerntool.com/shop/tools/product_200414740_200414740 Then mount a trailer coupler on the front of the trailer like this: http://www.amazon.com/Quick-Lock-Trailer-Couplers-Class-III/dp/B000AYG0DW I have a ball on my ATV.... Make the dolly out of treated wood, about 6 to 8 feet long. Still up in the air about the design, any suggestions?
  20. nyslowhand: The brushcutter was awesome, easy to use once I got the swinging motion down Culvercreek hunt club: thats a good idea too.
  21. Yeah, cam's are on the fields. Should have a ton of pics soon. Can't wait.
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