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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. 22 hours ago, Biz-R-OWorld said:

    32yds. Longest of my short career. Broadhead. Perched up 15 feet on a rock ledge. Aimed a little high since I’m dialed in at 25yds dead on. Lobbed it in and it still was a little high. Maybe because I was high up? Regardless, it’s a dead deer.


    White target


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    It may not be dropping as much as you think it will...not sure what ur set up is, but I have very little difference in point of impact between 20-30 yards.

  2. I'm fairly confident that all of the State lands allow that prior to Nov. 1st, no reservations or check in required.......you do however need to have an access permit and a parking placard, fairly easy to get. I think you can do it online in a few minutes, other then that, I can't think of any public land that is open for a free for all.

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  3. 14 minutes ago, Pygmy said:

    I'd be very surprised if there were NOT mink on LI...They are very aquatic and inhabit many coastal/ brackish habitats...

    Fishers, on the other hand are more of a forest/upland species...It is very possible they could be on LI, but the habitat  is not ideal for them and they would have  to access it through NYC or cross fairly wide expanses of salt water..

    I'm pretty sure a relative of mine who trapped down here for many years has caught one or two.

  4. 5 minutes ago, damore81 said:

    The way I interpret it since they make you buy a muzzleloader tag is that I can shoot a deer during bow season with my bow then I can shoot a deer with a crossbow or muzzleloader when that season opens which is the last two weeks of bow. However there is no specific details in writing that states that. 

    I think the link I attached addresses the tag uses....you can shoot both during archery, crossbow or muzzleloader, however you choose in the Southern zone....both on the same day if you want.

  5. 12 minutes ago, The Jerkman said:

    A soccer mom couldn't afford a subaru?

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    yeah, I've seen soccer moms driving cars that cost quite a bit more then a Subaru.

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  6. 8 minutes ago, growalot said:

    They are in RI, Conn. , and NJ. Coyotes were on Long Island long before anyone finally "confirmed" them...What makes anyone think that Fishers couldn't be there? Hell I would think in a big city  that Obviously has rats...a Fisher population would be welcomed and encouraged...lol But I suppose...they couldn't adapt to their environments,like coyote, deer,  even bear have in highly populated areas.

    oh, I don't doubt it...just would be surprised. I'm pretty sure there's been confirmed Otter sightings here as well.

    • Like 1
  7. 21 minutes ago, chefhunter86 said:

    Correct only in westchester and Suffolk counties can you use your regular season buck tag before the gun opener. That is because they are bow only and the whole season is. Considered the regular season

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    Suffolk allows Shotgun as well in January.

  8. I'd be very surprised if there's Fisher on L.I......especially to the point of seeing them more then once. I've been hunting down here for 40 years and never heard of anyone seeing them, But I guess stranger things have happened.

  9. I think the amount of odor that comes out of a persons mouth with every breath is worse then anything else..if you've ever spoken to someone who's been up since 4 a.m. and polished off 4 cups of coffee, you know what I mean....besides trying to keep my clothes as clean as possible, I shower before each hunt, wear a clean pair of gloves when setting up and climbing my stand and chew Clorets gum to reduce the amount of bad breath. I compare spraying a smelly body with cover scent to spraying a bathroom with flower scented air freshener after taking a dump...it just smells like flowers mixed with sh*t.

  10. I have an 06 Outback, you get used to the jokes eventually.....my daughters first car was a 95 Impreza given to her by my in laws, meticulously maintained and garaged. I had it shipped to Colorado for her when she moved last year and she just sold it for $2000.00, not bad for a 21 year old car.

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  11. 4 minutes ago, Buckmaster7600 said:

    8 yard broadside shot. 155gn Barnes bullet hand loaded to 1180fps. Deer died in 10yds bullet broken ribs in and out and exited. It was a 60lb for in North Carolina in a spot where I wasn't comfortable using a rifle and couldn't draw a bow because of a shoulder surgery.

    I don't recommend a 40 for deer.

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    Thanks....that's what I thought.

  12. 3 hours ago, chas0218 said:

    How do they factor them in if they aren't all reported? I mean no different than not reporting DMP's but nuisance permits allow for harvesting of a lot more animals and if they aren't all reported then it could make a huge difference in herd numbers.

    I've been on a few places that had nuisance tags and from what I remember, they were monitored and I believe the unused tags had to be turned in and/or accounted for and the used ones had to be called in after killing a deer.......most of the landowners were pretty strict about that because it played into what they got the following year. It's been a while, so may be wrong, but that's what I recall.

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  13. 29 minutes ago, Biz-R-OWorld said:

    Yes, odds inside of 20yds should be very high for any ethical archer. But are you saying that you won't shoot one at say 23yds or 27yds, or 31yds? if so, that seems crazy to me. I'm talking about an unalerted broadside shot.

    I was under the impression (from this forum) that shooting a compound is tough. I only shoot once a week, but I could have been proficient at 25yds within a day or two of shooting for the first time. Going a step further, with a single pin, the only difference between 25yds and 45yds is what number your sight is cranked to.

    Shooting targets is usually pretty easy.....probably more then one excellent target shooter on this site who has been left scratching his head after missing a deer under 20 yards....whole other ballgame when it comes to shooting at a live target in the woods.

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