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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. I only leave my stand if I'm actively hunting an area, when I'm done for the weekend or whenever it comes with me. I won't avoid an area just because someone decided to claim it by setting up shop and leaving a stand for an entire season, especially if it's not being used on a consistent basis. If there's someone in it, totally different story, I'll move on.

    • Like 1
  2. 5 minutes ago, brownclown said:

    Well that is one reason hunter orange is required in gun season and not bow. Me personally i try to hunt private land only at those times or Hunt bow only areas. i make sure i wear the orange and despite the extra effort often find my self in a climbing stand to avoid being on the ground. Im not sure what could be done, it makes no sense to me ever taking a shot unless 100 percent confident but you cant fix stupid.

    Blaze Orange is not required as far as I know..and if anyone is concerned about getting shot, they're more then welcome to wear it during any season.

    • Like 3
  3. 2 minutes ago, brownclown said:

    No. My objections to full inclusion used to be that primarily based on my feeling that Xbows gave an unfair advantage. Although i still feel that way but to a much lesser extent, my main objection is safety. I don't want someone to be able to discharge a weapon by simply pulling a trigger. At least with a bow you have to draw (hopefully clearly identify vitals and know whats beyond your target as well) that process delays reflexes and requires a conscious thought process. Beyond my comprehension, obviously people still get accidentally shot with a bow but compared to accidental gun/hunting accidents the numbers just don't compare. When you start extending ranges, limiting vision and field of view reckless people simply need to pull a trigger. There are just to many out there that shoot at sounds, deer like objects or obscured and partially hidden "deer". Xbows are just too much like having a gun in bow season IMO.

    well, if discharging a weapon with the pull of a trigger is your concern, what do we do about the thousand of gun hunters who can do just that??

  4. 50 minutes ago, grampy said:

    But if were to "preserve the integrity of the sport" there would be "NO HUNTING" with a compound! It would  be traditional bows ONLY. So in the past, time was "set aside" for the inclusion of the compound.

    right, the genie is already out of the bottle.....I've hunted with all three, never felt screwed out of anything. I don't care if it all gets lumped together, I'll still hunt with the same passion. But, I do like the separation of the season's...I know full well full inclusion will have very little impact as far as having the woods overrun with hunters....and I have killed deer with a crossbow, and I'll do it again, but I didn't walk away feeling the same sense of accomplishment that I get shooting one with my compound, and you really can't argue with a person's personal feelings. 

  5. 4 minutes ago, WNYBuckHunter said:

    Wait, you would be happy to "give" the first week of a 7 week season to the recurve and long bow guys? Well, how generous of you! I mean, they only started archery season to begin with. A week to themselves sounds just fine!

    How about this? Oct 1 - Nov 4 its all archery tackle. Compounds, recurves, crossbows, longbows. Then from Nov 4 - gun opener, its primitive bows only. Logbows and recurves. Sound good?

    yes, they did start it, pretty sure that's what I said...letting them have the first week alone and then letting the other archers get into it a week later......not saying just give them one week, give them one week alone and obviously let them keep hunting the entire season. I've never had a problem with more difficult ways of killing deer getting an earlier start.

  6. 3 minutes ago, grampy said:

    For just a moment, forget about all the mechanical differences of a longbow, recurve, compound and crossbow. And please allow me to ask a simple question. To those who appose crossbow, as long as it is not fired with gunpowder, during bow season, how does what another hunter, CHOOSES to use, for THEIR hunting tool, effect YOUR hunt? I've been a BOWHUNTER since the early 80s. And to be honest, with myself and those reading this. What another hunter is using over the hill or in the next woodlot, does not effect MY hunting at all! So how could I possibly be selfish enough to say to another hunter, "you can't use that, because I don't use them, or I don't like them"?  The majority of hunters are gun only hunters. What if they all got together and said "we don't want ANY bow hunting" for the same selfish reasons? Just be happy we have a season at all! There are many out there who would be just fine, to not have ANY hunting at all. United we stand, divided we fall. Just hunt. It really is all good.

    To me it has nothing to do with caring what another hunter uses, it's about preserving the integrity of a sport.....maybe it's more selfish to want to worm into a season that had always been set aside for something else....I don't know, I'm certainly not a selfish person, in fact I'd be more then happy to give the first week of archery totally to the recurve and long bow because I know how difficult that is and that's where the roots of archery hunting began.

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  7. 2 minutes ago, silent death said:

    This is gonna sound messed up but if he wasn't set up just to be a fall guy why take your own life....wouldn't u go out in a blaze of gun fire as the swat team rushed the door.....I don't think he was the only shooter there if he was at all...I wanna see the security video of him coming into the hotel and who he was with that should be a simple task 

    a lot of these guys kill themselves....far from unheard of.

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  8. 2 minutes ago, tughillmcd said:

    Gonna Throw the BS Flag o that one. The Youth Season was implemented at the same time the Bow Opener was moved from October 15 to October 1. It was not arbitrarily slammed into bow season. 

    I will NEVER throw kids under the bus for my own benefit. If I had to choose, I would say move bow back to the day after Columbus Day before I would ever say KIDS DON'T COME FIRST. They are the future of hunting, which if you haven't noticed, is diminishing in this country. 


    and it had zero impact on anything....I've yet to witness the army of kids invading the woods.

    • Like 3
  9. 28 minutes ago, Gencountyzeek said:

    Ok asking for expierenced help. 9 am shot a doe, didnt think of the arc of the arrow, hit a branch and it dropped into her paunch. Found the arrow, watery blood, tracked about 10 yards found bloody mess sprayed on the base of a tree with bloody chewed acorns. Put the arrow there and walked out. Plan giving 6 hrs. Never gut shot a deer. Is 6hrs sufficient?

    8-10 hours...they don’t start to spoil until they’re dead and that may take 6+ hours with a gut shot...losing a deer is losing a deer, whether it be to coyotes or being pushed into the next County.

  10. 1 hour ago, StevieSacs said:

    I gave him about two hours and just went looking for him. Blood was super spotty so I walked in the general direction and just bumped him. Going to come back around 2 PM

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Time is what you need to give him...gut or liver can take 8+ hours to kill him. The absolute worst thing you can do is go after  him too soon...if it’s liver I bet you’ll find him dead in his next bed.

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  11. 13 minutes ago, Buckmaster7600 said:

    If you're buying a known knock off product you are a thief. An American company paid for the patten, paid engineers to design and paid $$ to market. You're stealing from a company. You guys can call it what you want but it is illegal to knowingly be in possession of a counterfeit product.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    pretty sure it's not, I believe what's illegal is to sell a product under another company's legally recognized logo....it's called trademark counterfeiting.

    • Like 1
  12. I think the top of the line broadheads have always been expensive....I've always thought so, but I buy them anyway because they're arguably the most important part of your gear when it comes to killing a deer. I won't even resharpen or reuse any head that's passed through a deer, the thought that it could possibly be a little off always has me concerned.

  13. 1 hour ago, Jeremy K said:

    You just can't have too many pockets ,I always wear cargo shorts. In fact I found a matchbox car in one of pockets today on the way to work.

    If you're still playing with matchbox cars, wearing cargo shorts is the least of your worries...

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  14. I'd be wary of having to add anything to any broadhead to stop it from wiggling, especially a mechanical that we depend on opening.....I have little doubt they perform the same based on the reviews on here, but personally I'll stick with the real deal, it's a pretty small investment considering the amount of money spent on other gear and gadgets.

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