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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. 1 minute ago, AaronBlaine said:

    Yea I guess it's  possible that the cubs were in the den.  I hung around for an hour or so but nothing stuck it's nose out.  I wasn't getting too close to it either figure 25 yards tops.  I have heard that the rangers will help you drag a bear out if you get one however cooling it down in these temps would be difficult.  I wouldn't mind a bear rug however it's really a lot to think about.  I could have easily flung an arrow at it hitting target however I really wanted a good shot and wasn't presented with one at the time.  It's crazy hunting deer and then all of the sudden being presented with an apex predator to take it's a totally different ball game.  What do you guys normally use as a backup after shooting a bear? I know it's illegal to have bear spray in ny and I haven't gotten my pistol permit yet.  Is taking this bear even something I should be attempting alone ? 

    bear spray would be your only option as it's illegal to carry a handgun while bowhunting in NY...and the reality is they're more scared of you then you should be of them. I bet there's more instances of hunters being hurt by wounded deer then there are of bear.

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  2. 3 minutes ago, moog5050 said:

    I know you said you don't dwell on it being any greater achievement but I do get greater satisfaction from the recurve.  If you stick with the trad bow, you may just find that you still get the job done and enjoy it even more.  Who knows.  In the end, that is why I prefer having choices for everyone.  

    it's all about satisfaction for me....when I pick up the crossbow later in the season, it's more of a "time to get it done" attitude as opposed to enjoying my time in stand and laughing at all the mistakes and close calls I had during my time with the vertical bow...very little satisfaction with a crossbow kill, of course there is some, but not like when it all comes together hunting with my compound.

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  3. If you hunt with a crossbow the same as you do with a bow, the differences shrink a little...not much, but a little. I think the problem arises when you have those that now think that since they're carrying this "gun like" weapon, that it can far out perform a vertical bow, settling into a stock and looking through a scope gives a false sense of what it is capable of and possibly an attitude of being able to stomp around the woods like they do with a firearm.

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  4. 29 minutes ago, Biz-R-OWorld said:

    Have shot a doe since 2000. Doubt I’ll evet shoot another unless albino or piebald. 

    3 more now at same distance eating.

    wheres the big buck??



    it's good practice, the only way to get good at shooting deer with a bow is to shoot some......especially if it's not your parents property, no harm done and they're good eating.

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  5. 17 hours ago, Jmp209 said:

    I personally won't ever use them again. I've had mostly bad experiences with rage. I got a pass through on a bear a few years ago with a regular rage 2 blade and it only made it about 125 yards before piling up but it took me hours to trail it that far because of the lack of blood. That's the best experience I had with them. I switched to the chisel tip and shot a buck at 15 yards. It sounded like a solid hit but the deer only went a few yards out of range and stood there looking back for a couple minutes before snorting and taking off. I searched all over for any sign of a hit and scoured the direction he went with no sign of hair, blood or anything. A year later I found my arrow about 200 yards from where I'd shot, in the direction the deer took off. It had to have gotten next to no penetration and just stuck in him for that distance before falling out. I shot a buck again last year with them and ended up being a little far back, in the liver. This shot was from the ground so no extreme angle and through a relatively easy part of the body to get penetration. Arrow barely poked through the other side. With the exact same setup, only shooting a muzzy instead of rage I've never had a deer stop an arrow. That's just my personal experience with them, I'm sure others have nothing but praise for them.

    Sent from my XT1060 using Tapatalk

    Bear are notorious for lack of blood trail, very common to have the holes plug with fat...as far as a great hit and having the deer stop and start snorting at you? I would question the hit or lack thereof for that one, not the broadhead....but I wasn’t there so only worth so much.

  6. at this point, it really doesn't matter what a Bump Stock does..it was used on a weapon that caused a lot of damage, and that's all people need to hear....and in all actuality, pretty much anyone could have accomplished the same thing with an unaltered semi auto, what's a few rounds per second difference going to do when you have 22,000 people crammed together in a place like that?

    • Like 1
  7. 2 minutes ago, Culvercreek hunt club said:

    and add to that the number of murders using firearms has been in steady decline since the assault weapon ban expiration. Which if you want to believe the lib's shouldn't be happening. 

    I know it's a stretch of a comparison and maybe even a little of a "that's not even close" type of thing, because the reason behind it happening and the pain it causes is so different, but it's like a plane crash to some extent.........planes aren't the problem, but when there is a crash, it's so catastrophic and kills so many at once it puts a fear of flying into a lot of people..but ultimately when all is said and done, planes aren't the problem, it's usually human error that caused it...people tend to blame an object and not the human problem behind it.

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  8. The whole problem is, the majority of the people who commit these mass killings aren't the typical mental health case......I think if you look at Vegas shooter, the Columbine shooters, the Orlando shooter, etc., they aren't your typical mental health case, you can't medicate someone to change their radical beliefs or racism or whatever triggers them..they're not, for the most part, going to be on any "watch list", because they haven't done anything prior...of course you can help people who suffer from manic depression, bipolar disorder and the likes, but then again these people more then likely aren't going to be mass killers anyway...what do we do, red flag people who buy more then 10 guns, certain types of guns, a lot of ammo?? I don't know.

  9. 3 minutes ago, Culvercreek hunt club said:

    I just wanted to clear up that the bump stocks were NOT illegal. Even per the ATF they still classified the weapon with a bump stock on it as semi automatic becasue it required one trigger pull to fir one round. The bump stock reduces the time between "triggger pulls"

    my point of mentioning that was specifically to show how doing something like that. although not illegal, creates something that "appears" to do the same thing that was banned.....it just looks sh%tty to the anti gun people, and sadly more and more to pro gun people.

  10. we all know that 90% of gun laws are just feel good laws that do nothing....but at a certain point, when the pro gun groups see the support start to swing the other direction, it might be time to reevaluate how they do business. I know it's BS and it does very little, and the old "give an inch and they'll take a mile", but when you start to lose support because of what's happening and how you deal with it..it's not going to have a very good outcome. I don't see the benefit to finding new ways to legally circumnavigate restrictions to make a gun do pretty much exactly what the banned weapon did.........2 weeks ago nobody knew what a bump stock was, not anymore.

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  11. 7 minutes ago, Culvercreek hunt club said:

    I don't have a problem supporting better mental health care BUT, there needs to be a plan outlined (the whole plan) and specific avenues to pay for it. I would then want someone to tell me how this new plan would have stopped this shooter. 

    It would have done nothing, if someone is a quiet nutjob who basically leads a normal life on the outside and operates within the law his entire life, while his issues brew quietly inside his head, nobody is ever gonna pick up on it...and as of now they don't drag people in for mental health evaluations because they legally buy numerous weapons or peacefully protest whatever issue is eating away at them.

  12. I think this latest incident is going to create a new set of issues, the Country Music industry has a lot of pro gun people in it....so now when they become the target, do they just shrug their shoulders and say "sh*t happens", or do they flip sides...whole different ball game when what you've always been a proponent of effects you in a negative way.

  13. Just now, Belo said:

    true. but it's a start. i don't disagree that these things can't keep happening and we can just keep shrugging our shoulders. Even with legal carry at that concert you wouldn't be able to defend yourself. I don't want to live in fear where even a church isn't safe anymore.

    right, something needs to be done, probably a few issues need to be addressed. I get a kick at the ones who say "this is why I always carry" and "this would have had a different outcome if one or two people were armed"...........would make zero difference in a situation like this.

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  14. 4 minutes ago, Belo said:

    I'll add this. this is something us republicans might need to consider or compromise on. We have long held the belief that guns don't kill people and that many of the non-crime/gang related shootings and mass murders (which always spark these debates) are done by the mentally ill. And that we need better mental health services in this country.

    well you can't preach and promote that and in turn be very anti-health services with your legislation. I'll admit to being anti-obama care. My premiums have gone up. life isn't roses, but there are bigger issues in the world and this whole thing feels like a grudge now and that's why it wont pass. 

    In short, if you want to blame mental health and rightfully so, you have to support legislation to address it. And that doesn't mean taking guns away, but just simply having more affordable and better access to care.

    The problem with some mental health issues is it's just like drug addiction, the person with the problem needs to want help......unfortunately we can't just lock some of these people away and keep them away from society.

  15. 12 minutes ago, chas0218 said:

    Good to hear. I'm not looking to be able to re-use , I can't do it with my fixed. But the biggest thing was just hitting bones and the head still doing the job. On average how long are your shots, and how heavy are your arrows?

    total weight is right around 375.....average shot is 20-25 yards.

  16. I've been using them for about three season's....while I have had great success with them and couldn't be happier, I feel they wouldn't hold up well if they were to hit a heavier bone. I've always had complete pass through with my broadside shots and have broken ribs on both entrance and exit...however the blades are usually damaged and not usable a second time.

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