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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. oh, and am willing to give anything a try, I don't need to kill a buck every year, so am willing to see how it goes..........I'm against them now but may change my mind in a few years.

  2. nyantler, maybe you missed my second post where I say I realize the benefits and that it shouldn't take a brain surgeon to see the same....I am against them for personal reasons.....my reasons are based on not everyone has the luxury of living close to hunting grounds and many of us have time restraints...that's it and nothing more.

  3. I'm against them, but am smart enough to realize there are benefits.......just referring to what this thread has taught us.........shouldn't take a brain surgeon to realize if you don't shoot small bucks they will be bigger the following year. I just don't like being told what to shoot based on another groups ideals.

  4. So, after watching this thread unfold, I have come to this conclusion.....some are for AR's and other's are against it and neither side has strong facts or evidence to prove they are correct..........is that about right?

  5. Same here, once I a get a glimpse of the rack, I turn my focus to the shot..........I think just as many legal bucks will walk as sub standard, because of lost shot opportunities as guy's have to try and count points while the opportunity to shoot walks away.

  6. I mean for god's sake, it's deer hunting, it's supposed to be fun, not a competition on who get's the biggest deer......the deer camp's of old are going by the wayside and we're seeing more and more solo hunter's consumed by the quest to harvest the biggest deer....growing big deer with food plot's and sitting over them for deer is not what I enjoy, to me this turned it into more of a business than something we do for pleasure.

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  7. Don't get me wrong, I don't go out to shoot small deer and don't do so every year, but when it's the last week of late muzzleloader, and I've passed up deer bow and rifle, I wan't to be able to get a deer regardless.....I've been at it for 30 plus years and have gotten my share of nice deer and am aware of the amount of meat off different size deer.

  8. Guns&ReligionCop.....I hear you, but if I was to take 4 does off the land I hunt, that would set the herd back substantially........like I said earlier, my area needs to establish quantity before they work on quality and as I also stated, I understand each area is vastly different.

  9. And for all you who support antler restrictions,I see the benefit, but how many of you have the luxury of owning your own land, see plenty of deer and don't have to travel 200 miles to hunt? all these factors must play a part in how you think, and in turn, play a part in how I, and many other's look at things......and then there's the meat hunter -vs trophy hunter mentality,

  10. And where I hunt, I think there is a need to build on the quantity of deer before we start working on the quality...I would rather pass the doe that may be carrying 2 or 3 fawns for next year. I understand that many of you probably don't have the quantity problem and your opinions are valid because you can pick and choose....unfortunately without knowing each person's situation, we only base our opinions on our own hunting areas.

  11. It accomplishes putting meat in the freezer, not everyone cares about shooting a buck with large antler's. If that's the only deer I take, that's fine with me.....it's only a problem for those who want bigger bucks. I don't see a difference between a spike or a small 6pt that meets the restriction criteria..I have to shake my head at the guy who criticizes someone for taking a spike and then thinks they accomplished something by shooting a small basket racked 6 or 8 that I can cover with my hat.

  12. if you don't agree with the antler restrictions, do what I did last year...the button buck that would have normally got a pass got a ride home in the back of my truck....my own personal F.U. to antler estrictions.

  13. growalot, my son has done the same, hunted with me way before he was old enough to shoot and sat in some pretty crappy weather with me, as far as I see it, he has paid some dues....this is why I welcome the youth hunt. Unfortunately, I'm sure many haven't and that's a shame. I remember a special youth hunt down on Long Island a few years ago that had almost 40 kid's signed up to hunt, when it finally rolled around, only one kid showed up, my daughter and me........I can see the same thing with this youth hunt. I took vacation for this hunt last year when this was proposed and look forward to it more than my own hunting time.

  14. WNYBuckHunter, that's exactly what I said earlier, the youth hunt wasn't stuffed into the bow season, they were proposed at the same time, DEC could have taken the opposition to the youth hunt in bow season and easily said we'll keep bow at the current opening day and have the youth hunt, that way no one can complain about it messing up bow season.

  15. How was it stuffed into bow season? weren't the Oct. 1st bow opener and the youth hunt established / proposed at the same time? DEC could have just said if there's no compromise to allow the youth season in the bow season, we'll just put bow back to the old opening day and have the youth hunt so it's not in bow season, problem solved.

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