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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. You don't need a pen . All you have to do is take the knife out of your pocket or sheath and cut out the Month and day of the kill on the tag . It's that simple .

    pretty sure it's not filled out properly till you sign it an fill out the county and town of kill...that requires a pen.

  2. and I love the old "give me a ticket, I'll fight it in court and win".....do they really think the Officer loses either way? they get paid to go to court, while the offender really loses either way....a day off of work and the possibilty of needing to hire a lawyer, where's the satisfaction of in all that inconvenience?

  3. If he was a contractor where was the nail gun. LOL. Those are teh same type of monsters u get on long island. A few of my friends hunt the hamptons and video their hunts. Kind of odd to me (even though the shoot very nice bucks) when you sitting in a treestand 20 yards from some guys driveway and 30 yards from the kids swingset. Definitely a different kind of hunting.

    I will take the big woods upstate and a 4 plus hour drive anyday. ITs more of the experience than the kill for me.

    I agree 100%

  4. I thought the law was you can't hunt over a corn pile....if there is a corn pile with in an area your hunting now matter who put it there ...tag your it....same with salt licks...your not allowed to hunt on land that has had salt licks on it....no matter who put it there....Am I wrong on this???

    I would say you have it right......If I'm hunting property and DEC find's a bait pile, do you think they can't ticket me? come on.....

  5. Non-sense. You MUST be caught in the act.

    I got hit by a drunk driver. he fled the scene. When the cops found him 2 days later, he wasn't drunk. Never arrested for drunk driving. only leaving the scene of an accicent, which is a slap on the wrist.

    Nonsense? you can't feed or bait deer in NYS....if you got a corn pile on your property you're in violation.

  6. ok, your deer ran 200 yards from the corn pile. does it matter where the gut pile is ????? and gut piles don't last very long.

    If there's a corn pile, don't matter where the gut pile is, they got you.....and probably not a cornfield within 20 miles of where I hunt, and I'm sure DEC know's these things.

  7. turning yourself in is a roll of the dice to see what the outcome will be.....I know someone who had a somewhat similar incident and got caught...they took the deer, fined him and he lost all DEC licensing privileges for 3 years...he was a fisherman by trade and had to hire a lawyer to get his fishing license back.

  8. How do you guy's who own your own property that borders State property, feel about guys on public land hunting close to your property line? I ask, because I hunt public land that borders private, this past weekend, I had a guy tell me I was too close to the property line....I was against the bordering stone wall that divides the property and was facing the public land so I had a full view of where I expected to see deer. I just looked at him and said "ok" and stayed where I was, and of course he had no grounds to tell me to move.........I have zero intention of shooting a deer on private property and the only deer I saw was on his property and obviously I just watched.

  9. I hunted bow season in my area and saw plenty of deer, bucks included, went back opening weekend and saw zero......if it wasn't for all the deer I saw during bow, I'd be pretty discouraged as well, but will be back up later when things quiet down and get back to normal.........I've recently become a big fan of the late muzzleloader season.

  10. auto-loaders cannot hold more than 6 rounds in magazine and chamber combined, unless altered so as to reduce its capacity to no more than 6 rounds.......an auto-loading firearm is defined as one which reloads itself after each shot and requires the trigger be pulled back for each shot.

  11. must be a real pleasure to share hunting land with a slob who keeps shooting bucks as long as he can illegally scrounge up another tag to put on it.......must feel good to screw someone else out of a chance to get one........it's ok to shoot 2 or 3 8 pointer's, but god forbid someone shoots a button buck.

  12. yeah, the Saturday opener definately hurt the businesses that catered to the hunter's....all the supermarkets used to be packed the weekend before, now it seems everyone shops at home and brings the stuff up.....the bars and restaurants must have lost out too.

  13. when i was a kid a family up the road hunted with 22 caliber rifles and killed more deer than most of the posters here combined .This was late 50s in catskills now i am not condoning this practice just stating what i saw and heard and bullet placement was what killed these deer no KNOCKDOWN POWER no matter what you shoot accuracy is what counts ! you can debate all night and day about energy and downrange ballistics but in the end it is accuracy of shot placement that kills deer ...

    that's quite a statement, my grandfather and his family hunted in Maine for years using buckshot and probably killed more deer than those people saw , but still wouldn't recommend it to anyone as the optimum deer weapon.

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